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Quick Answers (formerly Newbie Questions)

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That is correct. Remember to not do a straight line, but any square that is touching that harbor. Even one tile is enough to let the trade through.

There is a down side that I forgot to mention, and I'm glad I looked back into this thread. You have to cut off all contact with any other civ, as the trade route will look for any way to get from the captiol (or resource/trade) to the city. Harbors, roads, airports. So if the city is connected by road to another city regardless of civ nationality that is connected to a harbor or airport, then the trade will still go through so long as the civs are at peace. So if you're trying to blockade France, and France is neighbors with England, and they are not at war, the French can and will use the English Harbors to get the trades through. So if they are connected by roads not in a territory, chop them, or blockade the English Ports too.

Better, if you're at war with them, then chop the roards next to that city as well as blockading them. This will serve the same purpose. And if you chop off the roads around the captiol, say with a nuke or some such, then the resources that AI is trading will go bye-bye. Unless the captial is a port city, and has an active harbor.

Get's complicated pretty quickly, doesn't it? ;)
A note about disbanding units:

Someone on page 1 said you get 1/5 of the shiled value back. IIRC it is 1/4 of the vaue, but it is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Warriors still give 2 shields, tanks give 25. :)

Sir Eric,

Please don't set your internet zone to low security!!!

First, that is not the problem. Second, you are more or less doing the same as opening your front door and painting arrows on all the roads leading to it. Then you go on holiday for two weeks.

When you delete a cookie CFC will have to ask you the next time you try to log on since you have just deleted the password. ;)

I can help you set your XP cookie settings to always allow CFC, it may be that it i sblocked, or it could be in the wrong security zone (high=no cookies). If you still need help PM me with a msm contact and I will come online and do it realtime. (I have been fixing PC's for several years).
Originally posted by Turner_727
Hmm. . .'Quick Answers' instead of 'Newbie Questions'. . . New name, same great taste, huh? :crazyeye:
That's the idea! :)

People were complaining about the name: "I'm not a newbie, why would I post my simple question there?" So we decided to remove the "stigma" of "newbie-ness", and just say what the thread is about: you ask a question, and you get an answer quickly.

Nothing has changed, except the title. :D
Yeah, I still hang around too, although without an announcement in the last thread I missed this for a day or so. :D

An important point: There is no "stigma" of "newbie-ness", just the perception of it. ;)

Why on earth would we be doing this if we actually gave a toss about who knows what eh?
Originally posted by anarres
Yeah, I still hang around too, although without an announcement in the last thread I missed this for a day or so. :D

An important point: There is no "stigma" of "newbie-ness", just the perception of it. ;)

Why on earth would we be doing this if we actually gave a toss about who knows what eh?
You are quite right, anarres! That's why I put the word stigma in quotes. It is just a perception that some people have about "newbieness".

Those of us who try to answer the questions posed here don't care if the poster asking the question is the rawest newbie, both in terms of the game and the forum, or is a deity-level player with multi-thousand posts. If someone needs a quick answer to a question, someone else here will provide it. Simple.

BTW, while I didn't make an "announcement", the last post in the old thread is by Chieftess, pointing to this one. It was done just a couple hours after I opened this thread, and we closed the old one. ;)
Does anyone know how the renaming units work in PTW. I am running with the 1.21 patch and no longer have the option to rename my units. I assume there is some way to turn this option on as I have used it in the past and it must have been disabled somehow. I cannot get the option even when I right click a unit. Any help would be appreciated.
I think it's Ctrl-N, and a box will pop up. But if you rename a Knight to say, 'Knight', it will be named that forever. Unlike a normal Knight that will become Calvary.

There was just a post about this not to long ago. . . Yesterday, as a matter of fact. I'll have to dig the link up.

[edit]Check out This post. From what I understand, you may not have the button, but you can still use the action with the keystrokes. But I don't rename units, so I'm not entirely positive on it. Incidently, that link is to post 32 in this thread. I knew it looked familiar. ;) No worries, mate![/edit]
What is the difference of style? I mean :modern, ancient, turnip green...is that also only recognize sign or...?
What will be a reason to change it? :confused:
CFC Styles just change the appearance of CFC, although some styles do move the buttons around a bit.
Originally posted by drewshark
Does anyone know how the renaming units work in PTW. I am running with the 1.21 patch and no longer have the option to rename my units. I assume there is some way to turn this option on as I have used it in the past and it must have been disabled somehow. I cannot get the option even when I right click a unit. Any help would be appreciated.

As was said, CTRL-N will always work. Other than that, you were right that it is now a preference. Something along the lines of 'expanded right-click menus', 'show extra buttons', or something similar.

Renata (just be careful not to hit shift-N by mistake; I don't even know what that is for, but it has been known to send my units off semi-randomly into the hinterlands ...)
It's 'Show Advanced Worker Actions' or summink.
Originally posted by anarres
CFC Styles just change the appearance of CFC, although some styles do move the buttons around a bit.

Thanks! Got it.:)
Originally posted by Renata

just be careful not to hit shift-N by mistake; I don't even know what that is for, but it has been known to send my units off semi-randomly into the hinterlands ...

I guess it's "auto-build-up trade network", i.e. auto-build a road connection to every city on continent, so "shift-N" is pretty close to "big nonsense". :lol:
I believe shift N auto connects resources, kinda like when you discover oil so the guys hook it all up without you missing any, its also connects towns. You can then follow them to where they are going for the location.
You guys and gals have the keystrokes backwards. CTRL-N is the auto-trade network and Shift-N is for unit renaming, at least on *my* copy of PTW 1.21f ;)
Quick question. I never tried this but I hope someone out there can confirm. You've got one city and one settler. (other units not relevant) The AI civ then destroys your only city. Are you then wiped out? I was wondering this because in the beginning of the game you don't have to build city. You can move your settler in the beginning if you want. So I thought maybe as long as you got a settler somewhere you're still alive even if you got no cities. Is this true?
Originally posted by marceagleye
You've got one city and one settler. (other units not relevant) The AI civ then destroys your only city. Are you then wiped out?

No. Same thing for the AI players. Even if you destroy all of their cities, they aren't defeated until you find all of their settlers and capture them. A real pain if the last one is on a boat somewhere.
What people will do just to be politicially correct...
I don't know if somebody already asked this ( this forum is sooo huge )
Is there some way to prevent culture flip ? In my last game my
beautifull egyptian 22pop city , where every citizen is happy and culture rank = 4 , suddenly decided greek culture is more attractive and flipped :(
All I could do was reload and move all troops out of city .
Is there something I can do about it ?:cry:
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