Running Away


So Happy I Could Die
Apr 20, 2007
Dancing in the Dark
Sindar and Ymira slowly approached the men sitting around a campfire in a small clearing. Ymira dragged their horse, Diego, behind her, and Sindars hands rested on the handles of his weapons, ready to defend himself. Their clothes were dirty and so were they themselves. They were hungry and tired but hid it well. It had been several days since they had left the battle of Venice when Vandal had fallen.

What they quickly identified as the leader of the group, a tall man with a bronze helmet and a large axe, heaved himself onto his feet. "Who are you? What are you doing here?", he demanded with an accent Sindar could not identify.

"We are running away," he replied. "We're tired to death of the bureaucratic nonsense of the empires and want to live away from it. We do not know the terrain around here and need directions, as well as food and water. Will you help us?"

The man coughed. His face was hidden behind the helm and thus his reactions were hidden. "If that is true, you must learn, sooner or later, that out here, we don't just help anyone. We need to know you can be of assistance to us aswell."

Sindar nodded. That made sense. "I am a skilled hunter, scout, marksman and warrior. Ymira, my love, is a fletcher."
The man nodded visibly. "Good. I guess we can afford some water and food for you now, if we have your word that you will participate in the hunt tomorrow. Then your girl can stay behind and help the men make new arrows."
Sindar lowered his voice. "I am not leaving her with a bunch of big men all alone without precautions. If she is as much as touched, I intend to kill every man, woman and child of your camp. Tell the men that."

"You sound like a warrior. I like that. My name is Seirrn, by the way."
"And mine is Sindar. Pleased to meet you. What is the name of your tribe?"
"My tribe," the man said with proudness in his voice, "are called the Vandals."
Sindar gasped at the strange coincidence, but quickly regained his focus.
"A well chosen name. Bears the strength of a thousand warriors."

Seirrn asked him one final thing; "Are you being followed by anyone?"
Sindar frowned. "If I am, and they have not lost our trail, it is merely a single scout. I can take care of him myself if it is needed",
Sindar replied, not having realized just how interested the scouts of both Vandal the Warlord and the scouts of the Aretanian empire was in him...
Vandal lay on his cot staring up at the ceiling of Venitian Palace. He was still injured, and his daughter, Silvia, wanted him to stay in bed as long as possible. She, Dragano, Cedric, Zekk, and Vandal's sister Jana had all moved into the Venitian Palace. Cedric, who was even more heavily injured than Vandal, lay two rooms away.

Silvia walked through the door way with a bowl of water and some new gauze.
"Hello father." She said. But to Vandal it sounded like singing, he had lost his daught so long ago, and it was like Vandal was with her for the First time.
Vandal smiled and then lifted his arm to her cheek to caress her flawless skin. She smiled and then Jana walked through the door.

"Any news of the Sindar?" He groaned, and he sat up and Silvia took off the old guaze and put new on.

"Nien," She spoke the old language of the Gallow, fleuntly, like Vandal.
Vandal frowned.

"I will go look for him,"She said, Vandal looked at her curiously. "Come on, I was a bounty hunter for Antimidus himself, I think I can find a little kid and his lover." She spoke with the Strong will she always had.

Vandal looked at her and nodded his head yes. "But be careful, ungh , he has learned from me."

