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Thanks Rhye! Downloading now...
Grr, this "Gamespy ID" is the most poorly designed thing I've ever seen.

And yeah, daylight savings. It's GMT+2 in Italy and GMT+1 in the UK right now.
Hey guys... I'll be back in 15-30 minutes, I need to do some chores before we start, and Rhye's not ready anyway. =P
Italy is on Daylight Saving Time right now. GMT has no daylight saving time. So at the moment, you (and me in Berlin too) are at GMT +2.

Edit: Here's an online GMT clock

In Italy generally people call what you refer to UTC and GMT is used to indicate British Time. It also makes much more sense to me *shrug*
anyways although I can login on gamespyid.com I can't from the game, keeps saying wrong password >_<
I had the same problem with gamespy, I suggest you just make a new account with a temporary email address (you can use mailinator.com - but you don't actually have to confirm it to play).
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