Question about CIV IV BTS

Capt Ajax

Apr 10, 2002
Knoxville, TN
I'm all about playing CIV in the ancient times and don't think I'd like playing a whole game in the modern era.....however, I'd love to have all the new leadeers, and civs to play I buy this expansion am I limited to using only the expansion or is it like Warlords (comprehensive w / CivIV).
Is this expansion comprehensive to the series or is it a stand alone edition?


The Beyond the Sword expansion works just like previous Civ expansions -- you will have full access to new Civs, wonders, units, map-types and rules in the basic game. All scenarios are optional.
I'm all about playing CIV in the ancient times and don't think I'd like playing a whole game in the modern era.....however, I'd love to have all the new leadeers, and civs to play I buy this expansion am I limited to using only the expansion or is it like Warlords (comprehensive w / CivIV).
Is this expansion comprehensive to the series or is it a stand alone edition?



You can use all the new stuff and all the old stuff, of course, at once, like Warlords.

However, BTS greatly spruces up the late game, so you may find yourself playing it out ;)
Your probably right!

Since Civ2 first came out, I've gotten married and now have 2 youg the hours and hours of gametime has dwindled...and the only PC I'm still playing is CIV. So, I'm willing to pay $$ for a better and different experience and I'm in the mood for another campaign :goodjob:
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