• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Questions & Answers

Hey, everyone. I have a quick question: I recently saw a map that shows the UHV locations, but I cannot find it again. Can anyone find me a link for it??? I am lost looking for it!
hey, thanks a ton, wr4th. I needed to know where exactly I must control to get Germany's UHV!
is it possible to contact with minor? I want to travel on minor civ's land w/o declaring war.
I'm playing Greece and I'm trying to win by completeing the quests or tasks (cant remember the label). For example, one task is to be the first to circumnavigate the globe. Another is to research drama, lit. and philosophy. The other one I can't read all of. It says, "build Oracle, The Parthenon, something else and The..." but I don't know what that final one is.

What is it?

Checking the Civilopedia was the first thing I did. I'm pretty sure I see it in the Unique Historical Victories.

But I have another question:

I keep losing the historical victory part where you have to build the Oracle etc. but no other civilization has built the other wonders and it's at like 120 AD by that point. I don't get why it doesn't say that I've not accomplished that goal at 50AD if thats the requirement. And if it's not then why am I failing the goal?

Is it possible that another Civ I haven't contacted yet has circumnavigated the globe or built the wonders? Wouldn't that be told to me on the constant updates about other Civs or am I only updated about the progress of Civs I've encountered?

Best scenario ever! I'm playing BTS btw.

Could you tell me what exactly Mongolian UP is? What "nearby cities" mean? I raised Bejing and approached Shenyang next turn, but it haven't surrended. Is three tyles away too far? Or I had to approach city in questing same turn as raising?
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