Oh gosh. Thank thee for all the replies.
After finally getting some proper sleep (Damn Civfanatics! Damn the Internet!
), one has been able to give the matter proper consideration.
The problem one alluded to before is not exactly a legalistic matter; well, perhaps in the era of the Scarlet Letter; in that the person in question is already spoken for. Thus the only honourable course of action is to do nothing, and not to engage in any activity or contact.
It does simplify matters, given that one is not exactly on good terms with the person. It is not that this type of thing has not happened before, but one did not expect to see this particular individual where one saw them
Thus, I have expunged the last remnant of humanity in me, and am now thoroughly pure and evil, beyond all hope of redemption
Now that I know of this little chemical imbalance/emotion, I know how to defeat it!
I can assure all supporters of evil out there that this was a scintilla of an iota of a temporary aberration, and that one will never again be tempted by such things. Virtue and honour are intact.
My evil is also intact and vibrant. Went out stealing candy from babies this morning, followed by a trip to an nursing home for a good old game of "remove all the wheelchair ramps, brick up the exits and scream out 'Fire, Fire!', followed by a 155mm artillery round. Later, one will sit back and laugh at those jolly little people with the funny faces and the bells. What, jesters, you say? No. Lepers.
Thus, in conclusion, I remain in my monkish state, much the wiser for the experience. And, one remains bemused at best at the activities of the human race.