Questions about The BUG Mod

I am a bit confused. I used to have an advanced unit ui where I could select in a stack only units that were injured or only units that had an upgrade available etc. But this useful feature seems to have disappeared :(. I'm not sure if its a bug or I turned a setting off by accident... I'm running bug/bull/bat atm.
The feature you're looking for is PLE ("Plot List Enhancement"). You may have to play a bit with the setting in the respective BUG Options screen because soe of the combinations don't work (or don't provide all the features). Unfortunately I can't answer more specifically since I'm not at my gaming PC right now, but perhaps the info above helps already.
The vanilla game lets you select hurt units (Ctrl-H). The option you are looking for is as psyringe says - PLE display method.
I found the PLE menu and that seems to be working fine (upgradable units have halo around them etc). The part I am missing is the set of buttons at the bottom of the screen below the units... for example one of the buttons is a small anchor symbol that only displays naval units etc.
If you are missing those buttons, PLE is not working. You have to set the "Draw Method" to "PLE" iirc, which is not the default setting.
and suffer the slow down in screen updating when your stacks get large.
Hey Modders :king:

I'm from germany and don't speak English so good, I hope you understand it :D.

I installed the BASE-Mod (a great German mod @ This mod uses BUG 4.4.X.

My problem is the following:
I play Civ4 BTS (and BASE) on a WinXP-PC where I am not the administrator. BUG Mod wants to save the .ini-files on a place where I have not the rights to save them there. Civ only says "Failed writing .ini-file" to me :rolleyes:.

So can you say me which file of BUG sets the save path for the ini-files?

Thank you :).

BUG will look for a folder named "BUG Mod" wherever your CivilizationIV.ini file is located. Typically this is in your My Documents \ My Games \ Beyond the Sword folder. You can alternatively put it directly in your My Games folder. Inside the "BUG Mod" folder, copy the UserSettings folder (or create a new one).

My Documents\
    My Games\
        Beyond the Sword\
            BUG Mod\

You can copy the "BUG Mod" folder that gets created by the install to that folder instead of making a new one. This will ensure everything is set up correctly.

Let me know if that works for you. If not, there are other more complicated options.
Hi :king:

No, it doesn't work. :(

BASE (the Mod where BUG is installed) is saved there:
C:\Programme\Firaxis Games\Beyond the Sword\Mods\BASE 3.0

In this folder is a folder called "UserSettings". BUG wants to save the ini's there. But this is impossible without administrator rights.

--> There must be a file which says BUG that it has to save the ini-files there.
Do you know which file it is? Then I could edit this file so that the ini-files are saved in
MyDocuments\MyGames\Beyond the Sword\BUG Mod

2nd :run:
BUG will look for the user settings in multiple locations in this order:

  1. My Games \ BUG Mod \ UserSettings
  2. My Games \ Beyond the Sword \ BUG Mod \ UserSettings
  3. <civ5 application> \ Mods \ BUG Mod x.xx \ UserSettings
Did you try creating the folders as I wrote? If so, try removing the UserSettings folder where BUG is installed, but this shouldn't matter. BUG is designed to allow you to put them in the other locations and look there first.

Make sure you're making these folders in your My Documents folder--not that of the administrator. If worse comes to worse, you can launch Civ5/BUG as admin.
First of all, thanks for such a great mod. :)

I'm having problems in running BUG & BULL in the Customs Assets. Perhaps with images I'll explain better what exactly is going wrong.

This is my unmodded Civ. As you can see, it has some different graphics and even a python change by default, but no problems there.

This is my BUG mod also running BULL. Also working perfectly, truly awesome. :)

But this is what happens when I try to play it without mods, in my Customs Assets folder. I follow the readme instructions step by step in both the BUGMod_4.4 and in the BULL_1.2 but even though all I can get is this glitchy mess.

Then, if I set everything back the way it was, they're both (my Custom Assets and the BUG & BULL mod) perfect again, as if nothing wrong ever happened.

Can anyone help me? :)
Please see the Troubleshooting page and follow the instructions. It looks like something with Python is interfering, and hopefully PythonErr.log will tell us what it is.
The install instructions for BULL in CustomAssets tell the user to place the DLL itself where the original DLL is, and it works like that so you don't have to load the mod separately. If they don't do it, the game will crash to desktop. Since the screenshot shows the dreaded "no interface" map view, it means the DLL is in the right spot but there's a Python problem.
I deleted my Custom Assets and installed as instructed, that way we know it's not one of my Custom Assets changes that's messing it up.