She grinned, "So have I."
Ymira woke up. She had heard Sindar yell something. She hurried out of the small tent to find him mad with rage outside. "Darling, what are you yelling for? You'll wake the Vandals", she said. "Don't - even - use that word!" Sindar hissed. He handed the confused Ymira a small parchment. She quickly read it through and shook her head.
"No. That would be impossible. We saw him fall. Vandal can't be alive."
"It's from my brother, Ymira. Diamondeye, the Head of Faith. He does not lie - and certainly not to me in a matter as grave as this."
A small agreeing sound escaped Ymira.
"What do we do then?"
"Well, first thing tomorrow we thank the Vandals for their assistance, and then we leave. We cannot risk their lives. If I know Vandal right, the Gallow Dogs will be on our heels sooner rather than later. Compared to them, the Imperial scouts are but children."
Ymira sighed. "We cannot do anything about it now. Let us go to sleep and pack tomorrow, when it is light out."
Sindar nodded. Then he shook his head.
"They'll find us. Sooner or later. Goddammit. Perhaps it would be the smartest thing to face them in full force. I will talk to Seirrn tomorrow and ask for his assistance."
Ymira nodded, already half-asleep.
Jana armed herself with every weapon known to Arete, and then hopped on her horse. She looked over to see Zekk on a horse behind her. She knew what he wanted to do so she gestured him forward and they were off, each trying to best the others speed. They stopped every so often to ask around, usually with results. At one point they heard they were heading twords a hunters camp.

Jana looked around after dismounting from her horse. She gestured to Zekk to stay. He nodded in approval as she walked through the clearing to find a bunch of men around a fire. She walked over to the fire and said,"I'm looking for some travelers. They go by the names Sindar, and Ymira. They have offended Vandal the Burning himself." Serrin looked twords their tent, and then looked at Jana.

"Never 'eard of 'em. Care to sit." He said and smiled. Jana whistled and Zekk came from the clearing and sat with the group.

"So where ya from?" One man asked.

Zekk spoke this time. "We are from the Gallow, under Cheif Vandal the Burning."

The men looked in awe and then Serrin spoke. "Vandal died in a duel with Fransico Pizzaro."

"No,"Jana grinned,"He lives, and he wants Sindar, for abandoning them at the Battle of Venice, in which, Vandal's son, Cedric, nearly died."

Serrin looked at her for a moment. "What are your names?"

Jana smiled, " Jana, sister of Vandal the Burning."
"And I am Zekk Teunoc, granson of Vandal the Burning." Zekk now was speaking loud and clear.

One of the men pulled an awe from his belt and swung it at Jana. She grabbed the axe blade, and then threw the mand to the ground as she jumed atop him, and then slit his neck with her daggar. Then she rose and pulled blade from her back and waived it at the men. Zekk to sprung from the ground and aimed his longbow at them.

"WHERE ARE THEY?!?!"Jana screamed.

Jana and Zekk watched as the three men sitting around the fire reached for the own necks, with a slight cringe on their face. One was even quick enough to pull what looked like a small dart out of his neck. But within seconds, they started to fall to the ground, dead to the world.

The sister and granson of Vandal the Burning lowered their weapons slightly and glanced at each other.....


Now they were twisting slowly as they fell to the ground, just missing their weapons. The camp was still. The only sound came from the crackling wood in the small fire. Oda signaled two men into the camp to check the bodies. Oda turned to his Sargent, "Those men were like their fire. Not very warm and not very bright."

Lord Civius' men had found the camp that morning and had been monitoring it from the woods. Sindar and Ymira were only seen once in the early morning. They had come out of the tent and had gone back in with the leader. Only the four men had come out of the tent. Sindar and his woman must still be inside, probably alive. Dead, they probably would have been removed. The decision had been made to take out the Hunters and leave with the two run-aways. But then the Hounds had to show up. Oda had shook his head and signaled for two more dart guns to be loaded. Oda's men did very good work.

Oda and the Sargent crossed the camp and went into the Hunter's tent. There, as he lifted the cloth door, were the runaways. Bound and gagged and laying on their bellies, looking up at their rescuers
Sindar looked at the people entering the tent. He had expected Seirrn to enter any minute and finish the job. Who would have known the man would react like that when he heard they were being followed? Anyway, the men entering the tent now were Aretan, he could see that. Sindar hoped they had come to help. He was furious at himself for not being able to protect neither Ymira nor himself.

