RFC Multiplayer Sign Up Here

1: about the MP, still same time show up, call me by msn i give u Rhye Ip and we play, we only not playng if Rhye dont got it fix til 20th, but if dont i tell you guys here
Why MSN? Not everyone has MSN (and some people specifically don't *want* to have it. ;) )

Suggestion: Just PM the the information to the people who want to participate. This forum has a nice PM feature, and everyone can use it, so there's no need to resort to third party programs imho.
ok if u guys prefer no problem to me i was onlky thinking that would be faster and we could talk and make a good planning from there :P
I don't have MSN, or Yahoo. I only have GT (Google Talk) so either that, email, or the forum messaging system.
It's confirmed, tomorrow at 1:45 PM GMT i'll post the link here.
You should install it as an additional mod named "Rhye's and Fall MP". Of course you must have BTS updated to 3.13

We can now play
- direct IP (after you load the mod, Multiplayer -> Direct IP -> write the IP of the host and Connect)
- lobby (after you load the mod Multiplayer -> Internet Games -> Login. You must register an account if you haven't yet. But it will make chatting easier for those without a messaging program)
Both are working, let me know which one you prefer.

the confirmed players, as far as I know:

Radunz China
Rhye Japan
Psyringe Vikings
memdee Arabia
late comers:
1-Gyprsn Khmer
2-Theodorick Germany
3-Lokolus Russia
4-BobIII Netherlands
5-Rishubhav Portugal

HINT: Spain and France start quite early, if you don't want to wait....
LOL that's a good one Dionysos, although a somewhat serious concern.
I'll take Spain. (Edit: I see Rhye is already in the roster. Cool.)
Ha Chine will rule :D, i prefer lobby we can talk and all other kinds of . .. .. .. ., so all guys need register its easy and fast only need ur email and dont worry about spams, thney will going to trash anyay ^^ till tomorow 1:45 PM GMT
I've made the French UP stronger in MP to compensate this.

Radunz China
Rhye Japan
Psyringe Vikings
memdee Arabia
late comers:
1-Gyprsn Khmer
2-Jet Spain
3-dionysos2048 France
4-Theodorick Germany
5-Lokolus Russia
6-BobIII Netherlands
7-Rishubhav Portugal
Hey any more space ? Im GMT what time would I need to be on to play as ethiopia ? Rome ? Persia any one ?
Question: We're doing the 600 AD rather than 3000 BC? If so, it might be best if I take a later Civ considering that Khmer starts considerably early in 600 AD. And that in about 4 hours time a lot can happen. I would prefer to give as little power to an AI controlling my civ as possible...If that is reasonable to say :/

NOTE: If all else fails, I may just not be able to make it :/
fyi, it'll be possible to switch to any AI controlled civ, anytime. There are no strict rules

Radunz China
Rhye Japan
Psyringe Vikings
memdee Arabia
late comers:
1-Jet Spain
2-dionysos2048 France
3-Úmarth England
4-Theodorick Germany
5-Lokolus Russia
6-BobIII Netherlands
7-Rishubhav Portugal

scu98rkr ?
Gyprsn ?
For the late comers, is there a way to join the game so that you control your civ right from the turn it spawns? That would be helpful for people who want full control over the location of their capital and civics.

Whether or not we get our civs from the very first turn, how will we know when to connect? Maybe that is a good reason to make it a lobby game. We could get there a little early, wait in the lobby, and someone can tell us when to join.
I'll be around at 8:45am tomarrow morning (Eastern time, Daylight savings), downloading and waiting for my civ to come into the game.
I'll aim to make it in time to at least play the Turks. Unless through some stroke of luck I get there early enough to be Khmer, because chances are if I pick up the Khmer after the AI has had control over it for a significant number of years, it will be collapsing and have missed the UHV conditions.
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