Printscreen of a Play Now game just to get the log.

I got no PythonDbg.log or PythonErr.log files on my Logs and the game after launching turned off the logging back to 0 in the .bak file.
I double checked before starting, it was the game reverting it and not me not turning the logging on correctly.
I deleted my Log files before starting this game so we can be sure the following PythonErr2.log was made in the PrintScreen game.

I'm having problems uploading the PythonErr2.log so I'll copy paste its contents here, if that's ok.

Spoiler PythonErr2.log :
sys.path = ['..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\email', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\encodings', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\build', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\colourchooser', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\editor', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\floatcanvas', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\masked', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\mixins', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\ogl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py\\tests', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed\\src-images', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM']

sys.modules = {'zipimport': <module 'zipimport' (built-in)>, 'signal': <module 'signal' (built-in)>, '__builtin__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, '__main__': <module '__main__' (built-in)>, 'exceptions': <module 'exceptions' (built-in)>, 'CvPythonExtensions': <module 'CvPythonExtensions' (built-in)>}

sys.builtin_module_names = ('CvPythonExtensions', '__builtin__', '__main__', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', '_csv', '_heapq', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_multibytecodec', '_random', '_sre', '_subprocess', '_symtable', '_weakref', '_winreg', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'parser', 'regex', 'rgbimg', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')
load_module CvEventInterface
load_module BugEventManager
load_module CvEventManager
load_module CvUtil
load_module traceback
load_module CvScreensInterface
load_module CvMainInterface
load_module ScreenInput
load_module CvScreenEnums
load_module time
load_module BugDll
load_module BugOptions
load_module BugConfig
load_module BugCore
load_module BugUtil
load_module ColorUtil
load_module BugInit
load_module BugPath
load_module BugConfigTracker
load_module BugTypes
load_module xmllib
..\WARLORDS\ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\ DeprecationWarning: The xmllib module is obsolete.  Use xml.sax instead.
11:31:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering xml handler BugConfig.RootHandler
11:31:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering bug handler BugConfig.BugHandler
11:31:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering load handler BugConfig.LoadHandler
11:31:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering config handler BugConfig.ConfigHandler
11:31:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering arg handler BugConfig.ArgHandler
load_module configobj
load_module __future__
load_module codecs
load_module validate
validate import failed
load_module BugOptionsScreen
load_module BugErrorOptionsTab
load_module BugOptionsTab
load_module BugHelp
load_module Popup
11:31:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Core
11:31:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod MainInterface
load_module CityUtil
11:31:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod NJAGC
11:31:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Scores
11:31:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod CityScreen
load_module ReligionUtil
load_module FontUtil
load_module MonkeyTools
load_module PyHelpers
load_module AStarTools
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod PLE
load_module UnitUtil
load_module PlayerUtil
load_module TradeUtil
load_module DiplomacyUtil
load_module AttitudeUtil
load_module GameUtil
load_module Scoreboard
load_module DealUtil
load_module BugUnitPlot
load_module ReminderEventManager
load_module SdToolKit
load_module BugData
load_module cPickle
load_module autolog
load_module CvModName
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Autolog
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Reminder
load_module CvAppInterface
load_module GGUtil
load_module GPUtil
load_module ProgressBarUtil
load_module PLE
load_module RawYields
load_module CvTechChooser
load_module TechPrefs
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Advisors
load_module CvForeignAdvisor
load_module math
load_module CvExoticForeignAdvisor
load_module IconGrid_BUG
load_module DomPyHelpers
load_module TechTree
load_module FavoriteCivicDetector
load_module CvReligionScreen
load_module CvCorporationScreen
load_module CvCivicsScreen
load_module CvVictoryScreen
load_module TechUtil
load_module GameSetUpCheck
load_module AutoSave
load_module MapFinder
load_module MapFinderStatusScreen
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod MapFinder
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod AutoSave
load_module Buffy
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod BUFFY
load_module CvEspionageAdvisor
load_module SpyUtil
load_module BugScreen
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod BetterEspionage
load_module CvOptionsScreen
load_module CvReplayScreen
load_module CvHallOfFameScreen
load_module CvDanQuayle
load_module CvGameUtils
load_module CvUnVictoryScreen
load_module CvDawnOfMan
load_module CvTechSplashScreen
load_module CvTopCivs
load_module random
load_module CvInfoScreen
load_module CvIntroMovieScreen
load_module CvVictoryMovieScreen
load_module CvWonderMovieScreen
load_module CvEraMovieScreen
load_module CvSpaceShipScreen
load_module SevoScreenEnums
load_module CvWorldBuilderScreen
load_module CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScreen
load_module CvDebugTools
load_module CvDebugInfoScreen
load_module CvMapGeneratorUtil
load_module CvGFCScreen
load_module CvPopupInterface
load_module CvScreenUtilsInterface
load_module CvOverlayScreenUtils
load_module CvDotMapOverlayScreen
load_module CvStrategyOverlay
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod StrategyOverlay
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod CustDomAdv
11:31:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod TechWindow
init-ing world builder screen
load_module CvWBPopups
load_module CvCameraControls
load_module CvAdvisorUtils
load_module InputUtil
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugUtil - extending BugEventManager.preGameStart instead CvAppInterface
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PreGameStart'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'BeginActivePlayerTurn'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'SwitchHotSeatPlayer'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'LanguageChanged'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'ResolutionChanged'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PythonReloaded'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'unitUpgraded'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'unitCaptured'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatWithdrawal'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatRetreat'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatLogCollateral'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatLogFlanking'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'playerRevolution'
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugInit - game not fully initialized

