Settlers maps


's and Fall creator
May 23, 2001
Japan / Italy / Germany
Here's your chance to contribute actively!

Grab this file

and fill it with a civ you like
You can see an example from the Etruscan sheet, and edit the template.
Key for colour and number of the cells is shown below the map.
It's more convenient copying and pasting cells rather than directly writing numbers in it.

Here are the coordinates of the capitals:

(40, 19), #tMemphis
(61, 30), #tBabylon
(54, 30), #tByblos
(54, 25), #tJerusalem
(56, 41), #tHattusas
(42, 35), #tAthens
(24, 44), #tVolterra
(38, 32), #tSparta
(71, 28), #tPersepolis
(20, 28), #tCarthage
(35, 45), #tArgos Orestikon
(25, 41), #tRome
(18, 54), #tBibracte
(46, 46), #tByzantium

EDIT: One important thing to remember is to add forbidden marks (3) to areas where other nearby civs are expected to spawn or settle important cities
I'm going to start by filling in the mountains first, I'll try at least.
(I'll actually start with Africa, I got a Yankee game at 5:00, and school tomorrow.)
Here is the settler map for the Hittites.
Notes for syncroers: The northern 700 is Hattusas, the Southern is Kanesh. The 500 in the west is Sardes, the southern Tarsus. The southernmost 400 in Phoenicia is Ugarit.


Here is the map for the Byzantines. Some remarks:

1) 700 means Constantinople and surroundings.
2) 500 should be core area of the byzantine empire, which means Thrace and parts of Asia Minor
3) 400 are the areas which were mostly under Byzantine rule for the next 1000 years, that is Hellas and Thessaly togeher with western Asia Minor.
4) 300 simulates the important area after the collapse of West-Rome.
5) 50 are areas which would extand the Byzantine borders to the extent of the east of the Roman empire around 200 A.D.
6) 90 are areas which were conquered under Justinian. They are marked as unwanted since that would lead into a concflict with Rome, which should be avoided.

What do you think about it?


Well, for me at least, it would help for reference with your map, I would like to know where mountains are, like around the Nile for example.
Well I had a stab at Carthage. Basically I've encouraged them to settle the entire western Mediterranean coast, apart from the core area of Rome and Etruria and the Greek colonies.
Here's Carthage and Phoenicia.

I was not sure what to put in the Carthage area for the Phoenician map, so I chose 70 (yellow). I put some yellow near Jerusalem too. Perhaps it should be all red?

I realized that Iberia is really weird in your map (the Pyrenees look like they're in the middle of it), but I did what I could :p. I hope it's all right.

EDIT: Seems Úmarth beat me to Carthage (and by just a few minutes too). Now you've got two versions (I didn't put anything in Italy, but mine has more of Iberia and more details... maybe too many details too :p). And I have to agree with both Úmarth and Zachscape on the terrain thing.


I know this is off topic, but that Yankee game I said I went to, I had Suite seats, right next to Kate Hudson, and possibly some of A-Rod's family. Great time... and now for school :sad:
I'm trying to make the settler map for Israel, however if I put 700 in the Jerusalem spot it makes the entire column bigger, I think it's because instead of 700 it writes 700.00, how can I remove the .00 that is automatically put at the end?
I'm trying to make the settler map for Israel, however if I put 700 in the Jerusalem spot it makes the entire column bigger, I think it's because instead of 700 it writes 700.00, how can I remove the .00 that is automatically put at the end?

just copy and paste from the cells in the key below. You don't have to write numbers yourself
Thanks Rhye, Here's the file.
500 Are areas the main areas of Israel and Judea, 400 are the areas where the tribes of Manases (northern one), Gad (middle one) and Ruben (southern one) settled, but these areas weren't part of the Kingdom of Israel or Judea.
300 are Edom, Amnon and Moab, local people who the Israelites were first at war with and occupied some of their territories (Judges) and were later allies (for example against Assyria). I guess these fit more to the war maps if there will be indy cities there.
200 is Sinai, which I guess could be lower or entirely removed.
And 3 is of course Phoenicia.

It seems like there's only room for 2 more cities besides Jerusalem, if not taking into account non-core areas.


I was trying to do the map for athens but i'm not shure how to fill athens considered only a city state with his few colonyes or something wider?
I was thinking at the Delian for now i filled it like athens represents that league...

let me know if it's right how i intended it ;)

so for now 700 is Athens, 500 is the Attica, 400 are colonies and cleurchyes, 300 are succub members of the Delian League and 50 are allies and their colonies...


Suggested Settler Map for Byzantium attached (still subject to revision during playtesting).They won't be doing much settling but they need it for stability.

The map is in text form ready to insert in In the spoilered image below you can also see my suggested UHV 1 areas.

Spoiler Image of Byzantine SettlersMap :
RFC-GW Byzantine Settlers.png

RFC-GW Setter Value Key.png


I've started reimplementing settler maps, and found this in CvUnitAI::AI_settleMove:
//Rhye - start switch
/*if (AI_foundRange(FOUND_RANGE))

if (AI_found())

/*if (AI_found())
//AI_found() is readded in BTS;
//when it is active, the following is ignored unless the city site is < 150.
//The steps are added in CvPlayerAI::AI_updateCitySites() as well.
if (AI_found_map(700))
if (AI_found_map(500))
if (AI_found_map(400))
if (AI_found_map(300))
if (AI_found_map(200))
if (AI_found_map(150))
if (AI_found_map(90))
/*if (GET_TEAM((TeamTypes)getOwnerINLINE()).isHasTech((TechTypes)COMPASS))
   if (AI_found_map(60))
   if (AI_found_map(40))
if (GET_TEAM((TeamTypes)getOwnerINLINE()).isHasTech((TechTypes)ASTRONOMY))
   /*if (AI_found_map(20))
   /*if (AI_found_map(3))
//Rhye - end
AI_found_map only does a thing if the value passed to it corresponds to the given value on the settler map... so in RFGW, a value of 20 actually means blocking the AI from ever settling the site. (Don't let the comment fool you, AI_found and AI_foundRange are never called either.)
Now the question is, should I keep this weird behavior or should it be changed somehow? I've thought of just changing the CvPlot::getFoundValue function to take settler map values into account as well (as it does in base BtS RFC) and just letting AI_found and AI_foundRange do their job, but that might make AI city settling patterns less historical.
20 was the default for unallocated/water in Rhye's; 3 was the "don't settle here" value. Of courae he may have change it for GW.

(In my pic of Byzantines, "3" in the key is 300 in the map file; I shorten the display values for clarity to avoid "##" wherever the number is to long)
20 was the default for unallocated/water in Rhye's; 3 was the "don't settle here" value. Of courae he may have change it for GW.

(In my pic of Byzantines, "3" in the key is 300 in the map file; I shorten the display values for clarity to avoid "##" wherever the number is to long)
Yeah he changed it in this mod so I ended up just using what Rhye originally used in RFC for multiplying plot settler values. That appears to do the job just fine.
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