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SGOTM 11 - Godzilla is a monster

Well, actually, I did play it 'tomorrow', but the blackout messed with our routers (I was in the library when I posted the first time) and our internet's been dead.

I've had access to the internet (the library), but not to an internet-accessing Civ computer.

I just got done fixing it now, so the turnlog and save will be incoming.

EDIT: I do realize it's just been one excuse after the other, and I'm terribly sorry it's taken me so long to get the turn done. I haven't exactly been the most dependable player in this SG and I'll try to improve that for the rest of the game.
I just got done fixing it now, so the turnlog and save will be incoming.
so, are you playing this or played it? I mean 10 turns aren't that terribly long...
My exams are FINALLY over, so whenever it's up, I'll take and play it. Repeatedly.
Just post a got it when you do, otherwise I will.
I can also play but not alone, so maybe 2 of us can finish this...just play, TLM hs not been playing apparently and I don't think we should wait also...
Going then.
The Save

I couldn't take down Mecca: first attack went with 1HP loss, second brought the army down to 2hp, but I could get some gold out of peace so I did it before compromising the army.

I swear I looked and made sure I had a knight at home ready to fight off boat landings, but appearantly I forgot to cross-check myself and France has a free landing here.

Korea sneak attacked us on my turn 4, the offense was readily destroyed without losses and they bring more.

Right now we are undermanned if we want to fight wars against 4 opponents, so we nede to get these 2 armies together on the field for systematic genocides. 1 opponent at a time. China, before riders pop up, sounds wise to me.

We are undermanned much, and we need more tiles worked - I say we join a bunch of these workers we have. They are pretty much done anyways.

Soon we will have a lot of land on which to farm beakers, so I wouldn't worry about making universities and such. Just push our pop up and the troops to the frontline.
ok, will play some turns tomorrow then..today need to celebrate xmas already...
ok, will play some turns tomorrow then..today need to celebrate xmas already...
Sounds like work to me ! :lol: Try and have fun ;)
Sounds like work to me ! Try and have fun
no, no...but I certainly miss xmas back home where the family would reunite and all...here in this weird place people party on 24th and count down...that's what you get in a country that has no 'real' knowledge what xmas means...really sad
nothing much

IT lose the town to the French as expected, Vikings + Germans join the war against us

take city back, merge some workers
defeat some Koreans LB's

attack an Indian city and we are at war with China + Japan...thus use knight army to raze Hangchow

raze Madras using the MDI army, Indians are bleeding already

defeat some random units, march towards Canton

we get some Korean landing near Iron works
cover city, take out 2 muskets in Canton

IT we defeat a war elephant and the landed LB
French unload 4 units next to Ironworks
Americans join the war, this is getting worse

China would go for peace at least for the time being...
1st raze Canton, then Hyderabad..time for peace
get that +15gold and we are only at war with Germany/France etc...this was unavoidable
too few troops...we still have 4 troops of French to deal with
get 3 knight into Iron Works

IT the RnG os incredible as we lose all 3 knights and lose Ironworks
we get chemistry

defeat 2 intruders, only a wounded knight left
somehow need to increase lux to 40%, unreal

get us Ironworks back

IT France lands another unit in our land, we ca ill afford...go for peace with Vikings

found Tugela and Ispezi to claim more lands towards China

Korea has a ton of money and is the tech leader, we should go after them

3 Civs know metal, since we need such a high lux, we take ages...keep pumping knights and once some deal

expires, go after China then Korea...we can get Civs to declare by asking them to leave

get some more settlers also

Alright, more homeland security, more settling expansibility, paint a target on Korea. Playing
Good job getting peace from the other continent :thumbsup:
I blew it all up though :mischief:

Have Korea declare on us, send 2 knight armies towards them. Prepare a raiding party for when China will declare on us.

630: Can't get through Chinese territory, we get auto-declare boot message on the frist turn of occupation.

650: Russia and Japans ally against us; I can't wait for China to join in.

670: We're still stalled in our territory with a never-happening war. However America has wool to trade so with WH and wools we get a very very lucrative 20% lux tax at work.

680: World War 3 kick start. Ottomans and Europe - save America and France - are not at war with us, that's it.

690: Raze Beijing. America allies against us, so we lose the deal.

700: Our troops are spread very thin. I got lucky with elephants so far but Ansars seem to take at least one with them every time. Pushing through India and Japan will be the safest and easiest right now, and they have furs+ivory down there. This is what makes me :drool: the most. Korean techs and gold are nice too, but getting their allies out once and for all would be priceless.

