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RBO OSG2 - The Klackon Menace


Dec 25, 2001
The year is 2300 AD, and the fledgling Klackon empire is poised to take to the stars. Other, similar empires are taking shape even as they launch their first colony ship. Only one race will emerge leader of this new era, and the Klackons are determined to be those leaders, a fact that causes the other races to view them as a menace to their societies... and rightfully so.

It is time for all Klackons to claim their place in history!

Map size: Medium
Difficulty: Impossible
Race: Klackons
Years per turn: 10 (exceptions listed below)

Tentative Roster - please confirm by posting to this thread!

Justus_II <== UP NOW (20 turns 1st round only)
Erick the Red <== On Deck (20 turns 1st round only)
Patroclus (15 turns 1st round only)
Selentine (15 turns 1st round only)

Zed-F said:
Tentative Roster - please confirm by posting to this thread!
Present. Why are we over here anyway?

Regardless, thanks for organizing and for choosing red.

Why are we over here anyway?

Three reasons:

1) CFC upload server allows images and saved games to be stored on their webspace, facilitating SG play in a way not duplicated elsewhere.

2) Realms Beyond has a long running presence here at CFC, where our succession games are welcomed as a community asset, rather than viewed as a burden or an imposition.

3) The audience is larger. More people will lurk the thread and read about the results. This may attract new players to other RB activities, including the Imperial tournament.

- Sirian
Checking in, and I'm up! I won't be able to get to it until tomorrow night. Looks like we may have a couple choices for our colony ship? ;)
Checking in. I'll be back on Thursday if the game actually gets to me by then...

This is my first Impossible attempt in years, so hopefully the (re)learning process won’t be too painful. At least the Klackons are a good race to play, their production bonus really helps in getting new colonies up off the ground, and unlike, say, the Mrrshan, don’t start out with natural enemies. (Yes, I re-read the racial profile from Sirian’s site). ;)

Looking at the starting map, it seems like we have a lot of yellow stars nearby, at medium ranges. A cluster to the west and one to the north make it likely we have at least 2 rivals, maybe more, that we should run into soon. At least there aren’t any behind us, so we should have a peaceful backyard. The downside is the backyard’s not that big, only 3 stars, and we can’t reach any of them for a while. :( There are two stars in immediate settling range, both at range 2, and both Green stars. But it looks like one would put us in range of a third planet, while I don’t think the other would. Here’s my Dotmap:


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I hope this isn't too hard to follow, I wanted the map embedded in the post, but now I have to split it into two posts :p
Systems A and B are the two at range 2. By my rough calculations (using a printscreen map and a ruler), I think System A will put System C in range, and maybe D, but probably just C. C should put D in range, though. E is a question mark, it’s only range 5, so it seems getting A or B should put it in range, but looking closely, I think it’ll still be range 4 from either. Regardless, A will open the road to C and D, whereas B doesn’t seem to open anything new, so that’ll be where I send the colony ship. If A isn’t habitable, I can always send it to B, only 1 turn lost.

I had an alternate idea, to send a scout to A, and the colony to B. IIRC, I read that the scouting reports go in system order from West to East, Top to bottom, so even though they would arrive the same turn, I would be able to see the report on A before deciding whether to settle on B. But, I think even if B is better than A, I would choose A for the range extension unless it is a real rock. Therefore, this plan would cost us a turn in the most likely scenario, only to save us a turn in the worst-case scenario (B habitable, A not). Besides, I think I have more pressing needs for the initial scouts.

On the map, I have drawn green circles at (approximately) radius 3 from Kholdan, and the nearest yellows. You can see C and D are not in initial settling range from any of our prospective rivals, but would be in their scouting range. E is in colony range from the nearest yellow to the north, if someone starts there. So, I want to get scouts to those planets as soon as possible. C and D both appear to be about equidistant from us and the nearest yellow, so if I want to beat the AI there, I have to head out the first turn. E is closer to the other yellow, so if someone does start there, I can’t beat them, but I do want to get there quick. The backyard planets can wait a few turns. So I am going to send our initial 2 scouts to C and D, then build 2 new Scout 1’s for E and A the first turn, and wait a couple turns to build some more.

OK, enough of the pre-game show, time for kickoff!
2300 Scouts head to C, D. Colony to System A. Build 2 Scout 1’s, and 2.7 factories.

2301 Two new scouts head to systems B and E. Full factory production.

2302 Well, you win some and you lose some. Our colony ship arrives at Talas (system A). Good news is it’s Rich, bad news is it’s Tundra. Shift the colony ship over to system B, which will take 2 turns. Oh, well, we’re no worse off than if we had waited for the scouts to get there first.

