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Sabers story

You will get a point, alright, when your head is on a pike in the royal garden! Then I'll stand there and wave to it, just like this. :wavey:

Satanic! Who do you think we are? The Rolling Stones!

The first edition of

The Glorious Revolution

After thousands of years suffering under the cruel tyranny of the Senate and their special interest puppet masters the people have thrown off their chains of oppression! The new regime was swept into power in the hopes of equal distribution of wealth and equal opportunity for all. No more shall the wealthy land owners force the common man into abject poverty. The masses have spoken! Our new First Citizen, Chamnix, First Among Equals has taken it upon his shoulders to be the guiding hand of this self governing citizenry. Comrade Calis of the Ministry of Defense is now reorganizing our reinvigorated officer corps now that certain trouble makers have been removed. Comrade Denyd of the Ministry of Wealth Distribution has reported the standard of living of citizens across the whole of the Lands of Saber has increased substantially bringing it to the forefront of all nations in the world of Meleet. Comrade Dutchfire of the Ministry of Public Information has personally overseen the opening of many new schools for the express purpose of educating and further enlightening the general population. “It is truly a great age we live in, to be truly free unlike our ancestors who suffered many years under a repressive republic.” Comrade Elear of the Ministry of Public Education has personally overseen the reeducation of many of our formerly misguided citizens using the most effective means available.

Sins of the Past: Still Haunting Us!

Sadly, under the former oppression of the cruel republic that held us hostage, we were falsely embroiled in a war with the nation of The Council. In the spirit of true cooperation among all people the ruling assembly has declared that all hostilities against The Council will now cease in hopes that we can come to at least a cease fire if not a true peace treaty. It is time for the workers of the world to stop killing each other at the behest of their capitalist masters! Comrade Calis has started the reorganization of our armed services into a proper defense force only for security and safety of our population.

A Gift For You, From You

Comrade Marsden of the Ministry of Wealth Distribution reports that every wage earner in the Lands of Saber shall henceforth receive in their paychecks a substantial increase! Estimated increases are to be anywhere from $13 to $20 per payment. The governing assembly has repealed the repressive tax that assailed our people allowing a great increase in the spending power of our population to allow our economy to flourish and substantially increasing revenues allowing more tax cuts. So go hit those stores, and fulfill your patriotic duty. Comrade Marsden exclaimed "When the going gets tough the tough go shopping!"

Spoiler :
This paper is solely created to enlighten the population to the wonderful new system of government they have now and also to disseminate pertinent information to all. This paper is printed with the sanction of The Land of Saber ruling assembly by Comrade Marsden. Comrade Marsden makes no claim other than the paper is the most wonderful in the world and will actually make you healthier and happier if you read it and cherish its words.
Yah! Viva da Redolution, is goot. :salute:

Excellent work, Marsden.
Does this mean space parts?
Glad to see you coming to terms with your past sins. Will you give BABE their continent back too? :)
'Come on Chamnix!' Calis said somewhat sulky 'Give me something bigger to attack with'. 'Every day you come around with the same story! You have the most modern weaponry available, like modern armor, or stealth bombers. I think that's all you need. If that is not enough, you should try to improve your skills and not come to me and whine that you need something bigger!' Chamnix answered annoyed. 'But we are getting nowhere really. We throw bombs, thousands of tons of bombs, but it won't be enough, eventually. We need a final statement....with a big bang!' Calis answered adamantine. 'And what do you have in mind? What do you mean with big? Bigger tanks, bigger ships, bigger planes?' Then dutchfire raised his voice: Well, on my many diplomatic travels, I got my hands on some very interesting plans for a real huge bomb.' 'Didn't Calis just say that we we've dropped enough bombs? Now you are coming with just another bomb!' Chamnix said, getting angry. 'Yeah, I know what he said, but what I am talking about is a very special bomb.' dutchfire insisted. 'It's able to get rid of our problems with one blow! That's what the Chief Diplomat of NARI told me!' Now Chief Engineer Cyc got interested 'Why, that sounds cool. May I have a look at the plans?' 'Sure! Here you are'. dutchfire replied:


Cyc took a look at the plans and said: 'Well, uhhm...yeeessss...interesting...ahhh, right'. Then he flipped the plan. 'Now that's better...I...believe....!' Cyc looked over at dutchfire a little bit confused, then asked 'Don't you have something....else? Something more....or even better...less...academic?' 'What about this?' dutchfire asked and handed over another plan:


Cyc took the new scrap of paper and started to study it. Then he looked at the plan saucer-eyed 'I LIKE THAT! I REALLY LIKE THAT!' He looked over to Chamnix, explained the ideas on the plan and finally asked: 'CAN WE? PLEASE? I'd love to try one of those!' Cyc was completely excited. Before Chamnix could answer, Calis said: 'With these thingies, I am sure to be able to change the situation drastically.

