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Quickest victories


Sep 24, 2005
Hi all:

So, I play your basic normal settings.
Game Speed - standard
map type - standard
map - continents
all map type settings normal
all victory conditions open
been playing on immortal for now.

My query for all of you:
What do you think the quickest victory condition is? Slogging through science seems to take a lot of time. Domination takes time when you need to hop across continents. Culture didn't seem too bad. Never really tried religious.

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Fast Religious victories have been reported on these forums
I'm sure it's not the fastest, but culture can be pretty fast if no one else builds up culture. It's really up to chance.
Playing as Rome and setting time victory to 1 turn.

Quickest victory you can get...though probably not what you had in mind!
Deity, standard speed, Duel map, as Russia.

Built 2 lavras asap, built 4 archers, invaded Scythia turn 47, built shrine+one project in capital, founded religion. Captured 1 city of Scythia, signed peace, by this time had 2 missionaries on the way and enough faith for 1 more. First missionary converted Pazyryk in 2 charges and conquered Valleta in 1, won on turn 77 without converting their capital or using more than 1 missionary.

Probably would have won faster if I'd disregarded religion and done domination though.
Religious cultural around the 100 mark on standard map, not sure what difficulty it was.

My best emporer standard continent for a standard cultural was 127... I know someone else got 124 in same conditions.

My best deity was 185 with same conditions but am sure it could be done better.
Cruising to an enjoyable relaxed deity win atm at 220 with about 10 turns left.
Religious cultural around the 100 mark on standard map, not sure what difficulty it was.

My best emporer standard continent for a standard cultural was 127... I know someone else got 124 in same conditions.

My best deity was 185 with same conditions but am sure it could be done better.
Cruising to an enjoyable relaxed deity win atm at 220 with about 10 turns left.

Care to share some of your secrets? I've just begun Deity play and I dominate early game, I just have trouble sealing the deal. I think the earliest I've won a cultural or science vctory was about turn 306.

In terms of quick wins, I did a 4 player religious victory recently in about 120 on Immortal. The eeligious victory is weird because it's available so early in the game and gets more difficult the more players there are. It's sort of like a peaceful dom win.
Norway are probably good for a quick religious victory on continents maps as they can cross oceans sooner than anyone else
The more cities you use, the longer it takes typically.
You have to do only what is 100% necessary for the win.
The early victory is with early theatres.

You go take that neighbour out or just spread but you need 8 cities. Yesterday I had 12, too many.
Rush theaters and build them first.... Yes you will be poor
Push GW card, great writers are key and getting to printing.
Get a few cd for gold but you should be pushing archaeological museums in every city to fill &theme
Push projects. Push to cultural heritage then push to computers

You had a strong army at the start, hopefully this will continue to limit DOW.

I prefer to win my games with pleasure rather than be a sweaty but earlier wins are about concentration on the task, be it cultural or scientific.

I have a turn 150 save that can prob be turned into any victory fairly fast if u wanted.
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Thanks! That's some solid advice. I guess I usually have way too many cities. I also tend to muck about a bit and have relaxed fun more than I target specific objectives past Medieval. That probably explains why my game gets worse after that point -_-.
The more cities you use, the longer it takes typically.
You have to do only what is 100% necessary for the win.
The early victory is with early theatres.

You go take that neighbour out or just spread but you need 8 cities. Yesterday I had 12, too many.
Rush theaters and build them first.... Yes you will be poor
Push GW card, great writers are key and getting to printing.
Get a few cd for gold but you should be pushing archaeological museums in every city to fill &theme
Push projects. Push to cultural heritage then push to computers

You had a strong army at the start, hopefully this will continue to limit DOW.

I prefer to win my games with pleasure rather than be a sweaty but earlier wins are about concentration on the task, be it cultural or scientific.

I have a turn 150 save that can prob be turned into any victory fairly fast if u wanted.

Best time for me so far is Kongo / Culture / Emperor Turn 220ish using a similar strategy. Could have been better optimized, but Kongo seems very OP at this strategy. Also, an AI Kongo can screw you over if you try this as anyone else.
@kamex If you find your neighbour has just taken over Kandy at the start of the game and you can take it back, of you are first to discover kandy and their envoy task is easy, then you can becone suze of Kandy very early. In this case spam 3 scouts, get sailing underway and build commercial. If you can discover 3 natural wonders fast, get a goody hut relic and buy one off a civ AND get reliquaries early then you can win a lot faster than 220. Like around turn 100
Religious cultural around the 100 mark on standard map, not sure what difficulty it was.

My best emporer standard continent for a standard cultural was 127... I know someone else got 124 in same conditions.

My best deity was 185 with same conditions but am sure it could be done better.
Cruising to an enjoyable relaxed deity win atm at 220 with about 10 turns left.

That is quite impressive. Is your 185 deity game also cultural? I'm going for a cultural victory right now on deity, but getting nowhere.
That is quite impressive. Is your 185 deity game also cultural? I'm going for a cultural victory right now on deity, but getting nowhere.
Yes but certainly not a gentle game, I took 12 cities including some from pericles. Put out theatres, ran projects and built archaeological museums, filled them and just pushed it out there. Some games go much smoother than others and having Kumasi helps a lot in in thecearly middle game. Also I suspect it depends on who the other civs are, there was never really a Kumasi battle IIRC. The main thing is concentrate on just doing what is required.

Last night I played a peaceful German science on Emp... I went to bed with the hump at turn 240 ish I think, greece managed to sack my ED in a last ditch attempt to stop me, sooooo close to winning. 2 mechanised infantry units from hell spawned at my spaceport and I just thought bedtime.... 240 is not early but considering I only had 10 cities and 2 archers until turn 220... I just ignored anything but space and hoped france would keep being king which she did until we me Kongo, then they joint declared.
Try a Deity-difficutly religious victory game against Kongo (with all other victory conditions disabled, on Duel size, on a Pangaea (or similar) map without city states or barbarians). It's a guaranteed Deity-level win.
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