2303 Our scout arrives at system B a turn ahead of the colony ship, and discovers Volantis, an Arid 70. That’ll work! Send the scout on to white star at the east edge.
IBT: We colonize Volantis.

2304 Scout finds Gorra at system C, an Ultra-Rich Toxic 40. It’s at range 4, but would have been range 3 to Talas, and will put D within range 3, so at least that part of the pre-game analysis was correct, even if it’s academic for now. ;) Time to shift people to the new colony. Kholdan just now hit 51, since we only started with 40. I run the numbers through Charis’ Max Growth formula, and come up with 20, but I don’t really want to take Kholdan below 1/3, so I fudge it and send 18. Also set Kholdan to kick out 5 more scouts, to cover all remaining planets in range.

2305 Scouts find Laan, a Desert 45, at system D (range 4). New scouts head out, two to blockade at Talas and Volantis, two to the south, and one to system E to relieve that scout, who can now reach the first Yellow to the north.

2306 Scout arrives at system E, which is Firma, another Rich, this time a Minimal 35. A habitable Rich this early is definitely a Good Thing! It’s also at Range 4. I’m sensing a pattern here. It’s obvious we can’t expand without better range tech, or Tundra, which is a second tier tech, so although it’s early, I think it’s time to get started on research.

The colonists have arrived at Volantis, which is now at 19 production. That should be enough to get it going. I divide it among Construction, Planetology, and Propulsion. We’re excellent at Construction, so hopefully we can pick up a cheap clean-up or factory tech quick. Planetology could get us cleanup or terraforming, and also open up the next tier so we know if we have tundra. Finally, propulsion is our poor area, but at least one of the range techs will be there, and that will get us going. The other three areas offer no immediate benefits, and since Volantis will be our research provider for a while, I’d rather focus on what we need right now.
IBT: Drum Roll Please…
Construction: Industrial Tech 9 (210rp) or Waste 80% (600).
Planetology: Terraforming +10 (160) or Barren (360).
Propulsion: Range 4 (450).
My choices are in bold, with the base research cost listed. The two Construction techs were both useful, but Tech 9 is cheaper, and we are definitely in the building phase, so I gave it the nod.

2307 Send the scout from E north to the Yellow. I am going to postpone factories on Volantis and devote it entirely to research, while still building up Kholdan, so it will be ready to crank out colony ships when the tech comes in. It will hurt Volantis in the short run, but with proportionally more of our production coming from our people, rather than factories, it shouldn’t be too bad, and the Industrial 9 will help when it is time to catch up. I divide our abundant research effort, with 50% toward Range 4, and the rest split between the other two.

2308 Scouts find Helos, a Minimal 30, at the white on the east edge.

2309 Two scouts report in, finding Vox, a Desert 35, at the yellow north of Firma, and Imra, an Inferno 10 at the green to the south.

2310 Nothing happens. Well, I guess my paranoia about getting our scouts out to beat rivals from the nearby yellows was unfounded, but better safe than sorry. I haven’t seen any sign of intelligent life out there.

2311 More nothing.

2312 Scout discovers Celtis, an Ultra-Poor Steppe 50 at the red to the NE. I also get the MAX sign on Kholdan’s slider. Still a ways to go, but we are passing the 2 factory/person point. I back off on factory construction a little, putting an extra 30 bc into research, so we can speed up our techs. Kholdan will still build enough factories to keep up with population growth.

2313 What’s that? A blue scout near Vox? Must just be a UFO.

2314 Nope, it’s for real, and it’s the Sakkra. Our brave unarmed scout chases their cowardly unarmed scout away from Vox. Well, at least the Sakkra usually make decent neighbors. We definitely need to push north quickly, though.

2315 Back to nothing.

2316 Techs are getting into the low percentages…

2317 Waiting…
IBT: Finally, we have Range 4! [dance] Our choices now are Nuclear Engines (Warp 2) or Inertial Stabilizer, I take the Engines first. The problem is no Range 6, which we need to get the systems to the S and E. :(

2318 Going into the tech screen, I reduce the percentage on propulsion, boosting our research on the other two. I originally thought about opening all the areas, but I’ll leave that for the next player to choose those techs. Start Kholdan on a colony ship, it has a net production of 140, so it shows 5 turns, but with population growth should bring it down to 4.
IBT: We discover Terraforming +10, our choices now are Dead Environment or Death Spores, such a lively choice! I take the Enviro tech, as it will open the Tundra world.

