[Request] A hard pop-up that reminds you to do certain things on a certain turn

Jun 18, 2010
Hello, let me explain what I mean by that title. We've all been there: "I need to change X tech when it's halfway through to Y tech because I am about to get the Eureka for it in a few turns and I don't wanna waste any science". The turn where you needed to swap tech research arrives and if you're caught up in some kind of war or something, there is a good chance you might forget to change it unless you play very slowly. I was thinking, what if you could set up a mod that essentially forces you to change techs or pops up a big custom message saying you should do whatever you wanted to do (be it a tech change, a civic change, a production change in one of your cities)? That custom pop up could be set up in such a way that you had to click on it for it go away. That way you'd never forget to micro manage and perform such actions without you constantly looking at your tech tree/civic tree/cities.

Do you guys think it would be easy enough to make?
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