Religious Victory Setup on True Start


Nov 16, 2006
This is to garner feedback about a possible fun setup using the true start earth map.

Only religious victory is allowed. One representative from each (preferred) religion is included: Persia (Zoroastrianism), America (Protestantism), Spain (Catholicism), Arabia (Islam), China (Taoism), Japan (Buddhism), and India (Hinduism). A Kongo AI is used as filler and to round out 8 players, they can't win anyway. Two other players will guaranteed not win because they will miss out on a religion. Hypothetically some of them have major benefits getting a religion over others but there is the possibility of early rushes. Sound fun?
A game where one player starts unable to win and two more who will find themselves out of the win picture very early in the game, is not sounding like fun. I play mostly multiplayer, and find that players with no chance to win, or who can't ally with a player who has a good chance to win, quickly become disinterested in the game. Other than that, there are problems with that set-up. If Persia and India are in the same game, Kabul is unable to place its city at start. Persia get a free settler, it walks right next to the Persian warrior. America is by itself on a continent with two near by wonders, with a few more in South America. If they get a religion, they'll have a huge faith bank for when they get cartography and can sail over to the rest.
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