Research level choice


Jun 11, 2004
Having read some of the post here, the point of different research paths comes up quite frequently. Before ou start the game you could ake a choice to the research you'd like, like the barbarian level.
Simplest would be allocating % to different paths (warfare, agriculture, pure science,...), the next series of settings would then bring a simple research path (3 or 4 mainlines, rather seperated but with a degree of crossovers, the research paths as we know, more extended paths (a higer degree of crossovers, more choices, more governements,...), and finally the territory/resource dependent research where only cities located certain terrain or with direct acces to a specific resource could ad test tubes to a research field, effectively allowing simultanious reseach.

2 things that come in mind when i wrote this were tech specific golden ages on the higher research levels (eg, a scientific wonder could trigger a pure science golden age adding some % to research output in that field, a military victory in warfare research,...) The second thing would consider the units. The simples tech tree should give access to all units with the difference from the higer research levels, that a single tech unlocks more units at a time where in higher levels, more units could be located on dead ends...
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