Request : City Radius 1


pretend the impossible
Nov 23, 2003
Northern Germany
Hi there,

I saw, that different city radi are possible by changing the SDK. But since, I have no experience in this, I might ask one of you mod-masters to create a dll with which cities can only farm in a radius of 1. ( like a new found city in the first turns.. )
I need this for my space mod, I'm recently working on again. :scan:
You can emulate this in the XML I think: make culture take upteen billion points to "pop" your borders.

That should help for testing. :)
If you find the Roanoke mod they had the initial city be just the founding tile and then the next expansion was just a plus sign (4 tiles). After that it expanded as normal.
RogerBacon has created a mod component that bumps the radius up to three.

3-square radius cities mod

That might help you out with what has to be done to reduce it. I recall another thread with a bit of a tutorial on how to do it - it might actual be burried in the thread linked here.

Good luck with the space mod, it's looking good.
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