2319 I manually set both planets to start gradual terraforming, making sure to keep the colony ship completing in 3 turns. Balance tech a little more, hopefully we can get Industrial 9 before I turn over the reigns. I also push a couple of our scouts out to newly in-range systems.
IBT: Sakkras show up at Vox again, this time with an equally cowardly Colony Ship, and our brave scout again chases them off, but sends a message: Hurry!

2320 Well, our tech didn’t come in, but it’s at 33%, so it should be any turn now.

As I said, I’ll leave it for the next Great Leader to rebalance techs and open the three remaining areas. We could also back off tech (don’t stop it entirely) and get Volantis building factories, especially once Industrial 9 is done.

Colony ship is due in 2, I would humbly recommend colonizing Firma, the Rich world to the north, but just a suggestion. ;) Our only choices are Firma and Laan, the desert 45. Firma will also let us reach Vox, but that’s about it until we get Range 7. Of course, Firma, Laan, and Vox should open some new systems to scout, so hopefully we can keep expanding N and W.

Check the scouts, I sent a couple out from close to home. We may need to build a few more to take up blocking positions, and relieve the forward ones so they can push out once Firma is settled.

Kholdan is at 76 pop, 153 factories, and terraforming has bumped the max up to 102, should take about 4 more turns. Volantis has 51 of 72 pop, but no factories yet.

Here’s the map of our fledling star empire, and what we know of our Rich neighborhood. This should be a very good location, once we get the techs we need to access the other rich planets. I have to believe there is someone to our W, but no sign of them yet, once Laan is colonized, we should be able to scout further that way.


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Well, I've read that attached pictures won't show up, if you have another attachment to the same message, and I can't figure out how to insert a picture from the upload server in this new version yet, so here's the save, and roster:

Justus_II <== Just Played (20 turns 1st round only)
Erick the Red <== UP NOW (20 turns 1st round only)
Patroclus <== On deck (15 turns 1st round only)
Selentine (15 turns 1st round only)
The upload function works exactly as it did previously, just you can only upload one thing at a time. I include images in my posts with a _img_ tag and links with a _url_ tag (with square brackets instead of underscores.) As you can see for the first post in this thread I put 2 images and a link all in the same post, all located where I wanted in the post.
I was able to upload the image file, but when I tried to use the 'insert image' button on the reply screen, nothing happened. Before, it would allow me to paste the shortcut into a dialog box, and then it formated the html tags for me. I guess I'll have to (gasp) do the img tags manually??? ;) I'm sure I'll figure it out, but this morning I was at work and in a hurry, so one per post seemed the quickest solution. :)
Got it, and plan to play tonight.

I haven't used these boards before, so I may fumble around a bit before I get images and the save file uploaded though. :crazyeye:
To start with I review the tech situation. It's nice that we picked up terraforming +10. Getting Controlled Dead will allow us to colonize a rich planet, and opens up the possiblity for better waste reduction or terraforming, so seems quite useful. It's unfortunate that we don't have quick access to longer range, but we will have to make do. Reduced industrial waste will be useful.

The highest priority for now is claiming systems and building factories. I will concentrate on that and only spend a limited amount on research, which I will mostly split between construction and planetology.

So to start I switch the research sliders toward terraforming, and reduce research expenditure. I will make a few more scouts, as some more planets will be bought in range as systems are colonized, and then Volantis will start making factories. I also set ship relocation from Kholdan to Volantis to speed the colony ship on it's way.

2321 Improved Industrial Tech 8 and Duralloy Armor are the new construction choices. I select reduced industrial waste 80%. The colony ship is completed, and is speeding towards the rich planet. Kholdan can produce the next ship in 4 turns, with some change left over for research. This lets Volantis concentrate on factory production.

2322 The Silicoid empire has grown in strengh. Already they control 7 systems. Escalon in the bottom right corner of the map is revealed to be a dead planet.

2323 My scout arrives at Drakha, and meets a Psilon Colony ship. It's a nice terran planet. Too bad it is out of range. The Sakkra send another colony ship to Vox.

2325 Census Time! Klackon, Sakkra, Silicoid, Mrshann, Alkari, Psilon. Kholdan completes it's second colony ship.

2326 Kholdan starts a third colony ship, but I'm not sure if it will have an immediate destination. Once Laan is settled a new system will be in range, but I haven't scouted it yet. Vox is also a possible choice, but I fear the Sakkra will poach it from us. Kholdan diverts some resources towards factory production, and sends some colonists to Volantis as a stopover to Firma. I want the rich planet stood up quickly.

2327 As Firma is settled we meet the Sakkra. They agree to a trade agreement for 50 BC a year.

2329 Endoria is revealed to be a Steppe planet with 60 max. To bad it is in range 4 of the Sakkra. The Psilons send another colony ship to Drakka.

