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Quick Answers / 'Newbie' Questions

Thanks for advices.Yes,I want just to see where is that boat,I'm in peace with that civ but don't want to see a boat in F4:).The funny thing is this:few turns ago making the final tour of cities to verify the production,big surprise,is mobilisation for war,can't make temples,markets,etc,I pressed wrong a taste,in the middle of the turn I think,and to repeat a turn is painfull,with 180 cities and nnn units...
Will be a big problem with cultural borders,but if that civ in war with me will be vanquished,sure 66% of the land.
Yes, sorry to be late to the conversation. Civ 4 added a feature where one could zoom out ... and out ... to see the whole globe.

The best one can hope for in Civ 3 is the "Z" key, which lets you toggle between the normal view and one level of zoom-out view. It still shows the fog of war, and probably wouldn't let you find the boat unless you happened to have cities or ships with line-of-sight to the houseboat.
What catalin wants is a removal of fog of war. If he steals the plans he can get to see that boat… just wait until they build a city and you'll locate them, catalin.

Was that British OR American Pasties? :lol:
'Mer¡kuh can into pasties as well?
Where to make a city,all land is full,my last city was maked 'hard' between 2 AI cities removing marsh and the previous galleon destroyed with a privateer was stationary near my coast more turns...? That 'nice ' boat signed trade embargo against me:)).This is not OK in Civ III,a boat keeping alive a Civ,in Civ IV is a setting :'require complete kills' but who set this? 'No cities,bye bye ! :)'.
The idea of Vorlon Mi is good,but every turn I verify the sea.
Is like the story with that native american found hidden in a house in early 1900,the last member of the Hopi tribe if my memory is good..
Is in a corner of the map or in the coasts of Civ in war with me I think,maybe my ships exploring will see that boat..
'Mer¡kuh can into pasties as well?
Umm, no, not exactly. That word is not pronounced over there, the way a Brit would pronounce it, and it means something entirely different (but this is well off-topic, and also supposed to be a family-friendly forum, so I think I'll stop there...)
Catalin72 said:
This is not OK in Civ III,a boat keeping alive a Civ,in Civ IV is a setting :'require complete kills' but who set this? 'No cities,bye bye !
That is the way it usually works in Civ3, at least for all other unit-types: when you take the AI-Civ's last city, all military units still in the field immediately disappear. The Settler-on-a-boat is (yet) a(nother) bug, which happens because the Settler-unit -- or rather, presumably the unit-ability 'build city' which actually makes it a 'Settler' -- has been hard-coded to allow any such unit to exist independently of cities.
That's a hard-coding useful for scenarios in which you can have a slew of units start out in the middle of nowhere, with terrain in which you cannot settle, forcing you to migrate.

Actually, you lose if you have no cities and no settlers, unless it's the very first turn of the game, in which case you have to conquer a city before the first turn ends. Which happens for the Beta Israel in Plotinus' Horn of Africa scenario (a definite must).
ı thought that you should not loose any units . ı tend to think ı tried that for the curiosity thing and walked all the way into the Sahara to find an easier opponent than the Ethiopians , who would kill a guy and ı would be out for good . Kanem-Bornu areas or something to that end .
Ah, yes, Beta Israel lose as soon as their first unit dies.
I have other question:
I started a new map and in my second city founded near capital with 2 great wonders can't start a new wonder.Is a limit for wonders/city,max.2 ?
No. There must be another cause for the phenomenon. You may have run out of buildable wonders because you lack technology for more wonders and those wonders that can be built are already being built in another city of yourr empire or have special conditions like ivory or coast or river etc..

