• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


a problem is also, not only the armies (territories is easy), but the risk cards.
Restoring it exactly is pretty much impossible, you are aware? There's no editor for the game, as far as I know. Anyway, even in indecision, I lay strong claims to victory. Warlord was scattered and wide open and Basque Sepa bled out tremendously in North Asia. Plus I had something of an alliance with qoou by then. AND TWO RDA.

The lesson from this game, for all future games, is: assemble Black Die Armies. However you can. Put them together. You will smash your opponents. Even if they are pirates who don't do anything, who just stay at home and sleep all day, if somebody invades you and gets to them, they're going down, and you regain the territory.
I don't stay at home and sleep ALL day.
Song, man, song.
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