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  • I have to say, that one's missing the ending, and I really cant find it on CFC. It'd be swell if you could get around to repostimg it or making it available somehow.

    It's definitely an earlier draft, with all of the positive and negatives associated with that. Perhaps I should clean up a later one and post it.
    man imagine if we were still on IRC for this nfl season
    yeah, and while I'm pretty chill about accepting weird stuff that happens in Saints games in RL it'd probably be different with a fan of the other team directly yelling at me haha
    yeah and also we've been essentially rooting against each other for every game of the season
    these things happen
    Hey man, do you have a Discord? Would love to stay in touch, and it's a bit easier via chat than CFC :)
    I have used Discord in the past, mostly for video games, but I haven't got on in a while because I don't play those games as regularly anymore. Sorry.
    I don’t mean this rude but I’m just curious how you ended up being an English teacher. It is my understanding that history is your primary field of expertise, not English.
    It started out as an accident - short-term substitute teaching job for a pregnant English teacher that turned into a long-term job and later into a certification.
    I enjoy all of your historical posts
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    Reactions: Synobun
    Thank you very much. I have to admit, I was mostly going for the "******ant" joke. Everything else was a happy coincidence. :p
    Just read your post in the book thread... you really should be writing one yourself.

    (Let me know if you ever do, I'd be glad to fork out fifty dollars for an overpriced academic doorstopper if it's by Dachs.)
    Mang, what the fudge are you doing up at 2:30 in the morning?
    oh yeah I have to teach tomorrow mb


    I don't

    I can be irresponsible af and nothing bad will happen
    that said: good night and thanks for the concern
    Right. Despite being at a school, I somehow still forget that summer vacation is a thing that exists. Well I'm on #fifty if you want to come keep me company while I bash my head against this thesis.

    ETA: Understandable. Have a nice day
    Are you really 27? Somehow I thought you were older than that

    btw did you ever finish your history degree?.
    Yep. Still 27.

    I finished my bachelor's degree in history several years ago. I don't have an MA in history.
    Are you a fan of Thrawn from the Star Wars expanded universe?
    Yep. I used him as my avatar on this site more than ten years ago.
    I failed to take your advice and read Adams' latest blog (something I never normally do). I already feel more stupid. :(
    I have to say, I approve heavily of your current avatar.

    Although Tasha was best girl from that game.
    Apparently whoever designed our personality matrices varied them just slightly enough to avoid being caught out instantly. :p
    So, what ever the test scores mean, ours only differed by less than 5 points overall, which is impressively close, given that some people's scores came to over 200 in total.
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