v95 Eastern Rome


Feb 19, 2014
AI issue, and should there be a penalty for owning a city under attack at zero health?

In my save file, a hopeless situation save AI confusion. Atilla should attack with their battering ram here. It has stayed put 2 turns while their archers reduced the city under attack to 0. I should have lost this city last turn. Can this be fixed? Is this due to the difficulty level I chose? With a fleet of horse archers, they can only inflict damage on cities rather than take it. If a city is repeatedly range attacked at zero health, should it be razed, or lose population as citizens die/flee? Razed when pop goes to zero? Or is that a more modern perspective; artillery flattening towns?


I used to save for a few turns and they don't take the city even if I retreat the troops. I'm afraid this is 1UPT messing up with AI.
I thought SmartAI had been integrated into the mod?
Rather than a stability penalty, maybe give more hand-to-hand combat units to Attila?
Should more of Atilla's troops be horsemen? I know Horse Archers technically replace them, but that would give him more oomph
Maybe as a UU, a horse archer that can capture cities but would the AI know how to use it? not sure :)

I don't really understand why ranged units cannot capture cities in Civ V though. Artillery ok, but ranged... with 1UPT it's one more constraint (manageable but makes little sense to me).
Maybe as a UU, a horse archer that can capture cities but would the AI know how to use it? not sure :)

I don't really understand why ranged units cannot capture cities in Civ V though. Artillery ok, but ranged... with 1UPT it's one more constraint (manageable but makes little sense to me).
The issue is that they cannot melee attack, and taking a city requires melee. I think in Civ 6 you can use the Immortal to both throw spears or attack with spears, so are the games V and VI mutually intelligible so that that bit of code could be swiped?
by making horse archers able to melee attack wouldnt they be overpowered?
Horsemen have a city attack reduction. If you increased the reduction for Horse Archers to, say, 66%, or whatever number, it could be tuned so that Horse Archers could take only completely undefended cities.
You can also define a different strength for melee than for ranged I think.
The question is, will the AI be able to handle this change :) if not, better to give horsemen in addition to horse archers maybe
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