He looked closer at the men and identified Oda. He tried speaking but the clothes in his mouth muffled the sounds "Ouwa! Weouwe owwr daie!" (Oda! Remove our ties!)
He looked at the two men. He would probably be able to handle one of them in hand to hand combat, but they both had dartguns in their hands. And his sword was still in the other end of the tent. Dammit. There was but to wait.
And wait he would. Oda's men searched the two run-aways as they lay there on the floor of the tent. These were professional mercenaries. They found everything. Oda had them untie the two, but insisted that their hands remain tied behind them. This done, both were stood up and searched again very carefully. No sound was made by either of them, they just watched each other, smiling if something was found. All weapons and anything of importance was removed and placed in a bag.

"We're taking you back to Lord Civius," Oda said to them. "I'm sure he'll turn you over to the King. Your fate is in the King's hands."

Sindar looked for a way out of this dire situation. All immediate plans were tharted by the fact that Ymira was present. That fact was the reason they were now Oda's captives. Earlier, when in the tent, two of the Hunters had pulled Ymira away from Sindar and the other two jumped him. Sindar had handled them well, but when he came up, Ymira had a knife to her throat. And that ended that.

Thwarted by youth and Love again....

"It's quite a walk to the horses, you'd better give them their boots back," Oda said to his man. "They will need their feet to run from Vandal!" The men burst out laughing. As they left the tent, Sindar had to admit running would be futile. One man slipped his hand between Ymira's hands and grabbed the cord binding them. He walked her towards the place where the horses were. Another man just pushed Sindar in the direction he wanted him to go. There was fire in Sindar's eyes. Oda and the sargent followed them, watching the woods, as well as their captives.

Reaching the horses, Sindar saw two extra ponies they had brought along for them. It would be a difficult ride back. Both would be exhausted not being able to use their arms for balance. Sindar spat on the ground.


Jana woke up. Her eyes were not open yet, but she was awake. She smelled the old burning wood of the campfire and felt the ground beneath her. She must be camping with her father and brothers in the woods. Breakfast would be ready soon....

She opened her eyes and saw the blue sky framed by the leaves and branches of the trees. Beautiful colors.... She closed her eyes again.

Then she heard the sound of rocks scraping dirt. Her head shot up. Realizing it had been a dream, she turned to find Zekk trying to get up (with not much success). Jana rolled over and stood wobbly, removing a dart from her neck. Helping Zekk stand, Jana removed his dart and they both took notice of their whereabouts peicing together what had happened. The four Hunters were dead. Besides them, the camp was empty. Picking up their weapons, they made for the woods in the direction they had come from. They would halt their search for the two (they had probably just lost their trail) and report back to Vandal.
Sindar knew he was in no position to change anything, but he tried to concentrate on what the two men guarding him said - or not said. He reacted when Vandal was mentioned. "You mean you have taken care of Vandals agents? I suspect they would not have treated us this well. I have to thank you even though it goes against my will."
He spat on the ground.
"And nobody touches Ymira. Understand? I don't care if each of you are carrying a dozen poisonious weapons, lethal to the touch, I'll rip your hearts out if anything happens to her!"
Sindar looked furiously on the others. As they showed no reaction except exchanging looks, Sindar continued. "It seems we have no choice but to follow you. Get us back to the king as fast as possible. My wrists are hurting already and..."
Sindar stopped dead.
"Did you remember the bleak sword? It is... An heirloom. I want it with me, even if I am not allowed to carry it - for now."
As Oda's men with Sindar and Ymira walked through the clearing all of the men stopped, Oda, looked confused, and then he looked forward to see Vandal the Buring sitting on the ground with his legs crossed. He had his eyes closed but then opened them to show his eyes were stone grey, and then he saw Sindar, in which his eyes widened by then he relaxed and then got up.

"Vandal?" Oda still was confused by seeing the Warlord here.

Vandal grinned, "I have come to Take your prisoners Oda, as they have commited personal crimes against me, and the entire clan of the Gallow."

"Get in line!" Oda laughed as did all of his men.
Vandal frowned and spoke again, "I want Sindar and Ymira, now."