Once again, thanks for your help. :)
11:31:20 DEBUG: BugInit - game not fully initialized

That's really the end of the log? :( That means that Civ4 is not processing events fully. We should see that line, but the game should continue after that. What versions of Civ4 and BTS are you using? Are they from CD or Steam or Direct2Drive? Are you on a foreign language installation of Windows? What version of Windows?

If you rename CustomAssets and install BUG to CustomAssets by itself without BULL, does it work? And vice versa?

This is very perplexing.
Civ4 v1.74
BtS v3.19
Both bought on a CD
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit in Portuguese
José Manuel>Os Meus Documentos>My Games>Beyond the Sword>...

I did what you said about renaming my CustomAssets and the installing BUG directly and here's a printscreen. It's not as buggy as it is with BULL but it's still missing the icons.

Spoiler PythonErr2 :
sys.path = ['..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\email', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\encodings', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\build', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\colourchooser', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\editor', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\floatcanvas', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\masked', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\mixins', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\ogl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py\\tests', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed\\src-images', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM']

sys.modules = {'zipimport': <module 'zipimport' (built-in)>, 'signal': <module 'signal' (built-in)>, '__builtin__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, '__main__': <module '__main__' (built-in)>, 'exceptions': <module 'exceptions' (built-in)>, 'CvPythonExtensions': <module 'CvPythonExtensions' (built-in)>}