Chamnix thought about it for a while, then he said: 'Yes, we can!' grinning diabolically.

Immediately the whole scientific force of The Saberites, Cyc, started to build several of these bombs for testing purposes, he called nukes.

Several months later:

Chamnix, Calis, dutchfire and Cyc met again in the great hall of Chamnix' palace. Cyc proudly explained that he had built the bombs for testing purposes. Chamnix was pleased, but then asked: 'Where are we going to try them out?' 'What about the vast tundra area around Cat's Pajamas? We are going to tell the population that there is no danger for anybody. They'll buy that. For some reason they always do it.' Calis said with a shrug. 'But that's not true!' dutchfire the diplomat said with horror on his face. Cyc looked at him disparagingly and said: 'You were the one who brought us these plans. What did you think we'd be doing with it?' Well, I thought we would use them as a kind of determent!?' Calis laughed at that: 'I am sure our competitors will be fairly deterred after being hit by one of these!' Chamnix agreed with the plan. No sooner said than done, SABER brought their new weapons into position for the testing purposes of what they called...

'The Manhattan Project'

When the leaders of SABER took position to have a good view Cyc said: 'Well gentlemen. May I ask you to bring a little bit more distance between you and the testing area?:'


Everybody agreed and they brought themselves into a save distance. Cyc explained: 'This weapon can either be launched from a land site:


or also from a naval unit':


Calis got really impatient and said: 'Come on Cyc, let's get started with the tests!!'
'Alright, Sir. Here we go':





'Aren't they beautiful?' Cyc asked the other members of the government with a glow on his face. dutchfire had a terrified look on his face: 'I can't believe that we are going to use these horrific weapon against other human beings!' 'You know' Chamnix said calmly, 'I wished we had any other chance than that, but actually we do not have any alternative, I fear.' Calis nodded affirmative. 'Let's see what our targets should be.' he said uncoiling a map of the world of Meleet. 'So what do you guys think, what is going to be our target?. Chamnix', Cycs and Calis' fingers pointed at the map. dutchfire, still under shock looked from one face to the other of his comrades and found them smiling while their fingers rested at exactly the same spot of the map....

Spoiler :

The members of team SABER want to add that this story was only done for role playing purposes and none of the members would in reality see something positive in this kind of weapons! So please note that no one should take this serious, but as an element of the game we are all playing.

Calis of team
'I LIKE THAT! I REALLY LIKE THAT!' Excellent story comrade. I have the codes when you're ready.... :coffee:
Good story, except now I see crosshairs and laser pointers everywhere!
wow ... this is really getting good.
The 11 O'clock Report


Today, in response to reading international reports falsely referring to the Saber nation as criminals, the citizens of Saber dressed in jailbird outfits to report to Mess Hall. Chamnix played Warden (someone had to) and changed the menu to the Memorial Day Special - otherwise known as bread and water. Before entering the Mess Hall and getting their food, each citizen had to have their chain pulled and say the words "Remember the Council".

As you can see in the photo, some of the younger members of the Saber Team needed to stand on a block of wood to meet the height requirement. Cyc, third one back, who forgot to wear his hat, kept mumbling, "Remember the ......, remember....., oh wait, I just had it. What was it? Remember the.....", before offering his spot in the line to the man behind him.

Kind of an odd way to celebrate Memorial Day, but it was all in good fun, and according to most of the participants, a great way to finish up the MTDGII. Chamnix claimed the original menu of Meatloaf would have BOMBED anyway, but reports indicate that most of the citizens eventually NUKED some later for a midnight snack. The entire event seemed to RADIATE victory.


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Can you finish it so i can read the forums please?

Right now it rather looks like they try to delay the end - by any means... :mischief:
The 11 O'clock Report

Chamnix played Warden (someone had to) and changed the menu to the Memorial Day Special - otherwise known as bread and water.

RADIATE victory.​

Bread & water was called "Piss & Punk" when thrown in the Brig.​
:lol: I think I enjoyed that image and story more than I was supposed to!
Ah... the image of Saberites in chains... warms the coldest parts of my heart :D

:thumbsup: Thanks for another great story, CYC!
:lol: I think I enjoyed that image and story more than I was supposed to!
Ah... the image of Saberites in chains... warms the coldest parts of my...

AH-HA! We've discovered a perversion of the General. Can't say no to a man in uniform, eh? ;)

:thumbsup: Thanks for another great story, CYC!
My pleasure, GW.
As part of Saber's ongoing effort to be remembered as the kindest and most accomodating tribe in the World of Meleet, we offer the following screenshots for the lurker(s?):

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