General questions
Q: What are the action cards for?
A: After movement phase, every player can use one action.
Q: Can more than one player use taxation (or any other card) for example?
A: Yes, as each player has its own set of actions printed.
Q: With the wonders is the great wall defensive bonus always used or just defending inside the city with The Great Wall?
A: Always.
Q: The wonder pyramids: Do you choose a player who skips his action phase in the same round or in the following round?
A: As soon as you build the Pyramids (with a Construction action), you choose a player who skips his action the next time he would normally play an action card. If the player is after you in turn order, he will not get to perform his selected action this turn. If he was before you in turn order, and therefore already played his action this turn, he will skip the action step during the next turn.
Q: Can aircraft end their movement anywhere, or only with a friendly unit or city, or only in a friendly city?
A: When something isn't stated, I meant that it's the same as the Sid Meier's Civilization normal rules. In this case, ending the movement in a place with a friendly settlment/unit/battleship.
Q: During a recruitment action, can I build 2 land units in a city and a fleet in every water space adjacent to the city space? Is this the max number of units you can build at a city in a single action?
A: In a city, 2 units and 1 fleet; in a village: 1 unit and 1 fleet. If you're Rome, no limits.
Q: If you buy a tech in research for 40 Gold you don't have to have the prerequisites, right?
A: No, you actually need them.
Q: Does any player that switches to Republic get a free tech, or just the first?
A: Any player gets the bonus at the moment of the switch, but only the first time he does it.
Q: There is only a limit of building 1 wonder in a village, right? If a city with 2 wonders gets reduced do the wonders stay?
A: Yes, they stay.
Q: Does palace/capital give you anything?
A: It's not just to mark your starting point, and the place where the spaceship is built. It also gives +1 when defending inside the city.
Q: Are palace and spaceship counted as a wonder, during taxation?
A: No.
Q: Does deforestation remove forest?
A: Yes, the marker has to be removed, so that if the city is razed, a new settlement won't need a new deforestation.
Q: Where can the 2 free infantry units obtained by Islam be placed?
A: Only in the newly founded/conquered settlement.
Q: When researching computers, you get all the techs that other players have at this moment or the ones that they get in future?
A: Only the ones they have in that moment.
Q: Does the free taxition that you can get with the Leaning Tower or with the Statue of Liberty include the new build settlements and city upgrades from the same construction phase?
A:Yes it does.
Civ-specific questions
Q: When you use your nation's unique power card, that counts as your action for the turn, right?
A: If there's a specific card for the action (like the Greek one), yes.
Q: If you get 2 extra actions is it allowed to use the same action twice (for example use Suicide as Japan and then do 2 taxations)?
A: Yes.
Q: Does a card like Americas unique action require four cities be used? Or can they reduce one city and grow one. What if there are not four cities?
A: With less than 4 cities, they apply to what exists (up to 3).
Q: Can a Royal Navy ship load an infantry every turn or only when it's build?
A: The bonus infantry only appears when the ship is built.
Q: Incas may settle in the desert, build settlements for free in the forest and build wonders in mountains, right?
A: Yes.
Q: Does Numidians card give you 5 free swordsmen or 5 free infantry units?
A: 5 swordsmen.
Q: When playing the Carthage and France unique powers, is the placement of the 5 new units subject to the unit building limit rules (2 per city, 1 per village)?
A: No.
Q: When can you use these 5 swordsmen? In the movement phase? So that you dont play this action card in the action phase but in the movement phase, so that you can move the 5 swordsmen in the same round?
A: It is an action card, so you select and play it as your action during the action round. The action is merely to place 5 units. Subsequently you get to perform another action of your choice. You cannot move the new units until the next movement phase (next turn).
Note: make sure that the backs of the regular action cards and the backs of these unique power action cards look the same. Otherwise it will not be a secret action if you choose your unique power.