Roll to Dodge: The Survivors 2 [Sign-ups]


Feb 11, 2010
At the Foot of the Cross
[size=+3]The Survivors 2

I finally found my old rule set and item sheet for my original Survivors game, so now we can play a new match!

In case you aren't familiar with my original game, each player joins the game as a survivor. Their goal is to survive and either escape the city or cure zombiism. It works like a traditional Roll to Dodge, except that actions are more confined. If you would like, you may review the rules to the old game at the link above. I will be updating the rules, but they will be very similar to the original game.

Note: This is not a action chat room. It is like a combination of Mafia and RTD.

In any case, if you would like to join, just do the following:

1: Pick a name.

2: Pick an occupation from the list.

Spoiler :
This is a list of occupations. They each give 6 skill points to their best skills.

3: Pick 2 skills from the list.

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This is a list of skills. Each affects your gameplay. Depending on your occupation, leveling up a skill will eventually give you abilities.

  • Strength: :strength: - This skill affects your power level with strength-based weapons, and has an impact on your HP.
  • Agility: :move: - This skill affects how fast you can run and how nimble you are when trying to get to hard to reach areas.
  • Scavenging: :traderoute: - This skill affects how good you are at searching and scavenging for things.
  • Firearm: :c5rangedstrength: - This skill affects your power level with firearm weapons, and how good you can aim.
  • Medical: :health: - This skill directly affects how healthy you are, and also how good you can heal other people.
  • Leadership: :gp: - This skill affects your leadership and confidence skills, and will increase your voting power to some extent.
  • Mechanical: :hammers: - This skill affects your handiness with mechanical things and building objects.
  • Intelligence: :science: - This skill affects your problem-solving, and your ability to do advanced tasks, such as, say, discover technology or read ancient writing.
  • Ingenuity: :c5moves: - This skill affects your reaction time, and impacts your dodging rolls.
  • Stealth: :espionage: - This skill affects your ability to avoid detection.

4: Pick an alignment.

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5: Send me a PM with all the information. An example is provided below.
Spoiler :

Name: Albert Einstein
Occupation: Scientist
Skills: Leadership and Intelligence
Alignment: Good

Feel free to sign-up anytime. I'll post the complete ruleset sometime this week, and we may start as early as Saturday. The game is designed for at least 14 people, and can handle 20-30.

1. Marcus Blackstone, Soldier - SamSniped
Yes, I am alive. I just went to volunteer at a camp for two months.

^This time we are going to finish this game. I'm not going to lose my notes. :p
Hope so :p

Can't wait to get this started.
I'm refining abilities and the rules. This game should run smoother, quicker, and with more unexpected (for players) events than before.
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