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Rebellion (Civil War) Mod

If some city has a long time unrest, like 10 turns, its chance to trigger civil war should increase to 50% or more. When it happens new civ starts. For example, if England has a city what rebels, then it converts to England rebels civ. If you make peace with them, then they get independence, United states of America for example. What this mean is that every civ must have list of civs where are the names of new rebellious civs.

Another way is to make new civ by giving them the name of city who rebels. For example if people in Memphis get so unhapy that they start rebel, then new civ Memphis rebels start game. They act as AI, can develop and so, have techs what you have. If you make peace with them then they get new name Memphis Empire. If another city starts rebel, they join with them.

Still if you have 25 or 50 turns peace with Memphis Empire, and then a new city starts rebellion, you get new rebel faction and so on.

The chace of rebel should contain several modifiers like - distance from capital, military presence, number of rebelling citisens, diferent city religion from state religion, war fearness, diferent nationality.

I like the idea of having rebellion units arisen nearby revolting city. The number of units should be equal to the number of unhapy citisens. So the city is revolting 4-8 turns and rebellion army is outside of town. Maybe the revolution should damage the garnison as well like in Rome Total War. And then the rebels run storm on city.

Has anybody made guide how to mod events in phyton?
All the functions for events in python are included in the files in the game

C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Assets\Python

Those things right there...

For instance, CvQuestManager lists all the functions for making quest events.
hey can you add a description in the first post for what exactly does the (current) version of your mod does? Coz I find it a bit confusing with all the suggestions but I don't know which of them has been implemented and which has not
GraveEatr said:
I've been wanting civil war in a Civ game for YEARS now! It was one of my main strategies back in Civ2 when warring with a larger civ. Just take their capital, (hopefully) a civil war starts and the large empire is split in two, with me aligning with the "rebels". :king:

If this could be done, it would totally rock! I never ever messed with python before, if I knew how I'd make this myself!

I have written a (short) Civ II - Revival - Modification. If the player lost his capital, the empire collapse into a loyal and a defect (barbarian) zone.

Civ II - Revival - Modification V 1.2
Dom Pedro II said:
Civilizations splitting off from other civilizations gets to be a bit tricky since you'd have to have less than 18 civilizations on the board, and you'd have to have derivative civilizations ready to go... such as Rome splits into Rome and Byzantium, or Spain splits into Spain and.. Castile? I don't even know.

And that'd also mean that if there was a full 18 civs in play, you wouldn't even be able to do that... civil wars would only be possible on maps with fewer than 18 civilizations.

Actually, Rome could split into several different civs: The English, German, French and Spanish all share their roots with the Roman Empire in one way or another.

And of course the English could split into the Americans. :D

I wouldn't mind playing a game with fewer than 18 civs just to have a civil war mod... besides, if one or more civs did have a civil war, you'd get those civs back in the game anyway!

If it's possible, civs should split into what ever cultural background they share. I know the game has "Asian", "Middle Eastern", "European" building styles to them, depending on which civ you have. You could just group the civs like that. Am I making sense?
Trip said:
Surprised nobody started this one sooner. ;)

In my work on the main game scenarios I created some systems which are designed to mimic rebellions and civil wars, spawning barbarian units around cities to stir up trouble.

This code can be modified and applied to the main game with some modification. I already have the spawning of units algorithms completed - what remains is triggers (and something to make sure you don't always get the same type of rebel unit throughout the whole game, but that's easy).

My question for you guys is what should these triggers be? What is balanced? I was thinking there would be essentially two levels - 'rebellion' which spawns barb units around cities rarely to stir up trouble, and full-scale civil war when things get bad enough and would be more difficult to beat off, like fighting a whole other civ.

And before someone brings it up... actually splitting off of cities to other nations, new or otherwise, won't be covered in my first iteration. Sorry. ;) You guys can run with what I've made after I finish it and add whatever you want. For now I just want to get something fairly simple up since I know people would like to see this sort of thing.

Anyways, feedback, questions, suggestions, etc. always welcome. :)

Alpha Version 1 is up:
Can you create the spy can steal a technology from a rvial civilization ? :goodjob:
In this version of this wonderful mod there is the possibility of a rebellion and the possility of the city in rebellion can become an indipendece state (As barbarian city) ??????? What are the features of this version ? :scan:
Xavier Von Erck said:
I hope Trip hasn't given up on this, truly a great idea :)
Well, to be honest I was hoping that others would pick it up and run with it, because I don't really have time to keep working on it I'm afraid. ;)

I first started it quite a while ago and there's a lot more that could be implimented. Dh_epic and I had a discussion a while back about representing rebellion and what I have here is just the tip of the iceberg of potential.

In other words, I'm afraid that my work with this project is likely concluded for now. :)
Trip said:
In my work on the main game scenarios I created some systems which are designed to mimic rebellions and civil wars, spawning barbarian units around cities to stir up trouble.

This code can be modified and applied to the main game with some modification. I already have the spawning of units algorithms completed - what remains is triggers (and something to make sure you don't always get the same type of rebel unit throughout the whole game, but that's easy).

My question for you guys is what should these triggers be?

Thank you for this!!! This is almost the sole reason that I made an acct to post on the message boards! I loved the fact that the largest civ could split in 2 in the original Civilization game, and I wondered where it went in later versions.

My thinking on this is that "triggers" may be a misnomer - maybe there should be a "rebellion score" similar to how corruption or unhappiness was calculated in Civ 3. (BTW, my thinking goes along the lines of what factors caused the American colonies to break off from England. Other examples would be the Asian and African colonies of the European powers eventually gaining independence.)

