Sanmilie's Mod

Information about the Assasin

In regicide mode the assasin is the most vicious units. This units as stealth attact on all Leader.

The languge isn't very important in civ because anyone know the basic move icon ... The IA is totaly previsible and the text is not important only the sciance name is important and basic trade or other activity ..

French is not a complicate language for english people 80% of all word is similar. Make effort for trying my scenario i can provide you all english text tomorrow.

Please leave me a feedback about my mod ..

Ton mod est vraiment bien mais j'aime moin les graphiques. T'aurais dûe utiliser le pack de Rhye's of civilization (couleurs plus foncés). Si ca serais pas des graphiques trop pâle, je j'ouerais à ton mods à la place de Rhye's of civilization.

Continue ton bon travail
Ce scénario devient trés bon en multijoueurs
a essayer d'urgence
Effectivement, il y a beaucoup de changement interessant .. pour le mod graphique, Je ne connaisait pas celui de Rhye's. Toutefois, il est possible que tu integre uniquement le mod graphique au mien si tu aime plus ce type de terrain.

Wow... This is one of the best mods I have ever played: a lot of new useful units, interesting technologies, etc...

Anyway, I still managed to discover few irritating details:
* When you build city improvements like mines and Forges the city becomes way more powerful, I got my capital to produce 250 shields in first era, while other cities only produce 10-15... That's annoying, because you can build any wonder in few turns and/or create huge armies and take over any other civilization.

* Treasure? Again, what's the deal?

* Some units are very similar like amazone and warrior, so why bother to build warrior if I can have amazone army...

* There is a unit (i forgot its name) which has attack/defense 2 2, but can travel on any terrain as it have been a road.

* What's the deal with civil disorder... When my city grows up to 5-7, the turn to disorder and I can't do anything about it, because I can't manage citizens and convert them to entertainers. I don't mind having slow grown rate, and huge city disorder levels, but at least give me some chance to fight with it.

* Well, on road any unit can travel 6 moves - I think, that's a great idea, but also, because roads are so powerful, I think building it (and also other improvements) should tame more time.

Despite all critics above, this is really a GREAT mod.
* Treasure? Again, what's the deal?

OK .. Treasor, The tresor is a undeletable units this units can give you 237 gold if you capture and bring to your capital .. 1 important think about the tresor this units is usable only if you have enable the capture du tresor rule ..
If yous have delete the labels.txt .. the rule was named capture the princess.

* Some units are very similar like amazone and warrior, so why bother to build warrior if I can have amazone army...

For the similar units, the real difference is the evolution. the warrior ugrade to advance warrior to swordman to advance swordman

The amazone evolve to chevaliere to f laser.. the chose to buld more amazone or warrior vary with the ressource you have.

* What's the deal with civil disorder... When my city grows up to 5-7, the turn to disorder and I can't do anything about it, because I can't manage citizens and convert them to entertainers. I don't mind having slow grown rate, and huge city disorder levels, but at least give me some chance to fight with it.

For disorder, is very simple at the begining is very important to control the evolution, if your city grow too rapidely this city drop in disorder permenantly.
The entertainer become avalable with the tech ritual sacrifice. After ritual sacrifice limite the population and found more luxe ressource. if you have some problem with disorder city you can higher the luxe rate to 70%.

In dispotism gov form, the militia can make content 2 citizen
the max to city grow after ritual sacrifice is 3 with 2 militia is a city.

* There is a unit (i forgot its name) which has attack/defense 2 2, but can travel on any terrain as it have been a road.

The name of this units is the Inquisitor.. this units is very useful only for exploring and territory surveillance. This units upgrade to medieval Inquisitor.

Tanks for your coment is greatly aprecied
This scénar should be to play either in multi or in solo but the level of play should not be lower A MONARCH :D
Exactly VTKC, In my mod some units was balanced for the maximal efficacity for dificulty level the monarch to sid

In solo the lowest dificulty level was monarch
In Multi the lowest dificulty level was regent

Anyway lower than regent is a initiation and fun difficulty level (for relax game, because you have great advantage vs the IA) ...

Units information

The Medieval Inquisitor

Speed : Ultra fast
ADS : 5,3,2 (all terrain as a road) max : 12 move
Utility : Preserving bordrer and detecting spy / assasin.

It's a verry good defence units agains the assasin menace.

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