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Rhye's and Fall of Civilization - Next War


Nov 22, 2007
Cork, Ireland
Alright, here's my first "successful" shot at merging the latest RFC and JKP1187's "clean" Next War. :nuke:

It is "successful" because it doesn't register any errors in load, nor has any game-stopping bugs - but please keep in mind that it still has a few things needing to be ironed.

Available for download here.

Errors I've detected so far:

1- Random creatures under the player's control spawn in Antartica (WTF?) every few turns. Temporary work-around: Just delete them when they spawn.

2- In the Tech Tree, Fiber technology is kinda overlapping other stuff. Just aesthetic but still annoying.

Bear in mind that I have only played one game since I finish merging the mods, so there may be more issues. If you spot any, please let me know - if you fix, or know how to fix any errors I have overlooked or I'm working on how to fix, please let me know as well.

For last, be gentle - First time ever I try to mod Civ4, and I could have probably done better if I hadn't started messing with probably one of the most complex mods out there!

EDIT: I just noticed I didn't change the name of the folders and it is still using the original RFC, I reckon I'll have to change a couple of other things if I change the folder name - Will do it when I'm back home :) For now I recommend to just copy your RFC to another folder temporarily.
Sounds good :goodjob:

1- Random creatures under the player's control spawn in Antartica (WTF?) every few turns. Temporary work-around: Just delete them when they spawn.

I tried to add thelopez's air combat mod to RFC earlier this year and random units kept spawning for me too, Not sure why, perhaps its because I added new units/unit classes to the XML files without letting the DLL know.
if you enable python exceptions from the ini you'll probably find out the reasons of that behaviour

That sounds great! I just wish I had any idea of what you're saying! :crazyeye:

Bear with me, I have no idea of how to code or debug Python - I just WinMerge my way out of the proverbial paper bag.

I'll try to figure out your cryptic words, they intrigue me and confuse me...

The Tao of Programming said:
The programmers of old were mysterious and profound. We cannot fathom their thoughts, so all we do is describe their appearance.

Aware, like a fox crossing the water. Alert, like a general on the battlefield. Kind, like a hostess greeting her guests. Simple, like uncarved blocks of wood. Opaque, like black pools in darkened caves.

Who can tell the secrets of their hearts and minds?

The answer exists only in Tao.
Very cool for a first mod, will download a little later.

About what Rhye said: open "Rhye's and Fall of Civilization.ini" in the RFC mod folder (with notepad) and add the line:
HidePythonExceptions = 0
That way you'll be notified of any errors and can hopefully fix them :)
Úmarth;6191356 said:
Very cool for a first mod, will download a little later.

About what Rhye said: open "Rhye's and Fall of Civilization.ini" in the RFC mod folder (with notepad) and add the line:
HidePythonExceptions = 0
That way you'll be notified of any errors and can hopefully fix them :)

Enlightening. I'll give it a whirl tonight and see how it goes. Will compare lists a few more times as well and see if I overlooked anything too.
Úmarth;6191356 said:
Very cool for a first mod, will download a little later.

About what Rhye said: open "Rhye's and Fall of Civilization.ini" in the RFC mod folder (with notepad) and add the line:
HidePythonExceptions = 0
That way you'll be notified of any errors and can hopefully fix them :)

i was talking about the one in:
C:\Documents and Settings\...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\CivilizationIV.ini
Alright, here's the first error - The one that spawns random units in Antartica:

Any ideas what could it be? I didn't change that MercenaryUtils file at all so I'm a bit at loss...

Here's the second error (No error pop-up for this one):

See how the little icons look there in the corner?

EDIT: This one has me completely puzzled, not sure what's causing it at all.

Anyway, will check those lists and see if I find what's wrong - Beyond those two things, I haven't encountered any other errors.
What's causing the last one is the length of the name in the bar (I'm quite certain). The icons have to compact to fit the name in. Was happening to me with China in regular RFC. Don't think it's anything to do with the combination of mods :D
What's causing the last one is the length of the name in the bar (I'm quite certain). The icons have to compact to fit the name in. Was happening to me with China in regular RFC. Don't think it's anything to do with the combination of mods :D

Aah, I hadn't noticed it earlier because I really didn't even play 1.09 before meshing mods together and the names weren't as long back in 1.08...

Welp, that's one gone. Now I have to figure out what's wrong with the mercenaries showing up in Antartica...
A quick question, in that error log - Does it mean the issue was in getEraAppropriateUnitPromotionList or in the function that comes after it?
Still haven't been able to figure out what's causing this issue - I'd really appreciate the help of someone with a bit more experience :)
It looks like the problem is caused by mercenaries, so try changing all the references to MercenaryUtils.py in Python files of this Mod to comments and see how the game will react.
It looks like the problem is caused by mercenaries, so try changing all the references to MercenaryUtils.py in Python files of this Mod to comments and see how the game will react.

It uh... said "You have been defeated" in Turn #1.

EDIT: Found a new error as well, Optic Fiber tech in the tech tree is kinda overlapping other stuff. Minor aesthetic error, shouldn't be hard to sort out.
Here's a picture of my first deployed Assault Mech from my last RFC + NW game :D

For some reason Arcology is not working though, I think I must have missed something in a file... the technology is there, but I don't get the option to actually build the dome in my cities.
I'm glad you made it work! :D

You should take a look inside consts.py too, and update the lists according to the new additions

It still has the crazy mercenary spawns in the first few eras... which is a bit annoying. Destroying them sorts it though.

Think it has something to do with the DLL maybe?
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