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rbd23 - c

If someone's dropping out of this game, you might want to post in the main "competitors" thread notifying the other teams - remember, right now they can't look at your thread.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I made a comment about Grey Fox possibly dropping out of the game. He's not posted here to let us know he is indeed playing, but to just assume that he is indeed dropping (errr...not starting) is quite a bit premature.

If/when we decide that he's not playing (either by a response to my email or by posting to this thread or even by just not showing up (although that one's a bit loose)), then we can play on and post to the "main" thread about the drop and see if smegged/the others have any comments.

Absolutely wait for news from him. I was extrapolating from his comments in other threads and his absence here so far. That's why I emailed/PM'd him -- to learn his fate in this game. I was just posting to let everybody else know I had taken that step (and why). Bit of a warning of what might happen, not a liscence to go off all half-cocked or anything. :)


[EDIT: Got a PM from Grey Fox. He said he definitely has to do the contest. So he is IN -- barring further notice from him. I don't think he'd realized it had started, so I'm glad I messaged him, but not so glad I mentioned it here in public. Oh well. I also told him he was up. So, Zed-F, good thing you waited.]
It did not happen much diring my turn. Built two warriors, the road to the other Silk resource was completed.

I played 7 turns or so. Stopped mid-turn so that the next ruler can decide what we should do with the worker and Settler that will be ready in Kyoto next turn.

And BTW, I vetoed the research of Warrior Code, it will be ready in 3 turns. We need Offensive Units.

We should research towards Map Making after that. (Do We need the Lighhouse on this map, It seems like it is very close between the islands.)
Sometimes we can choose what route our civilization will take to victory. And sometimes, our path is forced upon us.

Looking at our current map, we have room to build about 1 more city on our little peninsula. We have two options:
- Wait until mapmaking for triremes. Obviously this would be a huge blow to our civ's growth rate and overall power, as mapmaking is quite a ways off, especially if we only have 3 cities producing commerce.
- Take the offensive and go to war against Germany ASAP. We need leibenstraum! This is a bit of a risk since right now we don't have much in the way of units we can build, and Germany already has more cities than us. Pursuing this path means we need to research Bronze/Iron Working after warrior code, though this of course further delays mapmaking.

My vote: War. We got a pretty rough start here, with no fresh water around and a close neighbor with better lands and better goody hut luck blocking us in; we need to make up for it. Of course we will have to make some preparations first; Osaka needs a temple and a barracks, while Kyoto will complete its settler to found our 3rd city north of Osaka, and a temple for an extra content citizen, before being ready to start cranking troops, and maybe a worker from time to time. Our target for Kyoto is 10 shields -- if we can build a worker and still stay at 10 shields, then we should.

Here's what happened during my tenure -- I took 13 turns to even out the turn numbers, since Grey Fox only took 7.

Infrastructure: Osaka and Kyoto built temples, Osaka started on a Barracks while Kyoto built an archer. We founded Tokyo north of Osaka, but there's not much arable land available up there; I had to overlap with Osaka a bit just to get a couple grasslands within 2 squares. Tokyo's working on a temple at the moment. We really need a few more workers, but we also need people in our cities to let us quickly pump out troops and improve our commerce levels; Kyoto could pump out one once it hits size 5 or so to finish getting 6 improved tiles and to connect up our road net through the mountains to Osaka.

Research: We traded Pottery for Warrior Code, researched Bronze Working, and have started on Iron Working. Germany also has Iron Working as well as Mysticism but doesn't have Alphabet yet. We may be able to eventually trade Alphabet to speed up Iron Working.

Military: We now have an archer and are working on a spearman. I sent our warrior through Biz's territory a bit to get an idea of the lay of the land since we plan war anyway; Biz eventually kicked him out. It doesn't seem likely that Biz has Iron in his lands since they're mostly flat; we have lots of mountains and hills, however... :)
We need leibenstraum!


We need to dream (traum) of a city in Austria (Leiben)?????? And, here I thought we needed Lebensraum -- room to live. No wonder I struggle so much at this game!!!!!