For example, high rebellion points for cities on another continent or a long distance from the capital. (This could be a simple modification of the corruption calculations.) Also, civs that have more than the "maximum" number of cities for a given map size are ripe for rebellion.

Additionally, if you wanted to add a "war weariness" factor to the rebellion points calculation (e.g., the colonies are frustrated with supporting war mongering of the old country), you could make an option granting independence to the colonies, once the war with the other civ is over, in return for lower war weariness in the distant colonies. If independence is granted after the war, a new civ is created that has fairly friendly relations (maybe automatic resource or luxury trade) with the original civ. If independence is denied, a die roll determines if 1) there is massive corruption/civil unrest that requires many troops to control, or 2) the city breaks away anyway, creating a new civ that has hostile relations with the orig civ. Additionally, since a single city breaking off as a new civ is a little unrealistic, several nearby cities would also breakaway to join the new civ, based on same rebellion score (rebellion score of individual cities is increased if a nearby city rebels/breaks away).

Trip said:
What is balanced? I was thinking there would be essentially two levels - 'rebellion' which spawns barb units around cities rarely to stir up trouble, and full-scale civil war when things get bad enough and would be more difficult to beat off, like fighting a whole other civ.

The culture score of the breakaway cities would be retained by the new civ, so as not to immediately culture flip back or to an opponent.

Additionally, I don't think any civ (not just the human-controlled civs) should be able to lose 1) more than half their cities, and 2) so many that they fall more than 1 city below the civ with the next-highest score or # of cities.

Example 1:
France 25 cities 4000 pts
America 17 cities 3800 pts
Russia 22 cities 3500 pts

France cannot lose more that 4 cities (so that it falls to 21 cities = 1 less than Russia's 22 cities). Even though America is the 2nd highest score, they have the 3rd highest city count.

Example 2:
France 25 cities 4000 pts
Russia 10 cities 2500 pts
America 9 cities 2200 pts

France cannot lose more that 12 cities (so that it falls to half + 1 of its cities).

I have only just started thinking about this - just wait till I get going!

GraveEatr said:
Actually, Rome could split into several different civs: The English, German, French and Spanish all share their roots with the Roman Empire in one way or another.

And of course the English could split into the Americans. :D

I wouldn't mind playing a game with fewer than 18 civs just to have a civil war mod...

Amen - I would *LOVE* to play a game like this.

GraveEatr said:
besides, if one or more civs did have a civil war, you'd get those civs back in the game anyway!

If it's possible, civs should split into what ever cultural background they share. I know the game has "Asian", "Middle Eastern", "European" building styles to them, depending on which civ you have. You could just group the civs like that. Am I making sense?

I think the cultural backgrounds is a good idea, but maybe just using the names of the "barbarian" hordes would work just as well. (Rome spawns a new "Hun" civilization :lol: )

Please continue the work on this - at the very least, please continue the discussion of ideas about this.
Alone said:
First, don't make it as it's only the couse of Religion or just distances from Capitol but mixed reasons like Exel nicely proposed.
I agree - Exel did have some great suggestions.

Alone said:
Just two short add:
Don't make it too easy to happened it has to be relativlly rare occurrance by my opinnion.
The soldiers that are in rebelion cities in that moment, should be splited (part for reballion - stayed in cities and part for old civ, infront of the city) What percentage of units should be assigned to rebels it also have to be determined somehow /with an advantage for rebels I guess anyway/.

I keep thinking that maybe this should be a mod worked on for Civ 3 - just to flesh out some ideas.

Like the units already in or around a city (within the city's radius or within its cultural boundaries? there's a good question!) that goes into rebellion. In Civ 3, with separate off/def values, the units could be split down the middle - the ones with highest def go to the rebels, the ones with the highest off go to the orig civ (odd unit left goes to the rebels).

For example, if 2 infantry, 2 tanks, and a guerilla are in the rebelling city's bounds, the rebelling city gets the infantry and the guerilla, while the orig civ gets the tanks.

Example 2: If 5 cavalry and a musketman are within the city bounds, the orig civ gets 3 cavs, while the rebel city gets 2 cavs and the musketman.

May need to have the new rebel units move 1 (or # of movement points) unit closer to the rebel city, while the orig civs unit stay put.

Just throwing more ideas out there, to try to enliven the discussion again!

i mixed promotion and perks with assasin, kill list but i don't know how to mix it with rebellion mod. are they compatible together? (sorry i don't speak english very well)
thank you if you know the lines!!
Nice mod component, I'll have to test it out and see if I could use it somehow ;)
Minor modification to Trip's code to make it work with DrElmerGiggles custom event manager, for easy merging with other mods. With this version, you only need to add:

import Rebellion

and then in __init__:


All other functionality remains the same. I made this change to try out this code with my BarbarianCiv mod, the merged code is partway down the first page.

View attachment Rebellion.zip
Suggested rebellion model

Percentage of unhappy citizens in entire empire is percent chance each turn of a rebellion.

Effects of a rebellion: The city with the highest percentage of unhappy citizens flips to a randomly chosen unassigned civ, or to barbarian if no unassigned civs are available. Units in the city have a chance of rebelling equal to the percentage of unhappy citizens in the civilization plus the percentage of unhappy citizens in the city. All rebelling units in the city immediately attack all loyal units in the city, with an extra first strike.

After a rebellion, the dice are thrown again, on the same turn, to determine if additional cities join the rebel civ, which should be a lower chance since the most unhappy city is now gone, reducing the percentage.

Rebel cities are captured intact, but start with no accrued culture.

A nice added feature would be to allow the player to select which civ to continue playing. In fact a civ switching mod in general would be cool, with or without barbarians. I don't know, a button you can push and it give you a menu of all available civs, you can pick which civ you want to switch to running.
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