"They are imperial-"

"I want my Prinsoners NOW!!!!" Vandal screamed as now several men in women dressed in Stramge clothing gathered to him. "Or Feel the Wrath of The Hounds of Gallow.
Sindar, realizing the seriousness of the situation, stepped out between the two forces.

"Don't fight over me, I'm not worth it. Listen, Oda, take Ymira with you. She's your guarantee that I will return to you. And I will."
He looked at Ymira with tears in his eyes.
"I will go with Vandal and settle this matter. I hope he intends to let me live so that I can come back after Ymira and settle whatever issues between us, Oda."
Sindar walked over to Ymira, kissed her and then walked towards Vandals men, looking directly at Vandal.
"I hope you intend to let me live, Vandal. I thought you were dead. For gods sake, I saw you fall off the cliff, wounded. What was I to do? Surrender to the Aretans? If you had not agreed to the duel I would have fought by your side, if only so because I had promised so."
Vandal went behind Sindar and cut him loose from his rope bonds as the men left Vandal then crossed his arms and waited untill they were totally out of sight then he frowned at Sindar.

"You claim to have learned from me, but you missed one important lesson, my naiive pupil." Vandal began to walked around in a circle around Sindar. Then he stopped before Sindar starring straight into his eyes.

"Never abandon an your forces." Vandal then unsheathed his blade and held it at Sindar's neck.

"Give me one good reason why your head should still be attached to your neck."
Sindar broke into a sweat. Even if he had expected such a thing, Vandals force and intensity was shocking. His mind raced. He might only have one shot at this.
"... Because I can be a valuable asset to you. I have the trust of the Black Hand. Perhaps I still have the trust of the Aretans as well. And I certainly have the trust of my brother, who is well-informed about everything. And I can assist you with this information."
Sindar took a deep breath.
"I suspect the fact that my brother would send forces after you if I was found dead less of a reason as you would certainly escape them and cheat death once again."
His face was running in sweat but he remained in control and looked Vandal into the eyes.
"Now, I am not sure of your relations with the Aretans back there, but it seems smartest if you either get out of here before they have time to catch any of you, or if you killed them off immidiately. I would of course be willing to assist. Should you choose to leave, I can keep them here as long as possible."
He looked at Vandal and waited for the response. He peeked down at the blade at his throat. Vandal was too fast, there was no way Sindar could somehow get away and find a weapon. He had to trust the man.
Sindar fell to his knees and breathed several times. He opened his mouth wide, took out two small needles caped in leather, removed the capes and held the needles between the fingers in his hand. It wasn't a sword exactly, but if used right he could berieve a man of his sight. Sindar walked back to Oda and his guards. He looked at them. His eyes stopped at Ymira and he smiled at her.
"Vandal has decided to let me live, for now. I hope your judgement is just as fair, Oda. I would hate to spend the next millenia haunting your family."
Out of nowhere a blade was at Oda's neck. Sindar fell back a little and then saw Vandal was the one holding the blade. Vandal then grinned and geustured to Ymira. Sindar ran over too her, realesed her from her bonds and then they ran from the forest. Vandal talked in Oda's ear.

"Can I intrest you in a side misson?"
Sindar stormed through the forest, branches whipping his face and arms, with Ymiras hand clanched in his. He heard her yell: "What about our swords, our horse, our tent?" He swore to himself but answered both her question and his own doubt: "We will have to make due without. If we return, they will kill us."
They stopped once Ymira was out of breath.
"What do we do now?", she cried. Sindar held her tight and whispered into her ear.
"I have promised Vandal to grant him whatever information I can get about the schemes in Aretania. It seems like we are going to return there. I have no doubt my brother will house us."
Ymira looked into his eyes. It struck him how much she had been through since he had first seen her. Her body and skin was somehow hardened from that silken, innocent girl, but he saw the angel shine out through her eyes. They both cried, and Sindar kissed her all over her face to comfort her.