Anyway, I agree with Zed-F that war with Germany looks to be the way to go. With no horses before war/map-making, it looks like a swordsman offensive (maybe even archer/spearmen). When we hit, we need to hit HARD. Possibly build warriors and then spend gold to upgrade? Often a good plan but I'm a bit out-of-touch with our situation right now.

Good luck, charliehoke.

Ok, so I can't spell in a language I never learned, so sue me. :)

We've been spending all our commerce on research; perhaps not the best approach but there we go. We do have 5 warriors we could upgrade (not sure why we have so many) but we have all of 6 gold in the bank. We could pump gold instead of science, but not until at least after Iron Working; certainly we don't want to give Bizzy a whack-load of gold for tech, and he's our only trading partner right now. We probably ought to have gone for Bronze & Iron working earlier, but that's water under the bridge...

I have this sinking feeling there are 4 other civs on a continent somewhere, and by the time we're done with Bizzy they'll all be in the Middle Ages... probably not the case given archipelago/80% water, but you never know. If everyone else is isolated the GL will be worthless, but if they aren't it could be invaluable. We really do need mapmaking, if not for Lighthouse (don't discount it -- it opens up trade routes over sea, which could be huge, as well as making exploration much easier) then certainly so we can start trying to make contact with some other civs! If we can make contact with other civs but prevent them from making contact with one another, that's a HUGE advantage for us; it lowers our tech costs but keeps theirs high, and gives up options to broker all kinds of deals.

I still am thinking Lighthouse is our top priority wonder, but it all depends on where the other civs are relative to each other (i.e. are they in contact) and how big/advanced they are relative to us. While the little bit of the map we can see shows islands (continents?) in close proximity to us, we really can't see very much of the map yet, so it's far too early to discount it.
We can't bet on having Iron, so buld a lot of Archers and bring a long a Spearman or two.

And we have room with more then just one city more.

We just have to build a little Dense, and All the cities on the Coast so that they can have a harbor. And use the Coast and sea as food resource, remember that if you have a harbor in a city, you get +1 Food on all costal and seas squares.

We could cram in two three cities in our area, or that is juts my guess.

But a war with the Germans is necessary, as fast as possible. Maybe with warriors and Archers.
Well we can build spears now, so at least spears & archers. Our warriors are perfectly capable of knocking out an archer or two on the attack as well, and we have a couple spares at our border just itching for the chance. :) In a few turns Kyoto should be big enough to pump out a spear/archer every other turn (10 shields rule.) It shouldn't be too long until we get Iron Working so we can see whether we have Iron or not; of course it's not guaranteed, but the odds are pretty good. We are only a few turns away from being ready for war (once the Barracks in Osaka is done); if Charlie's feeling frisky he could go for it, but certainly we should be well-prepared by Arathorn's turn. Just remember to make an attempt to get Iron Working off Bizzy before declaring!

Another bonus advantage of war: possibility of an early leader, useful for rushing a wonder or the forbidden palace. We probably would not want to rush the Lighthouse as it's relatively cheap and only coastal cities can build it (like our capital :) ) but an early FP or Great Library could be very useful.

Incidentally, trying to fit some extra cities up on our peninsula might get us some extra commerce, but that's about it. There's NO arable land up there, and no way to get any since we have no access to fresh water. That means that even with a harbour, almost all the citizens will *have* to be working coast/sea squares in order for the city to grow/have enough food -- which means no shields. It's something to consider eventually, but we have other priorities for our citizens right now -- we need them working in our existing cities or improving our lands far more than we need a 1-shield quarter-city on the edge of the known world.
I'm opposed to trying to crank too many cities in the north peninsula. Food is scarce. We're on a small map and every extra city hits the 'max city' threshhold pretty hard. If it were a large map, it might well be worth it, but on a small.... I don't think it's wise -- at least not right now with the need for shields from those citizens.

