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Originally posted by Startaff
I'm playin Japan on CivIII.
I know i can (and I indeed could) get Samurai with no need of horses (although they replace Knights) but WHY when I did get horses (before Samurais) I could NOT get Horsemen?
Is a bug?

Did you have your horses connected inside your territory, or with a colony? You need a road/colony to the resource in order to use it.
Horsemen and Cavalry do require horses but Samurai (which upgrade from horseman and upgrade to cavalry) do not require horses. Samurai only require iron.
Railroad issue.

OK, I am befuddled. I have discovered steam, and I have iron locally. I don't have coal. I have spotted 2-3 spots where it is, but for some reason, it doesn't show up as a resource to trade with the civs who have it (with roads going thru it) Is this because I am ahead of them techwise? I can't build any RR's w/o coal, and I can't seem to trade for it, and I am not in a position to go to war for it, it's just too far away. Ideas? Also, thier rubber doesn't show tradeable, even tho I have my own.
They AI has to have the technology that lets them see the resource before they can trade it. Ie to trade coal they need steam power...
Is this because I am ahead of them techwise

Yes :)
Ghoat, just to be sure that is what is causing it, you can check where the AI is techwise by trading. Just check which techs you are able to trade with them and which techs they have available to trade with you.
Originally posted by Chieftess

Did you have your horses connected inside your territory, or with a colony? You need a road/colony to the resource in order to use it.

Everything was "correct": horses were in my city limits and connected by road.
I had no problems in building Samurais when got Chivalry, etc. but was NOT able to build early Horsemen beforehand!

It was a bit disappointing as I struggled to get that horse just for those Horsemen!

As soon as I'll reach modern Cavalry, I'll check if the Samurai/Cavalry upgrade is unavailable too.
Yeah, I have checked, they are still back behind me - none of the 12 or so left have physics yet :)

I'll just wait 'em out. I have a lovely Japanese civ going, I am protected by a small body of water to my west (French) mountains to the North (Americans, Rome is gone) mountains to my east (Aztec & Iraquios) and ocean/map bottom to my south.

After a withering assault from the Az & Ir's it's very clear I need to be able to move my "D" around as quick as possible, trading terrain for time - but I don't think I want to give up my tech for a choo-choo just yet :)

Thanks for the replies! At some point I should post this map somewhere, for a random huge, it's been a lot of fun :)
Simple Question:

How do you buy workers from other civs? Or sell your workers?

I've been playing for over a year and have never heard of this until reading a post here.
Workers area available for sale when they are in the capital city. So it's "check diplomacy every turn", or else just luck into seeing a worker available when you *do* check diplomacy.

And you must have a *huge* flood of workers if you are willing to sell even one! ;)
Open a trade window with the AI. If they have workers in their capital, they show up as an option to buy. If you have a worker in yours, it'll be an option to sell. "going rate" is about 100g in PTW, I think :)
A request: can anyone recommend and/or link me up with a decent article regarding how the AI civs conduct trade amongst themselves? I'm mainly interested in how they conduct tech trades, but other trade info (lux/rec/maps) would be welcome too. Thank you very much.
Question Do explorers act as garrison units? Meaning if I station one in a city in Monarchy, will it provide a smiley face like 'regular' MP units (i.e. typically warriors for me).
EDIT: Hit post button too many times apparently...what an amateur way to spam.:rolleyes: :D

[color=600f0f]Tsk. Amateurs. :rolleyes: :D --Padma[/color]
I never use explorers so I won't even know what they look like. But if a unit has an attack value, no matter how low, I'm sure it's considered military police.
Hello everyone,

I'm completely new to the game, so bear with me.

My question is this:

Is there a way to put a cap on how far civilizations can advance? For instance, I'd like to set it so that the most advanced one ever gets is akin, technologically, to medieval times.

Can this be done?
Originally posted by boxy
Can this be done?
Welcome to CFC! :band: Yes! Using the editor, that can absolutely be done. Sadly, I don't remember how though...
Hi boxy! welcome!
I should think that creating a new scenario with the editor would be step one. Going into edit rules, delete industrial age and modern times from the eras tab - step 2. Try to play the new scenario - step 3.

If that doesn't work, go to civilization advances and delete every advance from Nationalism down. If the eras don't exist and the advances don't exist then you can't advance -- you see? That is my theory, I haven't actually tried this. But, if you do it in a newly created scenario no harm will be done if it doesn't work.

It is an interesting problem and I am sure there are those around here who have actually done it.
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