Each city-state has its own set of statistics which help to illustrate the status of that city-state. Here is a sample set of stats:
Splimopia (Splime)
Leader: Lord Splime (Army Quality)
Color: Lime Green
Government: Appointed Despotism
Stability: Low
Economy: Poor (5)
Banked Gold: 3
Major Industry: Agriculture
Army: Tiny (Poor Quality)
Navy: None (N/A)
Unique Unit: Elite Cavalry (Satisfactory Quality)
Population: Tiny
Quality of Life: Poor
Projects in Development: Organized Religion (1/10)
(There will also be a separate tech chart, which will show who has what technologies.)
Note that most stats use words, and not numbers. The full ranking of each stat begins unknown, in order to add to realism.
So, lets start by listing what each stat does:
1) City-State Name (Player)
This, as you might expect is the name of the city-state in question, and in parentheses is the name of the player.
2) Leader (Special Trait)
This is the name of the founding figure, who starts off as your leader. Later on, you can change the leader. Every Leader has to die at some point, and the trait that comes along with the leader will still stay, and you can even change it at that point. The Special Trait is the area where the city-state does best at, thanks to the leader. It could be any stat.
3) Color
This is the color that represents the city-state and its territory on the map.
4) Government
At the start of the game, you will get a choice of governments, and more will open up as more technologies are researched. They each have their own benefits. The benefits of the governments will be shown a few posts down.
5) Stability
Stability represents how stable your city-state is. Low levels indicate unhappiness and rebellion, while high levels represent happiness and patriotism. If stability gets too low, revolts may occur, and you may find yourself without a city-state to run. On the other side, high stability will give an all-around stat increase.
6) Economy (Gold per Turn)
Your economy level represents the quality of the economy, and the number in parentheses is the amount of gold you get each turn, which can be spent towards improving things. The Gold per Turn, or gpt, is based on the amount of cities, resources, and technologies, and not directly based on the economy level. Trade also adds to economy. The economy level represents the quality of the economy, whether its good or bad for the size of the city-state. For example, a small, fairly-decent city-state might have Mediocre (9), while a bankrupt empire could have Very Poor (12).
The spending of gold will be covered in the next section. If gold is spent on a stat, but not enough is spent to raise it to the next level, then the number gold spent will be indicated next to the stat with a + and the number. Gold can be saved in the Bank, or spent on Army and Navy size, Army, Navy, and UU quality, Quality of Life, and Projects.
Note that banked gold is saved for later, but can be robbed if youre not careful.
7) Major Industry
The major industry is where your economy specializes, and you can choose and change this at will. Choices are limited at the start to Agriculture, Trade, and Manufacturing, and they each have their own benefits. Agriculture helps with population and quality of life, Trade helps with economy, and Manufacturing helps the military.
8) Army and Navy Size (Quality)
Your army and navy are measured in size and quality. Both are important, and typically, a small military of high quality can defeat a somewhat larger military of a somewhat lower quality. If you fail to regularly fund military quality, it may slump down. While you can use gold to increase the size of your military, you will be limited by your population.
9) Unique Unit (Quality)
Later on in the game, you can choose to create a Unique Unit (UU), which will increase the quality of your military. You have to give a name, and define what type of unit it is. Unique Units need funding in quality also, though they normally start at a better quality than the regular army and navy.
10) Population
Population represents just that: the number of people in your city-state. This is influenced by Quality of Life and the size of the city-state, (along with number of cities) and will influence your economy and military. It may also negatively affect stability or quality of life if your country isnt prepared for the size increase.
11) Quality of Life
This represents health, education, and other public services. Quality of Life can influence stability and population.
12) Projects
Projects are things with set prices, which you can purchase by investing gold. They include technologies, new cities, and numerous other things. Players can also propose new ideas for projects, which can then be added to the Project List.