5 warriors and an archer? Heck, that's almost enough right there. I'd move 'em all[\b] to the front lines (using luxury taxes if necessary to keep the cities happy) ASAP. (Nobody can get behind us -- or if they do, we're pretty screwed anyway, cause that would mean they have boats which puts 3 on an island together nearby and that's just painful.)

As for the low gold, shrug. Dunno. It's so hard to predict what's going to be right. I was anticipating complete isolation until Lighthouse, but that's not the case. Adapting is key.

At least we live in interesting times.

It's really hard for me to comment on this discussion right now, since I'm at work and can't actually LOOK:eek: at the map, in case you are wondering why I'm silent. :confused:

In any case, I am a firm believer in the early war, and I will probably invade on my turn as you all suggest, although I can't say for sure. Archers are enough for me though!

As for the extra cities, I agree that with so many possible productive cites due to the map size, it probably makes more sense to not pack them in too closely.

I'll look at the game tonight and post more thoughts once I have a better picture of how things look.
I'm at work, too, which is why I spend as much time being a smart-alek as saying helpful things.

Time logistics may dictate the time of our attack moreso than anything else. It takes a while for those ancient units to get into position -- especially as we have no horses.

And, charliehoke, I think we've all pretty much said as much intelligent as we're going to (Now, if you just want more asinine comments, I'm your man! :lol: ). Just take your turns and do your best. (AND HAVE FUN!)

Here it is:

We should keep our post count higher than all the other teams, so they will get psyched out into thinking we are really doing well. Who knows, maybe it will cause enough consternation on their part that they will make some mistakes. What do you guys think?

Originally posted by charliehoke
We should keep our post count higher than all the other teams, so they will get psyched out into thinking we are really doing well. Who knows, maybe it will cause enough consternation on their part that they will make some mistakes. What do you guys think?
Heard any good jokes lately? :D
Well, we want to be careful about happy tax at least until we have Iron Working. We want that puppy ASAP, and since we have no treasury we have no wiggle room on going into deficit for more than a couple turns. Even if we keep back a couple warriors for happiness, we should have 3 warriors, an archer or two, and a spearman (to defend against counter-attacks) in place or close to it by the time the barracks in Osaka is done. Three warriors are in-theater now, with the archer 2 turns away from the German border.

Bizzy has been spending all his time building settlers recently, so we ought to be able to steamroller him. He won't be able to reinforce quickly enough to stop us (I hope!) Just don't get so busy building units that we forget to pop workers when we get a chance...

EDIT: Thinking about getting 10 shields, we need +9 from worked tiles to get that. Most of our land is grassland, so we might not be able to hit that threshold, I can't remember the map well enough to say for sure. We might have to content ourselves with keeping a threshold at 7 (x3 = 21 for spears/archers) or 8 (x4 = 32 for swords). 10 would of course be better though. The main thing being we need to build a worker at the latest every time we hit pop 6, at least until such time as we have plenty of mil units and need a settler, otherwise we're wasting food.

Happiness: base 2 (Monarch) + 1 lux resource + 1 temple means we can support size 5 without unrest with 1 MP, or size 6 with 2 MP. Lux tax can substitute for MP as appropriate. I'd say we probably want 1 MP permanently, and use lux tax while building the worker to get the last needed happy face.
Hi everyone! First of all, I apologize for the delay - I wasn't able to get to it last night.

Things were a little rough on my turn, and I might have made a big mistake. In any case, this is my first time at an RBD game, so I'm still learning the intricacies of high-level play, but I hope I did okay. :p

Here's the blow by blow:

Pre-Turn: Osaka has 4 shield left on the barracks, so I switch the 2 food grassland square to our forest w/ silks to save a turn. It nets us an extra beaker, speeding Iron Working by two turns, so I think it's ok.

Looking over our situation, I think we are going to have to attack with archers and spearmen, at least a little bit, or we are going to fall too far behind. We can't do it yet though, got to build up at least a little bit!

