

Dec 17, 2003
Baton Rouge
Ok, the Manual is pretty vauge on reputation stuff, so Im going to the experts. What cha think:
Im playing the Regent lvl as America. Standard size map. So me and the Aztecs are the only ones on this continent and he soon became a nuisence to me, so I beat him down to one city. So then I wanted to see what he would give me for a peace treaty and he had communications with everyone else in the world, so I was able to squeese them out of him, then the next round I wiped him out. I do not think I signed a Treaty with him, and a message said that the deal will last till war is redeclared. I was just wondering if my actions would affect my rep at all. Sorry if IM unclear. Words flow out of my mouth better than my fingers. THX
Based on how you described it, you're going to take a rep hit.

After you beat him down to one city you signed a peace treaty in which you agreed to peace provided he gave you the communications you asked for (which he gave you).

You effectively broke that treaty when you wiped him out on the next round and will therefore be held accountable to that by the rest of the AI.

Unless he declared war on you subsequent to you wiping him out, you'll suffer the rep hit. I'm guessing that didn't happen since he was down to one city and I doubt he declared war on you.
If you are the deal-breaker you get a rep hit. At least if the other civs know of it. If you'd broken the deal before the Aztecs ever met someone else, they simply never will know what you did so you can get away with it.

1 very annoying thing; if you have a deal with a civ (let's say iron to the persians) and the Persians are destroyed/ the supply lines are cut / your iron is pillaged, YOU get a rep hit; you are not giving the Persians their rightful Iron. This happens even if the Persians are destroyed by another civ, or their only harbor city (to which you are transporting the iron) is captured. Very annoying. The general feeling is that you are not to blame and therefore you shouldn't get a rep hit.
Rik, I agree with what your saying, and I think that is a bogus hit. But, those Aztecs were just asking for it... At least Im not going for "Most Likeable" win, whatever technical term that is. At any rate, those dirty Iriquois are next, hehehe.
Play the way you want. I do like to point out that on higher levels (Monarch / Emperor / Deity) you will face a very difficult game if you have a trashed reputation.

The main reason why your reputation is important is in trades. If you fall behind in tech you can buy them for gpt. With a trashed reputation your abilities to do that are decreased (AI won't trade in gpt with an 'unreliable' civ) and you might get further behind.
Opps, didnt think of that. Hmmm. I read that over the course of MANY years, your rep will repair itself, is that true and if so, how long does it usually take.
It takes a looong time. I don't think I've ever lost my rep to the point that the AI refused to take gpt from me and gotten back to the point where they would. Sucks, huh?
There are different types of rep hits. Breaking a 20 turn peace means that the ai will sneak attack you at ANY time. If you had a 20 turn gpt deal OR a resource deal going then you ruined that rep as well. You can get temporary rep increases by allying with that civ... since you have not allied and made peace during That 20 turn agreement.. hehe, you have not ruined ALL your reps yet.

Keep the ai at constant war and make gpt deals with ai's that are about to die.
Question...let's say I'm at war with the French. I snatch the two cities I wanted, and make him give my his techs and gold for peace. After 20 turns, what happens to my rep if I declare war again (with no units in French territory)?
I would think nothing would happen. As long as you fullfil the 20 turn agreement, your in the clear to do whatever after that.
Every time you declare war on a civ you get a attitude hit - and you take that hit with every CIV - the difference is, that the attitude hit with those you are at peace with is VERY temporary - the attitude hit with the CIV you DOWed is permanent.

Remember that there IS a difference between Reputation and Attitude.

So if I treacherously attack another Civ, I assume I take a rep hit with that Civ; all Civs in contact with that Civ; and all in contact with my Civ. Right? So if I attack in the early game, and neither I nor my victim has met anyone else, I won't take a rep hit with anyone else?
Only if you destroy the civ, Grotius. If you leave it alive, he'll "tell" the other civs when he meets them.

I break peace treaties every few turns after asking for everything they own. Yet i still have civs asking for mutual protection to be human(AI then) shields for me even when on monarch difficulty.

But i do notice that every single Civ is ferious at
I have a question regarding repution stuff - I'll ask in here instead starting a new thread.

In my current on monarch lvl i'm playing as mayas on large pangea map - 8 other civs. I'm about to finish the aztecs off in about 300 or 400 AD - should I leave their last lousy city alone and accept peace or kill them off? What is best for my rep?
Wish they'd add a way for you to check your reputation. come to think of it, once you establish an embassy, I'd like to be able to check what tech/gold/resources/city etc. they've got to trade before establishing a deal with them and what tardes they've currently got going.

Surely (re-)adding Marco Polos Embassy and the Eiffel Tower wouldn't have been too difficult.

*Sigh* Maybe in an expansion...
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