Settler Overlay? Attached to cursor?


Dec 17, 2010
I am unsure WHICH mod did this or if it was just a fluke, but I was installing a few mods (I can give a detailed list if need be what I currently have) and at one point my settlers, when actively selected, would attach a 3x3 hex grid overlay to your cursor.

It would mimic the workable tiles of a city once placed at the location of the cursor and was colored to indicate clashing tiles with other cities (white), resources that could be worked (purple), useful, workable land with no resources (green) and tiles that provided no yield or were unworkable (red).

Does anyone know what mod this was or how to reacquire this? It was SUPREMELY handy.

If anyone knows what mod did this or . . . anything, I'd be deeply appreciative. This was a really awesome option to have.

[edit] FOUND IT! Hold Ctrl while using CQUI and having a settler selected!
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