Turn 1 - 1725 - Our treasury is running low! Osaka completes it's barracks just as I'd hoped, one turn before originally scheduled. Kyoto is growing next turn, so I take a close look at it. I decide to switch one grassland to our forest w/silks, for just one turn. It will still grow in one turn, and we will knock an additional couple turns off Iron working. Also allows us to finish our spearman early.

Turn 2 - 1700 - Kyoto finishes a spearman, and starts on an archer. Now I try my first hand at true RBD style micromanagement:

Kyoto produces 8 shields a turn when we work the forest, and 6 per turn when we work the grassland. 8+6+6=20, or the number of shields required to build an archer or spearman. My strategy will be to work the forest for one turn and the grass for two, producing a unit every 3 turns, wasting no shields, and still grow reasonably fast. This is how it's done, isn't it? :goodjob:

Osaka is switched back to grassland also, so it will grow next turn.

Turn 3 - 1675 - Ok here's where I think I might have made my mistake. Germany calls up, demanding alphabet. I think about this one long and hard. We aren't really in a position for a full scale assault, but I don't want to give up alphabet either. The two of us are isolated, and it doesn't seem like it's one of those situations where he's just going to get it from another civ anyway. I fretted over this one for at least a half-hour, but in the end I decide to decline his request. :eek:

I'm not sure if it was the right move or not - I'm sure you all can tell me what you think. This is a learning experience for me!!!!

In any case, Germany declares war. Our troops pour out of the mountains towards Hamburg. Kyoto switched to grasslands as outlined above.

Turn 4 - 1650 - I attack Hamburg - it is defended by a lone archer. My luck holds true, however, and that lone defending archer kills our archer AND a warrior:mad: :mad: :mad: Oh my, I may have really screwed up... Our last warrior captures the town though, and it is auto-razed. In a brief highlight, however, we capture a German worker.

Turn 5 - 1625 - Kyoto finishes archer, and 3 turn cycle started again. Osaka switched to it's forest+silks for awhile - we need the shield to get some more units. I don't want to press the attack until we get some more archers.

Turn 6 - 1600 - The Germans haven't counter attacked so far. :cool: Our worker finishes a mine near Osaka, which is extremely helpful, and starts a road there for some more cash. We are still hovering at a very low treasury, but the turns spent working the silks are helping us stay in the black, and I don't want to lower science until we get Iron.

Turn 7 - 1575 - 2 German archers show up on the counterattack! :eek: An archer completed in Osaka. Our two warriors take the initiative and bring the fight to the archers. In a good distribution of statistical probability, one wins, and one loses. The archer will attack our spearman next turn. If we lose him, we are really in trouble.

Turn 8 - 1550 - Our spearman successfully defends, and is promoted to elite! Our troops are pulling back to the mountains, waiting for reinforcements. Another Archer completed in Kyoto.

Turn 9 - 1525 - Iron working will be completed next turn. I lower science rate a bit, and we gain 4 gold in addition to Iron next turn. Kyoto growing to size 5 next turn.

Turn 10 - 1500 - Iron working discovered, and Writing started. We have Iron!!!! Well, sort of. It's in the mountains south of Kyoto, but it is outside the actual city radius. I think we are going to actually have to use a colony!! (See screenshot). I misjudge a little on the archer in Kyoto - wasting 2 shields... :( In any case, a worker should come next I think.


Well, it's a learning experience. This is a pretty rocky start, but I do think we can bring the fight to the Germans soon - we do, after all, have iron, or will soon. I hope I did ok!!!


  • iron.jpg
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That wasn't bad at all, Charlie, just some bad luck on the attack.

Btw, killer quote. :goodjob:

We could build a worker as soon as Kyoto strikes 6 pop and then use the German worker to build the iron colony. It's good that we have iron, it will surely give us the edge in the war. As far as we can see, they don't have any hills/mountains hence iron hence no swordsmen.

They currently have 4 cities. It shouldn't be that much of a problem. Also, it's a fair piece of land + yummy spices :D

EDIT - just noticed the mountains :lol: Still, no iron.
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