2330 Hmm. Laan is settled. A scout arrives at Denubius, and it's an aritfacts planet with a max population of 90. Yay! Then we make contact with the Psilons and Silicoids, and I see that Denubius is controlled by the Silicoids. Boo!

2331 The Psilons are erratic, and have an alliance with the Silicoids. The Silicoids still have 7 systems, so it seems clear they are blocked to the upper left by the Mrshann and Alkari. The Psilons will trade 75 a year, and the Silicoids will trade 50.

2332 Sakkra send a scout to Celtsi. Kholdan has completed a colony ship, which is on it's way to Vox. There are no more systems in range. Kholdan is now ready to start devoting the majority of it's production to research, so I shift the sliders to investigate the remaining fields.

The Sakkra send a colony ship to Laan. The only computer choice is the deep space scanner. Class II shields are the only shield options. Weapons offer choice between Hyper-V Rockets and gatling lasers. I select the rockets.

The next several turns are quiet. Just building factories and research.

2334 Empire Production report: Sakkra, Klackon, Mrrshan, Silicoid, Psilon, Akari

2338 Population Census: Klackon, Mrrshan, Sakkra, Silicoid, Psilon, Alkari. The Psilons throw a hissy fit at the results and declare war.

2339 I check the diplomacy screen, and see the Psilon have alliances with the Sakkra and Silicoid. I dial up the Sakkra and Silicoid and politely point out the their allies the Psilons are erratic jerks. The Silicoid agree to help rid the universe of the Psilon menace.

Also, Reduced Industrial Waste 80% research is completed. I select Duralloy Armor.

I didn't adjust the sliders, leaving that to the next player. A fair amount has been invested in planetology, while the other fields have been running at low levels.

I haven't visited the diplomacy screen recently, aside from asking to declare war against the Psilons. We will have a spy in the Sakkra camp in 4 turns, and 6 turns for the other races, and then we will get a glimps of their technology. The Sakkra have only sent one scout each to Endoria and Celtsi. They also haven't expanded to the north, so I don't know what they are up to. I would expect them to pester us at Vox soon, and I don't think there's much we can do about it.

Firma, the rich planet, is almost maxed out on factories, and just reached maximum population - I sent a lot of colonists to it since it is rich and I wanted to be sure that there is the opportunity to set up missile bases there. Kholdan has just maxed factories as well.

Vox was just colonized, and probably wants some Colonists sent from Laan. I would bounce them through Firma though - if sent directly the Sakkra could send a fleet and then capture the planet before they arrive.

Talas can be claimed one Controlled Dead is researched. In the west the only habitable planet left is Drakka, which is at range 5. Only the Psilons have sent ships in to it since my scout arrived.

To the east are 4 systems at ranges 6 and 7. The Sakkra can claim them all with range 4 steps if they choose. If we can't trade for range 6, then I think the fastest way to get to these is to research propulsion and planetology until we can fit a reserve fuel tanks on a colony ship.

Also I just noticed there there are a couple more systems in Sakkra territory that can be scouted now that Vox is settled, but I didn't leave extra scouts in position to do so - sorry about that.


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Erick The Red said:
To the east are 4 systems at ranges 6 and 7. The Sakkra can claim them all with range 4 steps if they choose. If we can't trade for range 6, then I think the fastest way to get to these is to research propulsion and planetology until we can fit a reserve fuel tanks on a colony ship.
All it takes is Duralloy (and TF+10, which we already have) to fit tanks on a colony ship. Prop tech miniaturizes components with high Power requirements, but colony bases have Power=0 so you want Construct tech for a larger hull. Planet tech miniaturizes the colony base, but dead tech + 1st gen Construct won't cut it while Duralloy + 1st gen Planet tech will.

Yes, it seems like construction tech is probably our best bet at the moment, unless we can steal some useful tech from the Psilons. If we are at war, we might as well dial up a bit of spying. Of course, with controlled Dead plus both Factories 9 and Waste 80%, that might be enough to get reserve tanks and regular colony bases... I know Dead plus either or won't work, but what about Dead plus both?
I thought propulsion helped fit reserve tanks by reducing the size of the tanks, not the power requirement. I don't remember the breakpoints needed to fit them though, so I could be wrong.

Justus_II (20 turns 1st round only)
Erick the Red <== Just played (20 turns 1st round only)
Patroclus <== UP NOW (15 turns 1st round only)
Selentine <== On deck (15 turns 1st round only)
Actually, Reserve Fuel Tanks are in the Construction tree, not in the Propulsion tree.
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