Tweaking game options


Jul 6, 2024
Hello, dear community.

I've been playing Civ again after a while. Last time I played it was when I was a student. This time I decided to refresh my feelings and play with mods. So I went through the list of mods for Civ 4 and ended up playing Realism Invictus. It seems like the most fun mod to play.
I'm grateful to the creators of RI.

After playing a few games, I need to change some game parameters to match my play style. Is there a way to do this?

1. Default city size. The standard is 9 tiles. In Caveman2Cosmos, you can choose a starting city size of 1 tile. Here I want the opposite. New cities are 21 tiles large. Is there a way to change this by tweaking numbers? I know it can confuse the AI, but I don't mind.
2. I like to turn on the aggressive barbarians option at the start of the game. But they become too aggressive. It now requires a lot of micromanagement to defend farms and other upgrades. So I would be very glad if it were possible to cut the barbarians' aggressiveness in half while the option is turned on.
3. This is about the map generator. When I use the RI planet generator, no nation spawns on islands. Islands are always empty. So no nations like Britain or Iceland are possible. I'd like to make spawn points more random, please tell me how.
4. There are a lots of cool unplayable nations in the game. It would be great to be able to play or allow AI use them in a custom game mode.

Thanks in advance.
Out of all these, only the last is an easy tweak, achieved by modifying <bPlayable>0</bPlayable> and/or <bAIPlayable>0</bAIPlayable> in Derivative_CIV4CivilizationInfos.xml
Oh great.Thanks. Any chance to get where I can check the code for the first two issues?
Regarding the map generator I already find will try to figure it out.
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