Compatible with saves from the last one?New update with some further bug fixings is uploaded!
Use the link of this post, please:
[Religion and Revolution]: Welcome ! (Read first please.)
Can confirm that it's with my save, apparently the DLL needs to be recompiled so the flags are the same as when the save was made.Yes, should be. Only small changes.
How did you get these screenshots?Achievements:
How did you get these screenshots?
How to see them in the game?
(When the map is enlarged, I can not get close enough to the city to see such a detailed city, let alone a port, how to unload gold)
Awesome work....just recently remembered the TAC mod and which great change it provided to the game. Then I discovered this and its HUGE. You made Colonization great again
(Btw. we could send the Brandenburg red eagle to the Americas. They tried to colonize Africa a bit (fail), but still. So many nations, could use "Germany".
thx for the unasked Wikipedia History lesson.
You probably missed my " signs " around Germany and the part about failed colonial efforts of Brandenburg. And you are aware that only 2 of the Nations to chose from were historically keen on oversee colonies at 1492?
Having said that, I seriously doubt that Scmiddie would be willing to add any more major civs to RaR.