After they had stood like that for what seemed like an eternity, they figured they had to get moving. Sindar looked at the sun, determined which was Arete was, roughly, and they began walking, hand in hand. They steered clear of animal sounds, unarmed as they were.


Night fell, and they were chilled by the cold air. Ymira shaked, Sindars teeth clapped.
Suddenly he stopped. "What is it?", stammered Ymira.
"We better let my brother know we are coming. I will send him a message."
Ymira was about to ask how, when Sindar took one of the needles he had brought along, pricked a hole in his finger and started writing on the backside of the note Diamondeye had send him, with his own blood. His face was a mask of concentration.
After a minute of intense concentration, he lifted the needle from the parchment.
"There. That'll do fine."
Then he whistled a series of almost unhearable sounds, before calling: "Diamondeye!"
Ymira thought Sindar had gone crazy, when suddenly a small bat flew out of the night and seated itself on Sindars left hand. It streched out one of its claws and took the the note Sindar handed it, before leaving.
"How- How did you do that?"
Ymira asked, amazed.
"I tamed it when it was a baby. I learnt it with ravens from The Blastoid. I perfected it a bit by using bats. They only fly at night but cannot be interrupted by arrows or slings. They are too fast. On top of that, their earshot is fantastic. They can find me several hundred metres away and heed only two voices. This certain bat heeds me and my brother. Now, lets get moving, I am quite sure the yell brought more attention to us than necessarry."

They started walking towards Aretania.
Vandal walked through the woods near his home in the Swamps, he had no doubts that his Ravvjir's were there. He walked out of the clearing to see his pets gather too him. The Alpha male still had a scar on it's face. Odd that it had not healed, Vandal Thought. Then he saw Jana and Zekk come from a clearing near him. His pets growle but stopped when Vandal looked stern at them. Jana looked at the pets, then at Vandal, who was petting the Alpha Male's head. He walked over to them.

"Are you well?"Jana asked.
"Fine."Vandal grinned. Then Zekk looked at the Ravvjirs.
"Ahh, my pets,"Vandal said." I tamed these creatures after an encounter with them near Edorai. They are the last of their Kind, but they breed well."

He looked at them again. "And they can be riden." Jana looked suprised, but then looked at their size and nodded her head.

"Can you please give the good King a message?" He asked Jana. She smiled and nodded as she went over to one of the beasts. After one hour Jana and Zekk were atop their mounts with the message, and speeding of to Arete, while Vandal was off to Venice to check on his council.
Three miles away, a lone traveler was cooking a meal. When he heard Sindar's call to the bat, he decided to go look for the man that made it. Being in the same camp for seven years, he needed to make a friend. He was quick on his feet and knew every inch of the forest. He met up with them quickly.
Sindar, frightened to see someone, reached for his sword, only to remeber that he did not have one. "Who are you?!" he demanded, his voice not shaking; clear and firm. "I am Seute. I have lived here for some time now, and I have not seen any travelers. Why are you here?"
Sindar lowered his voice. "I am Sindar, and this is Ymira." He refrained from telling Seute about them escaping captivity, the man might be of the Gallow. "We are being followed, and are going to Arete." Seute paused, as if to think for a moment. "Ah, Arete. What a glorious place. Once you get over past leadership, violence, and the fact that the nation is divided, it really is wonderful." Seute chuckled. "No one should ever have to live there." Sindar now completely let his guard down, for him and Seute shared ideaologies. "Would you like a guide until you are out of the forest?" Seute asked.
Jana and Zekk arrived at the capital three days later with the message. Every one styed clear of them from fear of Vandal's pets. When they reached the Palace King Cyc walked out the door to see the beasts staring him down. Jana dismounted and gave Cyc the letter.

Dear King Cyc,
Hello good King of Arete. This is Vandal the Burning. I feel we have a common enemy in our most recent war, Babylon. I offer you, King Cyc, my Services, as both a master swordsman, and a marksman. Please reply,

Vandal the Burning.
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