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RBD20 SG - Just Win, Baby!

Ok I took 3 extra turns as there were approximately 8 swordsmen, 2 archers and 3 warriors in our land and I didn’t think it would be nice to hand off with that in our lands.

Anyway, I loaded the game up and saw a swordsman and archer in our territory near our capital, well I immediately said to my self that something should be done about this.

So I dialed up Bismarck and asked for all his tech for say 14 gpt, he said sure why not and I’ll throw in my world map as well.

I then thought this would be enough to prevent war and asked him to remove his warriors, he declares war. Oh well no rest for the wicked. I think that for this game I won’t finish a turn unless there was some sort of war, it’s 2 for 2 so far.

So anyway I try to get some on else on our team but unfortunately we don’t have any embassies. So I wait 2 turns and get our gracious friends the Zulu’s to join us.

I then spent the rest of my turn building military and what not and finally manage to reduce the German army down to just 2 swordsmen, one that is injured. And so I pass the game onto Caldasar / Meldor and say good luck.
WELL done Gojky (see...only Sirian has a problem spelling your name:lol: ) :goodjob: :goodjob:

I downloaded the savefile and played two turns for fun..and was swamped by evil Germans, nice to see you managed to extort some tech out of him before he declared war.

Good luck next person. :cool:
Sorry for never getting a turn summary posted. I had some very surprising (to say the least) personal events over the weekend, and have been dealing with those since. I haven't had time to check the boards, write a summary, or basically do anything else besides deal with these personal problems. I'm not sure if I'll be free in the next couple of days, either, so unless I post otherwise, I should be skipped in any upcoming SG's.
Meldor finds favor with Cleopatra, and so while he keeps her entertained, she allows him free reign in all matters. First is to adjust several cities for optimum production. Next, switch from building swords to building horsemen who upgrade better. Literature is finished, we start Great Library, and move to aquire Monarcy.

1) 370 BC - Kill off one German sword. Zulu and Germans sign peace.

2) 350 BC - Drag Zululand back into war kicking and screaming. Lose one sword trying to get rid of last German sword.

3) 330 BC - Troop movements abound.

4) 310 BC - Germany gets the Great Wall, several cascade to Great Library.

5) 290 BC - Get road to Japan finished. They give us Furs, Territory Map and 2g for wines. Kill off last German sword on Egyptian lands. We now will take the battle to them. Watch a Zulu archer attack a German spear across a river and lose. Cleo is so entertained she plants trees in front of our love cave.

6) 270 BC - First units (Two sword and a cat) arrive outside of Frankfurt. We lose one sword in minor battle.

7) 250 BC - Kill one spear in Frankfurt no counter attack. Susa finishes its RAX and starts making Horsemen. Zulu pulls Rome into the war on our side.

8) 230 BC - Main force arrives outside of Frankfurt. Germany sues for peace, but will not part with nubile German serving girls, and 200 Kegs of beer so we press on. Germany then gets Russia to declare against us, but they are on the other end of the island.

9) 210 BC - In response, Frankfurt is razed to the ground and we aquire 3 fine slaves for our efforts. We lose one sword to an archer.

10) 190 BC - The sword is avenged with the death of the archer. The troops start to regroup to march on Leipzig as there are Furs there that look better than the Japaneese furs. Germany, laughing at our warriors, moves a settler/spear pair next to our troops. Looks like we will get two more workers.

I did not start a settler to put in Leipzigs place. I should have. Once Leipzig falls, we can carve Germany in half and take our share. We are also close enough to take out Germans Iron and should probably do so. Then Japan should be next once the trade is up.

Looking around for anything to do, we look pretty good shape.
Dial up Ham and ask for Currency, 26gp + World Map, deal.
Swap our solo scientist to Engineering, we got a lot of rivers to cross. Gentlemen, welcome to the Middle Age :egypt:

If we don't get Great Library, we have no fallback wonder, might want to buy something in case we fail? (I decide to keep my eyes closed and say a prayer) First Screen shot fails.. :cry: Decide to whip a settler in Helio, we need to settle Leipzig and as soon as it falls.

Turn 1. Forrest outside Alexandria chopped down, only 69 more turns till Corthouse, even Sirian would be impressed at our vigour building courthouse !! Settler built, I can feel the Prod coming..

Turn 2. Hmm...German troops sneaking close to Alex...I'll chop down some more jungle rather than road on THAT direction, thank you very much.
SPLENDID, Veteran Swordsman attack our Veteran Swordsman across exept...we have a catapult to back us up. Bombardment take off one hp...wonder if that is enough...

:lol: Didn't even loose a single hp.

Turn 3. Germans start GL, we can beat them easy! Oh NO, Japan is skulking around...DAMN, I am closing my eyes again!!
Moving troops into position for assault on Leipzig.

Turn 4. Trading Swordsmen with Germans, waiting for settler to catch up. Snag a German settler/spearman duo, two more free slaves for road duty.

Turn 5. 3 Swordsmen, our only War Chariot left and catapult ready for Leipzig, next turn two more Horsemen will be here...I decide to wait one more turn.

:cool: NARA decide that the Japanese Oppressors are too much and ask if they can join our GLORIOUS empire, BUT OFF course:)

Turn 6. On that note...I attack, War Chariot....SMACK dead....
Horseman....cloppeti..cloppeti..clopp..retreat for zero dmg. Swordsman 1...CHARGE, one spearman dead, 2 hp left. Regular Swordsman....flawless victory, 3 more slaves, burned to the ground and 1 shiny gold coin. Settling Elephantine. Zulu warrior and settler pair is very close, so just settling where settler is.

Turn 7. Wow, suddenly very quiet....I pray for my leadership to end soon... Settling Pi-Ramses to gobble up more land. Our people wants Forbidden Palace...not sure where...

Turn 8. Great Library now 15 turns...shifting around some workers for optimal Horseman training.

Turn 9. Memphis build our first Marketplace, much more coinage to be made. :love:

Turn 10. With our last Warrior upgraded to regular swordsman, I decide to take on the Spearman Zulu has been smacking on for the last 7 turns. I charge ahead....Tada...one more Veteran Swordsman.

Sorry for no pics guys, I tried. Best of luck to next man up [Schnarrd?], wife is waiting for me in bed, so sorry for typos.. :love2:

RBD20 - 10AD
I built raod to Japan to trade with them, to make them happy until we finish with Germany. The deal will be up shortly, so we either need to renew it or settle with Germany and trun on them.

As for FP, Elephantine might make a good choice for that as it will be centrally located in what will be all of our land. I did not pay that much attention to the surronding groud (except for the furs) so it may not be ideal.

Sirian - I was expecting a big prod for opium dealings. I did not like what I had to do there but felt it was either that or we would have quickly lost the game. Maybe that would have be more instructive. You only singed me around the edges (by reference).
Schnarrd's last post says to skip him if he's MIA in the "next couple of days" so that's what you guys should do. I hope his problems get sorted out and he can be with us again down the line.

- Sirian
Got it. (BTW meldor, I'm starting to wonder if you're a masochist because of your seeming love of the Prod :whipped: :) )
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