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quick China UHV question


Sep 26, 2007
By "an army of 120 units", what exactly does it mean.

(A) All "combat" units are included (including naval units like triremes)

(B) All "combat" land units are included (this includes scouts notably)

(C) "Combat" land units not including scouts/explorers

Do Mercenaries count?
You must build 120 military units. Boats, Workers, Settlers and Missionaries do not count.

Thats what the UHV says.
You must build 120 military units. Boats, Workers, Settlers and Missionaries do not count.

Thats what the UHV says.

Actually, it says "control" an army of 120 units, which suggests mercenaries are permissible. Scouts and Explorers never struck me as military units, but they seem to be counted as such.

<snark> Further, i agree *boats* don't count. I was asking about *ships*. </snark>
I just Copy/Pasted what was written at the rhyewiki site, ships probably count im sure but useless to build them when it easier to just go for the ones you can build the quickest like pike/axemen etc oh and dont use mercs heh the closer you get to 120 your economy will be bad dont ruin it with mercs.
I just Copy/Pasted what was written at the rhyewiki site, ships probably count im sure but useless to build them when it easier to just go for the ones you can build the quickest like pike/axemen etc oh and dont use mercs heh the closer you get to 120 your economy will be bad dont ruin it with mercs.

I got the Trireme quest, which was actually worth pursuing because the 2 commerce per harbor was nice in helping stave off total economic ruin. But that's 11 units that its nice to be able to count. I also caraveled one of them and circumnavigated first... i don't know what the computer was doing. (We're talking like 1500AD, and the Mayans had gotten a caravel to me before i had gotten optics).

I had thought about a last minute buy a bunch of mercenaries gambit, but managed to build the 120 units no problem. Axemen are *cheap*. (Do not research civil service...).
I don't think scouts/explorer count as military units. For example they do not when it comes to calculate military presence in a city for happiness.
or just disconnect from any ressources and build warriors..

I only build units in 4 of my 8 cities and in those it only takes 1 turn to build a axeman, what your saying could be used if you see your running low on units etc and need to pump units from all your cities.
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