RBW4 - It's a scary world out there

Please note that Tenochtitlan is founded on Stone. If anything, he will get to one if not both of the two wonders we are discussing. If we wish to begin either of them, we may be risking losing it.
For me wanders Mach Less impotant then amount of land we can claim befor AI take it. So, settlers and workers is a first priority.
Prayers, Wheels and Pots it shall be then. Grow up the capitol.
Got it for tomorrow.

Pots, pans and get Charlie ClubWielder back home.
Scoutin' Sammy in the frozen north has made three new friends and they have him for dinner

So as soon as the settler is finished I train another scout and a second warrior while Beijing grows to 4 for sending the settler east encounters these brave boyos

They promptly scamper away at the sight of our brave club handler, but Shanghai puts a few turns on a warrior before starting its monument.

Mansa discovers many gods and converts to Hindism and this guy appears in the south

The worker rounded up pork and horses, then connected the horses while the settler was whipped at the earliest possible time. He met up with his escorting warrior and is proceeding to the Southwest with the scout lighting the way

The newly trained scout is checking the far north where there are signs of barbarian activity

The research path was Wheels to Mysticism to Pottery now due in 4 turns.


Kodii -
Bede - Just played
KMadCandy Official Lurker
3Amoor - MIA
sunrise089 - UP!


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Is it just me, or does anyone else notice that barbs will not attack a city until a certain date?

Great turns Bede, I think we can actually make this work in our favor this time.
Got it.

@Kodii - I think the barbs appear after a certain date, or when you found your second city, whichever comes first.

@Muti - I know you're the master of the whip, but is it always best to whip the first settler? I know it gets city 2 out sooner, but since we need many cities, is it faster in the long-term? Doesn't it delay city three, since the capital can't work as many tiles?

@Team - Which tech after pottery comes in? Bronze?
Well I looked on save. I suggest do massonry- writing next.
Do not forget our granaries are very cheap. We should build them.
Whip or not whip from efficiency point of view depends on amount of improved ties. Now our capital has 5 ties improved, so whipe is not profitable any longer.
Speed however, is an other consideration.

After settling thurd city (I advice to chop obelisk there for faster stone connect) I would send scout to check elephant/cow site southeast of capital.

May be it is still free and we can get it. One more source of early happiness is impotant.
After that I would normally produce bunch of workers, we need to improve all our cities, when do more scouting.

May be we need to build city near north gold, gold cities tend to pay for themself.
@Team - Which tech after pottery comes in? Bronze?
I think we have bronze working already. Mutineer's plan of masonry then writing sounds good, assuming we're still wanting to chase a wonder?
For me it is about having opportunity.
If AI would not harry with wander and we have opportunity to do it cheaply, then we can grab it. Otherwize settler/worker spamm is a priority.
Turn 0: Place signs on the 3rd and possible 4th city spots. Set research queued to masonry then writing.

Turn 1: Warrior completes, I will put 3 turns into another settler (we already have 2 scouts) and then switch to a granary when pottery completes.

Turn 2: Settler is one turn away from the city-spot (2 turns away from founding). We come across a HC archer and a barb archer to the west of the city spot. Hopefully HC will win the battle on the IT. Our northern scout is also dodging barbs.

Turn 3: HC's archer moves onto our tile, the barb archer is nowhere to be seen. The HC archer though has full strength - so he may not have killed the barb archer. I'm nervous about founding, but figure we can't move another supporting warrior to help the settler anyways without moving the settler back to the capital.

Turn 4: Pottery comes in, Masonry starts. The capital starts on a granary. Guangzhou is founded and starts an monument.

Turn 5: Scouting, move warrior from capital into new territory without leaving cultural borders.

Turn 6: Scouting

Turn 7: Scouting

Turn 8: Worker is ordered to chop a forest outside Guangzhou to speed monument construction.

Turn 9: Capital finishes a granary, continues on a settler - I figure we're going to build a 4th city one way or another.

Turn 10: Scout confirms the ivory/cow site has definitely been taken by Mansa.

The Roster:

Methos - on deck
KMadCandy - Official Lurker(?)
3Amoor - MIA
sunrise089 - just played
Mutineer - up!

The Save:
Well founded next city., may be not in a best location, but I did want to claim resources and if Masta build resourceless city we eventially will get it from him.

That is my next propoused location, idea is that this city eventially claim gold, sheep, eventially Marble and leave space for fur/cilver city.

Research set to mathematic. Stonehenge gone, but I think we have a good shot for Piramids, if we chop them with Stone and Mathematic.
So, do not start piramids just yet.

IN a mean time, after settler and it's escorting chariot done I advice to mass produce workers and connect all other cities with traderoutes for more commerce.

I open borders with Masta and Maxmed, because we cave connection which gives as trade.

We really need to start to improve our land.

Have to use tattachments now, as my upload limit achieved. I clean up some space in attachements.


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Please note that BTS automatically updates your Vanilla and Warlords to versions 1.74 and 2.13. Since this is not a HOF submission, we should be fine, but you'll still get the 'HOF Warning!' indicator. Also realize that once someone installs BTS anyone playing after them will be affected. I can't remember exactly what the differences are in the patches and don't know if they've officially stated what they are.

Does everyone plan on getting BTS? If not please say so. You can always do a dual-install if you don't mind.
I think I plan on getting it, but probably not right away. Perhaps after some good comments and then stumbling upon the game in a store, I'll purchase it.
Civ serial is not avalible in Japan, not normal way. I useally finished buying it from Dick Smith in Newzealnd and shipping there, take about 3 mounth min, so no, I will not have BTW in nearest future.
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