[Religion and Revolution]: Welcome ! (Read first please.)

Mhh - Schmiddie and Moredice have "both" right :D

have yesterday DL - and on the first and second try ... ModDB give after an click of DL an registry site and no DL without ...
The third try is then working "normal" ... dont know the problem ..


New Version: Religion and Revolution 2.5.1 has been published!

You can download the new version here:

Hi Folks,

I'm happy to inform you that a new version of Religion and Revolution has been published!

The newest of version 2.5.1 contains some bug-fixes. In particular the freeze bug has been fixed by Nighttinggale.

1 City Plot Radius works properly now.

DLL Sources and Makefile are included.

Best regards


=== Outdated / Info for Version 2.5 ===

Hi Folks,

I'm happy to inform you Religion and Revolution is still alive and a new version of the mod has been published!

Here is the final changelog for Religion and Revolution, Version 2.5:

Please note that this Version is not only related to graphic improvments! I have implemented new features and invested hours and hours in balancing and improving the AI. I'm convinced that the new version is a big step in the direction of a more diversified and challanging game experience with colonization.

You'll find further install instructions in the main mod folder.

Units & Professions:
- specialist unit helebardier: unit deleted (simplification)
- specialist unit townguard: unit deleted (simplification)
- profession helebardier: deleted (simplification)
- profession town guard: deleted (simplification)
- Promotion "Promotion Homeland Guard 1-3" implemented
- correspoding "Domestic Defense Bonus" for units added
- new feature: a new feature has been implemented that is based on the "Modcomp: Not Allow Specified Professions per Unit" by Kailric which allows to deny professions for units - e.g. if you want that the governor cannot take the profession as a lumberjack - this is your feature!

Other changes:
- city graphic portugal early: updated
- improvement farm: graphics modified
- specialist butcher: unit graphic modified
- unit graphic settler militia modified
- unit graphic african slave modified
- unit graphic settler modified (female settler added)
- ingame map graphic slightly modified
- graphic for Port Royal changed (new graphic also by Willi Tell)

Founding Fathers
- Amendment of the appearance of a lot of founding fathers to a more reasonable order considering the requirements of the early, mid and late game

- New Civilization Trait "Agricultural" for Sweden (Swedish civilization trait changed from Forresters to Agricultural):
->+10% Food production in all settlements
->-10% Food required for population growth
- New Civilization Trait "Imperialist" for Russia (Russian civilization trait changed from Hunt tradition to Imperialist):
Imperialist (Russian civilization trait)
-> Free promotion: Homeland Guard I (+15% Combat Strength inside your Cultural Borders)
-> 25% Culture required for Territorial Expansion
The traits of Sweden and Russia have been changed to focuss a bit more on majaor aspects of the game.
- Amendment Trait "Undemanding": Food bonus no longer fixed at 2 for each settlement. It now scales with the bell-producing building that is present in the city (1 Food per Basecamp, 2 per Village Hall, etc.)
- General balancing and amendments of traits for the other European nations and overhaul of the traits for the native nations considering their diversity, historic situation, behaviour and - of course - the game balance.

- units: terrain boni and mali: decreased
- units: combat strength of all units modified
- AIWeight for some buildings modified (AI now handles buildings more effectively and produces weapons)
- a
lot of balancing changes / amendments!

Features and Bugfixes imported from RaR Extended (Nightinggale's mod):
RaRE 2.5.2

- added yield change preview when mouse hovering pioneers change terrain buttons (drain marsh)
- added yield change preview when mouse hovering pioneers change feature buttons (plant forest)
- Crash when AI investigated building settlements on the edge of the map when the "Reduced colony distance" game option was on
RaRE 2.5.1
- Autoexport wasn't saved correctly
- Freeze when an AI transport tried to load a yield, which was required by the building currently under construction
RaRE 2.5
Features: (all done by Nightinggale)
- added ability to switch between 1 and 2 plot radius for colony catchment area (change of CvGameCoreDLL.dll required in the file directory of the mod)
- feeder service threshold change to supply construction
- import/export window now has buttons to set and clear multiple yields with one click (like clear all)
- autoexport to turn off export when there is nothing to export (no real gameplay change, but should prevent a late game slowdown)
- export threshold is no longer capped at 8 bit/255 (wladyslaw17)
- barbarian pirates now only spawn in areas with access to Europe (wladyslaw17)
- fixed issue where the feature had to be removed to allow building certain improvements, such as vineyards (Nightinggale)
- fixed broken hotkeys due to command order (ray)


Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you recognize bugs. Feel free to post your feedback here in the forum in our Feedback thread: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/religion-and-revolution-feedback-and-questions.468932/ in particular regarding the balancing and AI behaviour.

