Reviving my own thread with some necromantic magic, I guess I have to recognise that the icons weren't WIP.
Nevertheless, I seem to have got ... used to them by now.
There are now more high-resolution images of them and they actually look - on the whole - okay enough.
Not great, mind you, but okay.
Nevertheless, there are still some criticisms. And I still think the icons for the animal resources are particularly bad.
In contrast to the other resources, the images look flat.
In contrast to the other resources, the images never protrude beyond the edge. *)
Especially with the horses, the proportions of the head seem far to elongated (see picture). Horses do have quite a square head.
Quite apart from that, I wonder whether a standardisation of the coloured background (here too, the blue of the horses stands out negatively) would not improve the legibility of the icons.
There are empire resources, city resources, bonus resources and later factory resources. I assume the decision for the current background colours was made only with aesthetics in mind. (Again: HORSES!?)
Wouldn't it be smarter to
colour code the resources according to their use? Perhaps extended by the particular role they play (bonus for food, for combat strength - what we are used to call "strategic resources" -, happieness etc.)?
It seems I'll have to hope for a revision after the game's release.
But hoping I will.
*) And in the cases where they do, I sometimes don't like the exact way they do it.
The "iron" anvil (not an animal of course) only touches the left edge of the icon without overlap, its visual weight mostly shifted off-centre to the right annoys me more than it should.
Admittedly, we're getting into nitpicking territory here, so I'll just mention this in a footnote.