In the long run, I think that monarchy will be better than republic. We will be able to war without having to worry about WW, which will be a possible advantage over a foe with a republic. It gives us the option of fighting longer wars.
Monarchy would be committing ourselves to attacking our neighbor. We would not have the option of trading peacefully because our economy would be inferior. I would rather be in Republic and fight a defensive war if necessary than force ourselves to be agressors.
The plan from the begining was to control the seas with our ships. What are you planning on now, Chamnix. Scaring the other tribe's ships until they sink? I haven't tried that strategy yet.
Going into a Republic would hog-tie us into being a peaceful nation. We would be easily manipulated by the others. And that would be AFTER we spent a lot of research time on non-unit techs, putting us farther behind in the tech race for early essential techs and units. I don't think we can afford that approach here.
I like to play Republic as much as you, Chamnix, but I play Huge Pangaea not small land masses on a small map. Monarch will improve our economy well enough for now. We will be able to rush with money. We will have no War Weariness. And we will be telling the tribes we meet that we are prepared for anything they throw at us. If we get all dressed up in our pretty Republic clothes and sail around in our bad ole Warships, we'll just be inviting disaster. One of the main reasons the Eagles chose to play the Byzantines was for the Dromon. Let's be the fire-breathing rogues who rule the seas.
Controlling the seas with our ships does not cause war weariness.
If our continent-mates are Rebublicans, then I think we would be in a very bad position if we are Monarchs. If our continent-mates are Monarchs, then I think we will be OK in either.
Getting out of Despotism is huge. I thought part of the reason for researching Philosophy was that it would bring us toward Republic. We are a long way from Monarchy.
Here's a thread that gives the formula, which for our game currently is 300 * COST * (1 - N/7), where N is the number of civs we know that know the tech, and COST is the cost in the editor. So, to answer your question, cost should be lowered by 1/7 whenever one of our rivals researches the tech. You may want to check my math, but I'm confident in the 1/7 answer to the question. Here's a program that calculates tech cost that could be useful in the future.
I suggest a poll. I would go for Republic seeing as that's better for a trade with Kuche, and we are not in a position to look at building the Lighthouse yet.
EDIT: Definitely Republic. We can get mapmaking from Kuche.
After we finish Construction in 4 turns, we have nothing to research until our partners finish their Ancient Age techs. Since we don't actually need Construction yet, I suggest we turn off research now to prevent them from divining our research speed. We also might as well wait until our library being built is completed.
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