sys.builtin_module_names = ('CvPythonExtensions', '__builtin__', '__main__', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', '_csv', '_heapq', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_multibytecodec', '_random', '_sre', '_subprocess', '_symtable', '_weakref', '_winreg', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'parser', 'regex', 'rgbimg', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')
load_module CvEventInterface
load_module BugEventManager
load_module CvEventManager
load_module CvUtil
load_module traceback
load_module CvScreensInterface
load_module CvMainInterface
load_module ScreenInput
load_module CvScreenEnums
load_module time
load_module BugDll
load_module BugOptions
load_module BugConfig
load_module BugCore
load_module BugUtil
load_module ColorUtil
load_module BugInit
load_module BugPath
load_module BugConfigTracker
load_module BugTypes
load_module xmllib
..\WARLORDS\ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\ DeprecationWarning: The xmllib module is obsolete.  Use xml.sax instead.
21:01:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering xml handler BugConfig.RootHandler
21:01:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering bug handler BugConfig.BugHandler
21:01:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering load handler BugConfig.LoadHandler
21:01:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering config handler BugConfig.ConfigHandler
21:01:19 DEBUG: BugConfig - registering arg handler BugConfig.ArgHandler
load_module configobj
load_module __future__
load_module codecs
load_module validate
validate import failed
load_module BugOptionsScreen
load_module BugErrorOptionsTab
load_module BugOptionsTab
load_module BugHelp
load_module Popup
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Core
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod MainInterface
load_module CityUtil
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod NJAGC
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Scores
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod CityScreen
load_module ReligionUtil
load_module FontUtil
load_module MonkeyTools
load_module PyHelpers
load_module AStarTools
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod PLE
load_module UnitUtil
load_module PlayerUtil
load_module TradeUtil
load_module DiplomacyUtil
load_module AttitudeUtil
load_module GameUtil
load_module Scoreboard
load_module DealUtil
load_module BugUnitPlot
load_module ReminderEventManager
load_module SdToolKit
load_module BugData
load_module cPickle
load_module autolog
load_module CvModName
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Autolog
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Reminder
load_module CvAppInterface
load_module GGUtil
load_module GPUtil
load_module ProgressBarUtil
load_module PLE
load_module RawYields
load_module CvTechChooser
load_module TechPrefs
21:01:19 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Advisors
load_module CvForeignAdvisor
load_module math
load_module CvExoticForeignAdvisor
load_module IconGrid_BUG
load_module DomPyHelpers
load_module TechTree
load_module FavoriteCivicDetector
load_module CvReligionScreen
load_module CvCorporationScreen
load_module CvCivicsScreen
load_module CvVictoryScreen
load_module TechUtil
load_module GameSetUpCheck
load_module AutoSave
load_module MapFinder
load_module MapFinderStatusScreen
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod MapFinder
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod AutoSave
load_module Buffy
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod BUFFY
load_module CvEspionageAdvisor
load_module SpyUtil
load_module BugScreen
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod BetterEspionage
load_module CvOptionsScreen
load_module CvReplayScreen
load_module CvHallOfFameScreen
load_module CvDanQuayle
load_module CvGameUtils
load_module CvUnVictoryScreen
load_module CvDawnOfMan
load_module CvTechSplashScreen
load_module CvTopCivs
load_module random
load_module CvInfoScreen
load_module CvIntroMovieScreen
load_module CvVictoryMovieScreen
load_module CvWonderMovieScreen
load_module CvEraMovieScreen
load_module CvSpaceShipScreen
load_module SevoScreenEnums
load_module CvWorldBuilderScreen
load_module CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScreen
load_module CvDebugTools
load_module CvDebugInfoScreen
load_module CvMapGeneratorUtil
load_module CvGFCScreen
load_module CvPopupInterface
load_module CvScreenUtilsInterface
load_module CvOverlayScreenUtils
load_module CvDotMapOverlayScreen
load_module CvStrategyOverlay
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod StrategyOverlay
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod CustDomAdv
21:01:20 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod TechWindow
init-ing world builder screen
load_module CvWBPopups
load_module CvCameraControls
load_module CvAdvisorUtils
load_module InputUtil
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugUtil - extending BugEventManager.preGameStart instead CvAppInterface
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PreGameStart'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'BeginActivePlayerTurn'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'SwitchHotSeatPlayer'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'LanguageChanged'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'ResolutionChanged'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PythonReloaded'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'unitUpgraded'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'unitCaptured'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatWithdrawal'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatRetreat'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatLogCollateral'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatLogFlanking'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'playerRevolution'
21:01:20 DEBUG: BugInit - game not fully initialized

If you want to, I can delete everything and install it all from scratch.
Ah, Portuguese! BTS mods have a problem with getting the font symbols (icons) out of your My Games folder if your user name has non-ASCII characters (accents, etc). You'll need to relocate your My Games / BTS folder elsewhere, e.g. C:\Games\BTS. Just as long as it has only normal English letters.

This requires three steps:

  1. Move the Beyond the Sword folder from My Games to somewhere else.
  2. Modify your BTS shortcut that you use to launch the game by adding "/altroot=<path-from-1>". Using my location above you would add "/altroot=C:\Games\BTS". Make sure you put a space between the executable (Civ4BeyondSword.exe) and the "/altroot=..." part. You do this in the properties of the shortcut by right-clicking it.
  3. Follow the instructions inside the file "BUG Mod\Info\".
I fully un-installed Civilization IV, re-installed it and patched everything to the max, and am now trying to only play it with BUG following your steps, but it simply won't work.

The game launches and all that but the BUG just doesn't run in the Custom Assets, and the game continues to create a Custom Assets in My Games with the rest.

Am I doing this right?

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