Scenario Creation Excel Sheet


SLeague Staff
Jan 24, 2011
Hi all,

I used to plan all of my scenarios in an excel sheet that had essentially all of the rules text. I can't remember where I found it and I've been poking around looking for it at the main sites without success. Does anyone have a copy of something that they use to create scenarios that they could send to me please, or post here for all to enjoy?

Hi John,

I’m not entirely certain which reference files you are looking for exactly so I prepared a sort of compendium of resources files for you (see the attached “CIV II”. The zip files include:
  • Sid Meier’s Reference: a series of excel files related to city improvements, advances, wonders along with the base icon grid.
  • Macro language: the text file on the macro language code to use for the event file
  • NotePad++ for Civ: a utility that is very useful when building you event file (it requires the installation of the freeware NotePad++ program to use (essentially just a fancy version of the basic Notepad program))
  • TOTPP: a pdf file that elaborates all the features include in TNO's Test of Time Project
  • A House Divided Excel Files: a series of excel files I always use as a base for designing my scenarios (the samples provided are from my A House Divided scenario).
I've attached a compendium of resources related to TNO's Lua project, which includes:
  • The civ.lua, functions.lua and init.lua files
  • Migrating events to lua.txt
  • SciFi scenario lua example
  • Lua Reference Library PDF
In addition, I’ve included some links you may find useful:

Civilization II Test of Time manual:

Scenario League :
Catfish's Cave now at:
The Cradle of Civilization :

You can find the great work of TheNamelessOne and his The Test Of Time Patch Project here:

Furthermore, with regards creating events file, you should also review the following links from the Scenario League site, which teach you how to use flags and masks:
An Introduction to Flags
Flags and Masks for ToT

and if you require here is another link on Map Transport Relationships:

I hope you will find this useful.


P.S.: your Over the Reich scenario served in part as a source of inspiration for my own facet of the air war for my Vietnam scenario. Thanks!


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This is beyond what I was looking for - THANK YOU VERY MUCH :)

As an aside I plan on trying out your Vietnam scenario very soon as I want to see what TOTPP can do!
Hi John,

I'm glad I could be able to help. I think you will find that TOTPP opens up a whole new series of features that make designing scenarios a lot more interesting (and the PDF reference guide I sent you is a great tool for locating and implementing them).

By all means feel free to poke around in my Vietnam scenario as I've taken advantage of a great many of TNO's functionality (though beware of the Attacks per turn feature which only appears to work correctly for the first 81 units of the icon grid).
Hi John,
By all means feel free to poke around in my Vietnam scenario as I've taken advantage of a great many of TNO's functionality (though beware of the Attacks per turn feature which only appears to work correctly for the first 81 units of the icon grid).

Thanks! I'm not sure if I'll need to incorporate the attacks feature or not. I just did some testing to see if it would allow multiple attacks for aircraft that have (2) or more turns of movement, but unfortunately it does not override this. I was hoping that I could better differentiate units such as the 262 by letting them attack a few times.

While that sadly won't work, I can use the feature to at least balance aircraft like the Me163 that are only going to have (1) turn of movement to make sure that they don't become overpowered.

Thanks for all your help,
I don't suppose anyone has a copy of Kobayashi's Battle Outcome Simulator? The link is broken.
Sorry to bump, cause while I've seen a LOT of good stuff here, there's a few gaps I can't seem to find.

One is a good guide to using Goody huts (some of the unit spawns are covered in the Barbarian paper, but that doesn't account for multiple maps, unit restrictions on such a map nor the chances for settlers, gold amounts, or if there's a way in practice to restrict the scrolls of ancient wisdom to certain technologies but not others)

A guide to airport and starport interception chances and design AI so that interception becomes a real threat to the player.

If there is any effect of multilevel worlds on trade payout or bribe costs?

Best practices for using multiple maps and them not being mostly a waste of space. This especially is important for getting the AI to colonize new spaces.

How to get the AI to best develop their cities, both in infrastructure and in improvements.

A guide on house rules so you an tell you, players, not to do certain exploits that will cripple the AI to be any kind of challenge. Instead of restricting unit access, let the player know what the exploits are and thus to avoid them to keep balance.

And though not a scenario creation thing, if there's a way to start a new game with multiple maps where one is pre-existing map and the others are randomly generated.
Does anyone have a spreadsheet that calculates win/loss percentages between units? I think Kobayashi made one at some point.
Hi commited_hero,

I'm not certain. Is the first tab, Civ2 Combat Probability Calc, of the attached excel file what you were looking for?


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