In principle you can build all great wonders in one city, in practise however that might be rather difficult as your opponents will try to build great wonders themselves. Another problem is that you cannot start building a great wonder after it has become obsolete.
Thanks for response. Were 3 wonders to make,Bach,Copernicus and after one turn Magellan.That city is coastal,and changing production in cities making wonders,can't set production for Bach or Copernicus,was strange..But next turn can build Magellan...Loading that turn now,can make a wonder,was a mouse error maybe or a 'conflict' with CivAssist runing.
Thanks for response. Were 3 wonders to make,Bach,Copernicus and after one turn Magellan.That city is coastal,and changing production in cities making wonders,can't set production for Bach or Copernicus,was strange..But next turn can build Magellan...Loading that turn now,can make a wonder
Did you complete a unit- or improvement-build in that coastal town during the interturn? I ask because (in addition to what Justanick said), remember also that you can ONLY switch production from a non-Wonder (pre)build to a Wonder-build if you've acquired all of those shields by citizen labour (i.e. per-turn collection). Shields obtained by any other means (e.g. from forest-chops, whip- or cash-rushing, unit-disbands, etc.) cannot be added to a Wonder-build in progress, and any shields obtained by these methods while prebuilding are 'tainted', and will prevent you from converting a town's current project into a Wonder-build.
Spoiler :
The above holds true for the first 2 Ages, but after you've got RepParts (in C3C), it gets more blurry: I vaguely remember someone (Lanzelot?) telling me that although Civil Engineer Specialists can't help build Wonders directly, they can contribute to Wonder-prebuilds. You just need to remember to fire the CEs at least 1T before converting the prebuild, so that the CE-shields are 'hidden' by hand-collected shields. For an Industrial/ Modern Wonder though, this exploit may only be of minimal utility, since
  1. Most Wonders cost 800-1000s by this point, but your prebuild won't ever be worth more than the cost of the most expensive improvement you can currently build (likely 160-240s in the Industrial Age, up to 320s in the Modern Age), which will barely negate an Emp/DG AICiv's production advantage
  2. Unless you have your core-towns spaced out relatively loosely (e.g. CxxxC to CxxxxC) and/or with Hospitals, a Pop12 Wonder-(pre)building city would probably only be able to support 1-2 CEs at most (i.e. an extra 2-4 SPT), which isn't going to make a huge difference to the prebuild turns-to-completion, compared to what you get from your Factory + Power-plant. (And mass-irrigation to support more CEs makes no sense, since you will lose many more base SPT -- and hence total SPT after any Factory + Power-plant boost -- than you would gain)
There are 3 kind of shields that are allowed for great wonder production. Regular production, shields from SGL and civil engineers. Civil engineers have no limit for building any building.

One method i did not check is recycling. Once that tech is achieved selling off a building gives back 25% shields in addition to the regular 25% gold. That method is really rare, so checking it will hardly happen in regular gameplay.

The above holds true for the first 2 Ages, but after you've got RepParts (in C3C), it gets more blurry: I vaguely remember someone (Lanzelot?) telling me that although Civil Engineer Specialists can't help build Wonders directly, they can contribute to Wonder-prebuilds. You just need to remember to fire the CEs at least 1T before converting the prebuild, so that the CE-shields are 'hidden' by hand-collected shields.

As i recall it it goes the other way around. Shields from CE are accumulated into a building, later this prebuild is converted into a unit so the shields from CE are saved. Not sure about the 1 turn delay. Obviously no shields come from CE in the last turn when no building is being built.

Unless you have your core-towns spaced out relatively loosely (e.g. CxxxC to CxxxxC) and/or with Hospitals, a Pop12 Wonder-(pre)building city would probably only be able to support 1-2 CEs at most (i.e. an extra 2-4 SPT), which isn't going to make a huge difference to the prebuild turns-to-completion, compared to what you get from your Factory + Power-plant. (And mass-irrigation to support more CEs makes no sense, since you will lose many more base SPT -- and hence total SPT after any Factory + Power-plant boost -- than you would gain)

Still there is the black hole of calcutta. You can create civil disorder to prevent starving, then you increase population to 256 and use them all for civil Engineers. This allows you to create 500 shields per turn for great wonders. Not bad, but not very sensical and usually considered an inappropriate exploit.
how do you do that ? Add settlers ?
There are 3 kind of shields that are allowed for great wonder production. Regular production, shields from SGL and civil engineers. Civil engineers have no limit for building any building.
Learn something new every day...
One method i did not check is recycling. Once that tech is achieved selling off a building gives back 25% shields in addition to the regular 25% gold.
I would guess that those count as 'disband-shields' as well.
As i recall it it goes the other way around. Shields from CE are accumulated into a building, later this prebuild is converted into a unit so the shields from CE are saved. Not sure about the 1 turn delay. Obviously no shields come from CE in the last turn when no building is being built.
Hmm, yeah, I thought I might have mis-remembered the context -- partly why I put it under Spoiler. Thanks for the correction.

