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Settler DI

Lelouch was fortunate enough to miss the annual Guard Appreciation Party this year - he was contaminated with the flu. After a quick barf session, he wandered the empty palace corridors, for he was lost in his sick daze. As he passed the library, he saw there were a few candles on. Thinking he was hallucinating, Lelouch continued on. The king exited the palace and stumbled toward the Great Temple Complex, a series of temples worshipping each god of the Zulu pantheon. Of course, only Lelouch knew they truly existed. He saw the temples of Atom, Markatros, and even MoreEpicThanYou, who had seemed to favore a distant civilization over the Zulu. Personally, Lelouch hated him. Then came the grand temple to Kira, the God of Death. Lelouch saw the people who followed Kira to be extremely creepy, for they worshipped death. Then came the run-down old hut that was a poor excuse for a temple. The temple to Herikot was not only a complete fail in the visual arts, but it was also undermanaged. No one worshipped the God of Suffering.
"Sad, isn't it?" a voice suddenly appeared beside Lelouch. The king turned and saw Herikot. "The idiots of this kingdom worship death more than they do suffering. Congratulations on getting slavery, by the way. However, before you can attempt my great trials, I ask you one more thing. A few more things, actually. First of all, I want a building, any building constructed in my name. But not with normal building methods. I want you to use purely slaves on the building, no payed masons, no payed artisans. Just slaves. Secondly, I want you to strike fear into the hearts of people everywhere. First, I want you to kill multitudes of soldiers, your own or your enemies. I don't care. So, I bid you farewell, and be sure to remember my quests."
Just then Herikot vanished from Lelouch's sight. He continued wandering.


1) Rush any building from the beginning (as in whip it on turn 1 of building it)
2) Kill five units. Can be any five. Your enemies's, your own, can be soldiers, workers, or even great people (which would just be idiotic)
does deleting the units count as killing them?
cool, will probobly add in story tomorrow, i really forgot how easy settler is, lol. I am wondering who to thank for messing with celtia, as i just spamed impis at them and killed everything. also METY, 2 ivory and iron? really?
Just read the story. Very humorous. :lol:
And when are you going to make the next update? I'm already getting impatient. :p
im going to play tomorrow, so get your edits in. ill finiish the story tomorrow i think
EDIT plaing on the 25th as i am feeling sick right now
Playing now
cool, if you want to edit, feel free, somthing came up and i was unable to play the playset. i will try to play it tomorrow
Here is your quest:
Lelouch walked hunched over to his bedroom. He was over-worked with all of the gods' quests. As he lay down, an unknown man appeared at the foot of his bed. He was used to this kind of thing by now, but this god was different. He had vines growing all over his body, and was covered in flowers. Strangest of all, he had a huge lump of orange hair on his head.
The vine-man walked up to his bed, and then jumped onto Lelouch, pinning him down. Lelouch was stunned. He tried to wiggle out of it, but couldn't move.
"Stay." the god said in a strangely un-godlike voice. "I have been in to the temples, and have seen that there is not a single temple devoted to Coco, the Wilderness God! How can anyone live on a planet and not pray to the god who made it livable!"
He jumped up, taking Lelouch with him. He walked over to the window, and Lelouch was horrified at what he saw.
"Now," Coco said "I will undo all of this beautiful, colorful, natural- Uh, I mean "destruction", if you tell your people to start praying to me. Got it?"
Lelouch was still in shock and only nodded. At that moment, Coco was engulfed in his own vines, and disappeared into the foliage.
Your Quest: To found and convert to Cocoism (Islam). You don't have a time limit because the punishment I gave you is already enough. If you complete this, I will undo all of the damage. Good luck!

Don't You Dare, Lelouch:
Spoiler :
I filled his entire empire with jungles, even the water tiles, making food extremely rare. I also added bears outside of his borders, making it a perilous journey from city to city.


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this is not dead, i'm swamped with college work, and I am unable to play the update. Will update as soon as i have the spare time to do so
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