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Questions about The BUG Mod

Ah, it's only BAT, I was afraid of that.

This makes the VD v8.0 downgrading to v7.5 paramount for now; well, until avain addresses the graphics issue(s) in his 8.0 build, anyway.

Thanks again.
Why does that make BAT necessary? You can install BUG and BULL and BlueMarble, and they'll all work together.
The random number generators in the game must be kept in-sync by having every PC pulls numbers from their own generators in the exact same order. Since only one player names their units as they are created (the other player may or may not name their own units), using the random generator is a no-no.

I have fixed the random name code in Unit Naming. You should no longer get OOS errors using the latest (SVN) code or with the next release (4.3).
Why does that make BAT necessary? You can install BUG and BULL and BlueMarble, and they'll all work together.

Partially to take advantage of the BAT goodies, but mainly to make playable again my latest BAT saved games (which, alas, failed to achieve with lemon merchant's method or anything else I tried).

It seems I'm sticking to BUG+BULL+BlueMarble and a fresh start for now, till the BAT (VD v8.0 rather) issue(s) are resolved.

On a side note, I would really appreciate if you -or anybody else of you 'veteran' members- could recommend some other noteworthy, graphics enhancing mod(s) that I could check out, since I'm really new in the forums.

Thanks in advance.
If you want to continue old saved games started with BAT, you can copy the entire BUG + BULL folder you just installed and rename the copy to "BAT Mod 2.1". This will trick BTS into thinking it's BAT. ;) As long as you didn't have any units set to any of the new Sentry missions, your save should load fine.
If you want to continue old saved games started with BAT, you can copy the entire BUG + BULL folder you just installed and rename the copy to "BAT Mod 2.1". This will trick BTS into thinking it's BAT. ;) As long as you didn't have any units set to any of the new Sentry missions, your save should load fine.

That would be great.

I installed them separately, BUG using the installer, BULL manually. Any specific directions you could give me?

Thanks for your time.
Did you use the single- or multi-player install option for BUG?

If single, install again using multi. This will create a folder called "BUG Mod 4.2" in your BTS/Mods folder. Rename that folder to "BAT Mod 2.1". Now install BULL following the instructions in the readme into that folder's Assets folder. Done.
Well, if I'd known it was that easy... :rolleyes:

Hee hee. I spent a half hour merging the files. It works fine, but I could have been doing something productive.

Like shopping. :lol:
with a big stack of units, how do I tell which units have more than one promotion available?
(obviously, before I start upgrading)
with a big stack of units, how do I tell which units have more than one promotion available?
(obviously, before I start upgrading)

It looks like you can exploit a bug in the PLE modcomp included in BUG (if you are using the PLE style on the Plot List options tab). If a unit has one upgrade available, it will say "x/x+1" for its level, e.g. "2/3". If it has none or more than one upgrade available, it will say only x, e.g. "2".

Otherwise, you need to memorize the XP for each level which is

XP = (Level - 1)2 + 1​

For non-Charismatic leaders that's 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, .... Charismatic leaders subtract 25% of the XP (rounding the subtracted amount down before subtracting), giving 2, 4, 8, 13, 20, 28, 39, ....
^actually I figured it out. It will say Exp 5/2 or 7/2.. that means there is extra to spend.
^actually I figured it out. It will say Exp 5/2 or 7/2.. that means there is extra to spend.

Yes, but by using the equation or memorizing the XP levels, you can tell if a unit has more than one promotion available.

Figured I'd do one last try to install BUG and make it work. Still experiencing the same problems as before:

- Install BUG in CustomAssets (using .exe installer) - check
- Missing the small :science: :food: :commerce: etc symbols in city screen, mouseover, scorepanel etc - check
- In the ctrl+alt+o | system tab it says I'm using Bug Mod 4.2 build 2026.

So far everything else is working, it's just that it's a bit untidy not having all the symbols display (and the scorepanel is less useful without all the symbols too).

The silly thing is that BUFFY will load and work without a problem (not loading CustomAssets). All symbols are there...

I'm running Vista. The only real difference between loading BUFFY and CustomAssets-BUG I guess is that BUG loads from my useraccount's folder, while BUFFY loads from the main programfolder.

I have also tried to use the non-romans fix here since I have an "Ø" in my name (although I guess that may or may not count as a roman character, I guess).

So I don't know... too bad BUG just won't work for me, I guess... I'm about to give up hope...
The only real difference between loading BUFFY and CustomAssets-BUG I guess is that BUG loads from my useraccount's folder, while BUFFY loads from the main programfolder.

I have also tried to use the non-romans fix here since I have an "Ø" in my name (although I guess that may or may not count as a roman character, I guess).

This is probably the key. You can have Civ4 put its BTS folder anywhere; it doesn't have to be in your user account folder.

  1. Create a folder somewhere without a non-Latin character, such as C:\Games\BTS
  2. Make a copy of your Beyond the Sword shortcut
  3. Open its properties
  4. Change the target by adding " /altroot=C:\Games\BTS" (make sure there's a space between ".exe" and "/altroot"
  5. Install BUG Mod to that folder, or just copy the CustomAssets and BUG Mod folders there.
  6. Copy "BUG Mod\Info\CvAltRoot.py" to the new "CustomAssets\Python" folder you just installed. Open it in Notepad and follow the instructions inside.
Tried two more things, that may have done the trick:

Noticed in the systems tab of the optionsscreen it had an alt path to find resources. Since BUFFY was working, and the symbols were "missing" for me in BUG, I renamed the font file that BUG uses to see if it would then fetch the BUFFY one.

Apprently it did, because I now have the symbols displaying. Ofcourse at this point the systems tab in options only displays Civilization IV.ini Directory: (and then nothing) which is definately not what it displayed before I changed it around.

Also I copied in the cvAltRoot.py at some point since I'm running a non-English Windows, but I am pretty sure I tried with only that modification with no change.

So I don't know.. does this make sense?
I forgot that yes you need to use CvAltRoot.py if you did what I said above, but you didn't do that. I think that BTS just doesn't like the non-Latin letters in your account name.

Renaming BUG's font file will make it use the one from BTS. While that should make the Civ4 icons appear, you won't see the new ones in BUG. For example, do you see the attitude faces in the scoreboard or the F4:GLANCE tab?

I still think following the above instructions to make a new My Games / BTS folder is the best way to go.
Your fix solved the problem, and you're right .. my fix was missing the non-standard symbols.

How and why non A-Z letters cause a problem, I don't know... I don't really understand why it'd be a problem either, but it seems to work now, so I'm not complaining :)

I was wondering how to see the information that is kept in the Sevopedia outside of the game- I would like to turn it into a printable document...thanks in advance!
I was wondering how to see the information that is kept in the Sevopedia outside of the game- I would like to turn it into a printable document...thanks in advance!

Everything presented in the Sevopedia is taken from the XML files in Assets/XML. You'd have to do a lot of work to get it into a printable form, though. Or are you talking about something in particular in Sevopedia, such as the strategy articles or shortcuts?
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