Q about the planets included in the Exoplanets pack, that came out around the same time as Rising Tide.
My understanding is that many map options -- such as pangaea or continents in Civ3/4/5 or Protean/Terran in BERT -- are scripts. They run to generate a random planet that meet certain criteria, coded into the map script.
What about the Exoplanets pack? Are they also scripts, or could they be fixed map files? That is, the end product or output of a script?
My reason for asking: in a recent game, I specified one of the planets that had a name, which I think means it was part of the Exoplanets pack. My first starting location was fair/poor, so I went back to the main menu and created a new game with the same planet name. The second starting location was worse, so I repeated the process. Third time, I got a decent starting location so I played on.
Here's the weird part -- during the game, as I met the various AI sponsors, I recognized those two starting locations. NSA got the fair/poor one (in the water next to a 5-6 tile skinny island) and INTEGR got the worse one (a single tile island!!) I would have thought that map scripts would have generated more viable starting locations. But a fixed map, with N preset starting locations, would give them to sponsors, even if they really stink.