But in that case, we were almost certainly discussing options for fast-building units in 1-shield towns. I'd have to re-locate the thread to be 100% sure, but if so, I am pretty sure that (Lanzelot said that) if you convert the improvement-build to a unit-build while you still have CEs active, then all their contributed shields magically disappear from the box -- not just the CE-shields accumulated on the previous turn. So you do need at least 1 additional turn on the improvement-build, without CEs active, before making the switch to the unit.
Still there is the black hole of calcutta. You can create civil disorder to prevent starving, then you increase population to 256 and use them all for civil Engineers. This allows you to create 500 shields per turn for great wonders. Not bad, but not very sensical and usually considered an inappropriate exploit.
Wow. I'd read about the BHoC-exploit in the GotM Rules, but I never tried it out for myself, and it never even occurred to me that it could be pushed that far. Mind you, I never played out a game where I had 256 Workers/Slaves available to burn, either...
Did you complete a unit- or improvement-build in that coastal town during the interturn? I ask because (in addition to what Justanick said), remember also that you can ONLY switch production from a non-Wonder (pre)build to a Wonder-build if you've acquired all of those shields by citizen labour (i.e. per-turn collection). Shields obtained by any other means (e.g. from forest-chops, whip- or cash-rushing, unit-disbands, etc.) cannot be added to a Wonder-build in progress, and any shields obtained by these methods while prebuilding are 'tainted', and will prevent you from converting a town's current project into a Wonder-build.
Spoiler :
The above holds true for the first 2 Ages, but after you've got RepParts (in C3C), it gets more blurry: I vaguely remember someone (Lanzelot?) telling me that although Civil Engineer Specialists can't help build Wonders directly, they can contribute to Wonder-prebuilds. You just need to remember to fire the CEs at least 1T before converting the prebuild, so that the CE-shields are 'hidden' by hand-collected shields. For an Industrial/ Modern Wonder though, this exploit may only be of minimal utility, since
  1. Most Wonders cost 800-1000s by this point, but your prebuild won't ever be worth more than the cost of the most expensive improvement you can currently build (likely 160-240s in the Industrial Age, up to 320s in the Modern Age), which will barely negate an Emp/DG AICiv's production advantage
  2. Unless you have your core-towns spaced out relatively loosely (e.g. CxxxC to CxxxxC) and/or with Hospitals, a Pop12 Wonder-(pre)building city would probably only be able to support 1-2 CEs at most (i.e. an extra 2-4 SPT), which isn't going to make a huge difference to the prebuild turns-to-completion, compared to what you get from your Factory + Power-plant. (And mass-irrigation to support more CEs makes no sense, since you will lose many more base SPT -- and hence total SPT after any Factory + Power-plant boost -- than you would gain)
In city was harbor to make,all shields from citizen labour,and in that moment can't switch to Bach or Copernicus but I said,loading the turn after few hours,can switch to wonder.
I know that units can be captured if that unit has D=0 but not the 'Leader' or 'King' attribute (i.e. Settlers, Workers), and the attacking Civ knows the technology required to build that unit (mainly re. bombardment-units).

That said, I noticed one unexpected oddity in an unmodded game a while back: playing as the Koreans, I captured a Cannon -- even though the Koreans can't build them. Additional questions re. Scouts/ Explorers occurred to me today, and I've also been musing recently about modding bombardment units, based on several other threads. I can't find easy answers to these questions on CFC, so I decided to post them all here at once:
  1. Must the would-be capturing Civ also have current access to any required StratRes for the unit in question?
    • e.g. if a Civ knows Metallurgy, but has no Salt, can it still capture Cannon?
  2. Can an Expansionist Civ capture (and use) another Exp-Civs's generic Scouts?
  3. Can any Civ capture (and use) foreign Explorers if it knows Navigation?
    • I assume that Chasquis and Conquistadores would be killed rather than captured, since they have A/D≥1, and HP
  4. How does the above affect the Incas? Can they capture generic Scout-units?
    • I would guess yes, given my Korean example above
And some for the Modders, re. making bombardment-capable land-units/ 'combined arms' tactics more viable for the AI, ideally without making the units (even more) OP for the human player:
  1. If D=0, but A≥1, can a unit still be captured?
  2. Which of the following factors (alone or in combination) would be most effective at getting the AI to use bombardment?
    • 'Offensive' flag added to (or replacing?) 'Bombardment' flag, under AI-Strategies
    • A-value (≤B-value) added, to allow 'direct attacks' at risk of losing the unit
      • B-value unchanged: Human could still use (non-lethal) bombardment, maybe with lower RoF; AI could still use defensive-bombard
    • M=2, for retreat-potential if losing a direct attack (vs. M=1 units)
      • Would also allow bombardiers to keep up with (defensive) C3C-Army (which itself would also need to be modded)
    • If A≥1, M≥1, +1HP-bonus, for greater victory-probability initially and thus faster promotion to Elite for maximal retreat-probability
      • Unit HP could then represent 'ammunition-supply'
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Remember that Scouts do not come with being an Expansionist civ. You have to manually set it in the editor for the civ to start with one and then separatly to be able to build more.

Also, getting the AI to use bombardment… that's the big one, isn't it? The Artificial Idiot rarely, if ever, uses it. A forum search could yield some results on those rare times when modders have succeeded at making the AI use it.
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