Rome under Papacy leadership

Jan 10, 2019
1. Who is the best Pope to lead Roman Empire?. Is Gregory I (A person who compiled modern solar calendar system) worth the place? in addition to Calendar system. is his mission to send Augustine to Canterbury worth the place?
Or did the post-imperial Early Medieval Pope suits better?
2. Under Papacy rule. what should be Unique Buildings?
I'd say either Basillica, or Ecclessia. (Either shrine or temple replacements).
3. Traits: Religious, and Negotiators. Vassal scrambler.
None of the popes compiled the modern Solar calendars (they consulted mathematicians and astronomers to do the actual compiling). It's named Gregorian because Gregory decreed it should be used - not because he invented it himself.

And that was Gregory XIII, in the late sixteenth century (Renaissance), not Gregory I, who was pope a thousand years earlier (Early medieval).
I will would like a Papal State at the game, it could be as Venice on Civ 5 who can't settle new cities.
And for unique unit it can be the Crusades. Very strong unit of medieval era purchased by faith.
As unique building it can be the Capela Sistina. Or maybe it fit better as wonder.
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