Replace currency with resources.


Lt. of Mordor
Jan 13, 2008
St.Petersburg, Russian Federation
I think that "gold" idea in a post-apocalytic world while viable is not very flavorful and even redundant. In such world people would trade with useful items and information, and I doubt they would be able to use universal monetary system, and definitely not gold.

What I am trying to say, why not to replace "gold" with "supplies"* (or find a better name; from now on I will use "supplies" term, but it can be replaced with any flavorful analogue). This would mean that people work tiles in 3 ways: gather food, work to provide "hammers" and salvage to provide "supplies".

"Supplies" could be used in trade, to be applied to maintaince (i.e. "maintaince costs from distance to palace" would mean that the longer it takes to reach the city, the more supplies it takes to maintain it and to have it in your nation).

Also for me "finish production with supplies" option is much more realistic than "finish production with gold". At least it means that the unit was built using salvaged parts, electronics and stuff rather than created from scratch. How do they do it with gold is a mystery for me.

How is the idea?
I doublepost to separate the main idea from possible implementations.

With such replacement (gold -> supplies) junkyard could be an economical improvement instead. So we would have workshops/mines for :hammers: and junkyards for :gold:.

Also junkyards would be a nice replacement for cottages. I don't think that people would normally like to settle in wilderness in such dangerous world, while upgradeable junkyard improvement makes much more sense than cottages.

Also it leads to interesting possibilities for "economical" buildings.

I currently work on my diplom and take last exams, but soon I will definitely incorporate it in my modmod. I'd like some ideas/feedback/suggestions from community though too.
I agree that a barter economy fits the feel much better, based on whatever you could scrounge out of supermarkets or warehouses. Perhaps a later game tech for "currency" would have more effect. The icon (from your other thread) has to be visible when it is very small. I like the idea of gears best out of your choices.

When I was looking for some other stuff, I came across two new leaderheads which can definitely go in. One of them is "apogirl" by C.Roland, which can replace the "Jon of Arc" I had in there (Debbie) and of course your powerarmor guy who can replace Ironhead.
I think that supplies/resources = hammers in this concept. The gold in civ4 is currency which represents value without being useful on its own. Bottlecaps from Fallout setting would be nice because a bottlecap icon would nicely replace the gold icon from vanilla.
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