Quest for Glory - Deity Challenge #8

Nice result - a few questions:

* What was the timing for the war? (i.e., chariots? comp bows? crossbows?)
* When did you take the tradition policies? (Planned or just extra waiting for when Rationalism 6 and Order 6 were appropriate?)
* When were Patronage and Commerce opened?
Nice result - a few questions:

* What was the timing for the war? (i.e., chariots? comp bows? crossbows?)
* When did you take the tradition policies? (Planned or just extra waiting for when Rationalism 6 and Order 6 were appropriate?)
* When were Patronage and Commerce opened?

I start war with comp bows.

tradition opener is picked after having a culture ruin at the beginning of the game.
Aristocracy and patronage opener are good filler policies before rationalism, the order of filler policies and Libery right branch depends on the situation of the game.
The exact order in this game should be Traditional opener - Liberty to Collective Rule - Citizenship - Patronage opener - Meritocracy - Representation - Aristocracy.
Commerce opener is not a good filler policy but I don't have good policy to pick at that time (piety opener is useless in this game because we have enough faith).
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