Kind regards

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Can you list the exact changes in the new version though when you post updates?
Also, do you use SVN or Git for development? That would be the best way to see when/where were any possible bugs introduced.
I will not post ANY change, this is too much work. I will post the relevant ones, but only if a new version (e.g. 2.6) is published. This one is only bug fixing.
Yes, should be. Only small changes.
Can confirm that it's with my save, apparently the DLL needs to be recompiled so the flags are the same as when the save was made.
Unfortunately this forum won't let me attach files, so I can't provide my save.
Please don't post saves here in this thread, use the bug thread.

It cannot be ensured that saves will work after updates have been published. Some changes will work with saves, other will not.
How did you get these screenshots?
How to see them in the game?
(When the map is enlarged, I can not get close enough to the city to see such a detailed city, let alone a port, how to unload gold)

I guess by fulfilling the requirements for that achievement. Look in the folder of yours that in my installation is located in:
E:\User1\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Colonization\MODS\Religion_and_Revolution\Assets\XML\Events
These are with the "flying camera" mode, if I'm not mistaken.
Awesome work....just recently remembered the TAC mod and which great change it provided to the game. Then I discovered this and its HUGE. You made Colonization great again :)

(Btw. we could send the Brandenburg red eagle to the Americas. They tried to colonize Africa a bit (fail), but still. So many nations, could use "Germany".
Awesome work....just recently remembered the TAC mod and which great change it provided to the game. Then I discovered this and its HUGE. You made Colonization great again :)

(Btw. we could send the Brandenburg red eagle to the Americas. They tried to colonize Africa a bit (fail), but still. So many nations, could use "Germany".

"Germany" never colonized anything in the Americas.
In the timeframe starting 1492 however the Netherlands as a state did not exist because they were still part of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation (formally until the peace of Westphalia 1648) belonging to the burgundian circle of the Empire
So if you want to play as Germany you might as well take the dutch to play deutsch.

You could even take the spanish - after all Charles V. was not only king of Spain but Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation too.
And in the later spanish colonized Venezuela for a short while the Welser (a german trading family like the Fuggers) tried to establish a presence
thx for the unasked Wikipedia History lesson.

You probably missed my " signs " around Germany and the part about failed colonial efforts of Brandenburg. And you are aware that only 2 of the Nations to chose from were historically keen on oversee colonies at 1492?
People still like to play premature Pilgram fathers or manage dutch trade before the netherlands reached independence. Few people want to replay History, most like to alter it in favor of their 'team'.

Anyhow I play Netherlands all the time. Just liked their boni most.
thx for the unasked Wikipedia History lesson.

Even if you did not spell your question out explicitely your post asked for it.

You probably missed my " signs " around Germany and the part about failed colonial efforts of Brandenburg. And you are aware that only 2 of the Nations to chose from were historically keen on oversee colonies at 1492?

That question has 2 problems.
First not only Spain and Portugal tried to establish colonies early. Norway (which was part of the Union of Kalmar under danish rule :queen: at the start of the games timeframe) did so too, e.g. in Iceland and Greenland which are both present e.g. in the RAR gigantic Americas map that can be played.
England did too, e.g. in Ireland and France long before Jamestown or Roanoak - though I understand that you meant something different when you wrote "oversee".

The other problem is that you describe that of the already existing colonizers only two actually colonized as early as 1492 and that the others started colonizing in the Americas far later - and at the same time you propose to add a colonizer that did not colonize anything in the Americas at all but was limited to a far later established, shortlived trading post and a fort in Africa.
Even Courland of all places had a larger colonial presence in the Americas than Brandenburg, Prussia or Brandenburg-Prussia.
Oh boy, now I'm imagining if Scotland were added, on the logic that the act of union only happened because Scotland bankrupted itself failing to colonize Panama. (and, if you're counting that time, when they were under a personal union, you'd also be counting Nova Scotia, when they were under a personal union...which only started in the early 1600s)
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Actually even Hungary was added in a mod to Colonization at one point :)
Which obviously was an even bigger slingshot than any of Germany/Brandenburg/Prussia, Courland, or Scotland.
But since this is a game, what if situations can easily be extended - even to the starting civs if someone prefers that.
So I absolutely understand @GS_Guderian's point of view. What contributes to / takes away from immersion varies greatly for all of us, and separately for each little detail.

Having said that, I seriously doubt that Scmiddie would be willing to add any more major civs to RaR.
Which I actually agree with, it would be way too much work at this level of the mod's development, and would greatly differ from the original plans
Having said that, I seriously doubt that Scmiddie would be willing to add any more major civs to RaR.

Absolutely correct. The implementation of a new civ is a lot of work when it shall be done corretly (new leader, new unit graphics, city sets, descriptions etc.). It's nice to see that there still exist people which are happy to discuss this point, but discussions abount any new civs are obsolete since I'm happy with the civs we currently have in the game. It could happen some day that a few new native nations would be implemented - I will not exclude this - but I have currently other items in mind that shall be implemented.

The vanilla game is not composed to reflect history/colonization corretly. Existing mods have already done a lot of things to change this, but some major features of the game currently do not allow a more correct game (e.g. the same king for over 300 years, all European civs start at the same time).
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