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Sabari Revolution


Apr 12, 2006
This scenario is one i made up; its not based off of history or anything really. But here's the story and stuff about it:

Sabari Island has had a monarchy that lasted from what is predicted the 9th century BC to now,which is the year 1980. But ever since the 1960s the country has been falling apart, divided into fascist and communist factions. King Edward and the monarchy praise the communists and are what is considered a "liberalized monarchy." The employees at Fleming Shipping Co, the largest corperation in all of Sabari, are fascists who support a free economy but an iron dictatorship. On the night of December 30-31, 1979, after the monarchy banned all traits of thought besides those liberal/communist, armed employees of Fleming Shipping Co attacked Fort Managua and took it from the government, and declared it part of the new nation "Fleming Shipping Co." Many executives from Fleming Shipping Co have arisen as generals and now appear alover the nation with large armies of guerillas and militias. The island has emerged into somewhat of anarchy and bloodshed has been constant. Now it is time for you to lead the rebellion into power as it is February, 1980.

Note: After conquering all of the monarchy, you can continue by invading Granny Island, the communistic island northeast of Sabari Island.

This is my first scenario so...yeah. But 1st sum1 has 2 tell me...HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED 2 ATTACH IT? WENEVER I TRY 2 it says tht "Sabari Revolution.biq:
Invalid File "
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