This seems even weirder than that. I am playing with the Mayan and currently I found out that the
'Alchemical Society' building
may enjoy or
may not enjoy some of the third Envoys from the +2 Science from City-State's third Envoys' bonuses toward Universities.
Let me show you:
- Capital
- Without Rationalism (0%): Library at 8, Alchemical Society at 10, and Research Lab (Unpowered) at 21
- With Rationalism (100%): Library at 10, Alchemical Society at 14, and Research Lab (Unpowered) at 24.
- Other city:
- Without Rationalism (0%): Library at 8, Alchemical Society at 16, and Research Lab (Unpowered) at 21.
- With Rationalism (50%): Library at 9, Alchemical Society at 18, and Research Lab (Unpowered) at 22.5.
See how the numbers without Rationalism is the same for both cities, except for the Alchemical Society. How suspicious!
- Library: 8 for both of them. The formula is: 2 + 6 × 1 = 8. 2 being the Library base Science, 6 the number of Cities-State, and 1 the Science given for 1 Envoy.
- Research Lab: 21 for both of them. The formula is: 3 + 6 × 3 = 21. 3 being the Research base Science when unpowered, 6 the number of Cities-State, and 3 the Science given for 6 Envoys.
- Alchemical Society: 10 and 16. The formula should also be: 4 + x × 2. 4, being the Alchemical Society base Science, x the number of Cities-State, and 2 the Science given for 3 Envoys.
- For 4 + x × 2 = 10, x = 3, so the Capital is enjoying only the bonus of 3 Cities-States.
- For 4 + x × 2 = 16, x = 6, so the other city is enjoying the bonus of 6 Cities-States.
My hypothesis is that it depends at how many City-State you discovered at the time you build the Alchemical Society. Here I guess I built the Observatory and the Alchemical Society in the Capital when I had only met 3 of the Scientific Cities-State, and 6 of them when I built them in the other city.
I started all my testing game in the Atomic era, so maybe the problem does not appear when starting in earlier era. Well, so much mysteries!