R & T T4 P1 - Middle Age Options

What Optional Techs Do You Want To Research?

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  • Poll closed .


May 7, 2003
Washington State
We are set to do a high speed dash to the industrial age. However, with our golden age we can grab techs at a four turn tech rate. Are there any optional industrial age techs that you'd like to grab? Here are your choices:

Music Theory
Free Artistry

T'is a multi-choice poll. Note that if you choose free artistry, you must choose democracy. If you choose none, then don't vote for any other option. Same speech for the abstain option. The poll will be open for 48 hours.

Here is a minor discussion thread:
R & T T4 D1 - Survey Says!
I'll hold off voting a bit and toss out a question. If we research these at a 4 turn rate, we stand a good chance to be 1st to research them. This means monopoly prices when we sell, and it means getting up to 4 more chances at a SGL.

Are we likely to be first for any of them? If yes then we should consider doing the research, if not then don't bother we can always buy them later.
DaveShack, only Democracy and Free Artistry is not known to anyone. Byzantine has monopoly on Navigation, and a bunch of others have Music Theory. JS Bach Catherdal is what most Civs are working on.
I would prefer that we go all the way and get Free Artistry. I will throw a spanner in the works. We know that the AI will research Democracy, so why don't we research it and then trade it onto the AI for great profit and this will slow down the AI because they will be in aperiod of Anarchy, and this will be quite helpful if we want to get some great wonders. But the first thing we should get as far as technology is concerned is getting TOG. That should be the priority for the first tech.
None, buy them from the AI on the cheap. We should steamroll through the IA and gets loads of wonders, not get optional MA techs with very little use.
I voted none. We don't need any of them to achieve a cultural victory, so why put resources into something that doesn't have a payback to us?
I say go for democracy so we can become more efficient by adopting it
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