The knight armies are awkwardly dispatched in an over-agressive campaign, in retrospect, and the mace army is headed west with the crusader defense party.
The save and the map:

All attacks were weak and shaky except the egyptians', so far. I'd be wary of the japanese and arabs, but the others should pose no real threat.

:xtree::xmassign: :xtree:
got it...will play again tomorrow or so
Forgot to report: there's an egyptian and a french boat that are headed towards the Iron Works region. I'd leave the next knight or two produced to patrol that area.
nothing much

IT we win 2 fights on defense luckily, could have cost us a town as thin as we are spread

take Shanghai for the loss of 1 knight, keep it for now

IT Egypt and Arabia come streaming into our territory

relaize we can get banking from England for chemistry, do that deal
lose a knight taking out some ACav...this is bad...then game crashes, reload

IT Egypt suicides 5 units at Swazi, but we lose a knight to japanese Acav again

manage to capture Xinjian...
several cities are threatened and I do some creative shifting of units...defeat some, but we might lose a city

IT this must have been the luckiest defense I ever had...we defeat 4 Acav, 1 templar, 2 knights, getting this...

we only lose 2 knights in the process and lose no city

decide to give up Xinjian, we need that army to keep Shanghai
to make matters worse, lose a knight on flat aginst a redlined Ottoman knight
take a risk and rush pentagon in Shanghai

IT nailbiting stuff as Ottoman waste a further 4 knight at Shanghai, our army there holds

move one army to Chengdu
the usual shifting, spicy town threaten this time, take out 2 units

IT wow, we are so lucky, 1st mace almost takes out our mace army, then 3 more units lose and we keep the city
Egypt lands unit at Ironworks, we get metal

get astronomy from England for metal
attack Tientsin and get another leader
take the city and decide to rush HE there

take out Chengdu and China is gone :dance:
as there are too many Japanese units around and the Egyptian side still refuses to go for peace, decide to make peace with Korea for now

get 2 luxes from Japan for spices and metal, still need to increase lux to 40%

IT Egypt defeats 1 knight at Ironworks, but loses 2 units, barb uprising near Amatikulu

move an amry next to Basra...now they get it from us, take out Arab settler pair
take out remaining Egyptian knight

IT French waste their 2 landed knights

now, this should hurt, defeat 2 pikes and burn Basra

IT oh, this could get ugly as I spot an Ottoman sipahi...

Russia has some units in our territory, but our army is close to Mecca, should take that out

IT oh my, desaster strucks as sipahis take out our wounded knight army :cry:

as Egypt is willing to go for peace and attacked with Cavalry already, no choice but go for peace
found Zunguin to claim horses in the south, we have 2 more settlers there...
take out French landing

I guess we need to go after Korea in the end, or start with Japan and India once we have cavalry
Korea has all the money, but no salt...this would be our chance after all

there are some trades, leave it to next player

Looks like we needed that peace treaty quite bad. Now, do we go against Sipahis and Cossacks or do we make boats to land on foreign shores?

I'm certainly tempted to start making caravels for overseas expeditions.

Korea and Japan will go first though.
Good news:
We have all luxuries traded in and infrastructure has been building up. We are back on competitive grounds, tech-wise, and as we gain land and science farms this will only get better. I'm not going to build military academy because by the time we get an army out the game will be a totally different one. Maybe if we get really lucky on leaders ... I do think that our 2nd or 3rd cavalry leader should go into HE rather than in an army - with MIL and a lot of cavs, we will get a lot of elite fights to take advantage from.

Here's a tempting trade, but not necessarily a good one since it would give arabia meaner ways to fight us:

If we try to end this with cavalries, it would not be a wise move imho. I felt it should be mentionned though.

Bad news:
Vikings invaded and they drew Russia in their war. Russia has neither horses nor salt, so they are no imminent threat to us.

We do not have the gold in our back pocket to upgrade all our knights, 8 or so of them were called back from the frontline and are awaiting upgrade gold near Spot On. I would cancel research for a turn or two and upgrade them at the cost of a turn on physics.

The Save, 900AD

In short: I just spent 10 building infra and maxing corrupt cities for food; watch out for Russians and Vikings, keep building up a punching glove, and go grab the asian lands. After that, it's a choice between making boats or fighting against sipahis.
Looking at the score and territory curves, I'd take the guess that most other teams saved up, built up and started invading with cavalries once they had reached it up. Or maybe they made a lot of knights and went overboard as soon as they had caravels.

Either way we aren't at the bottom of the pile, but I think Monarchy has hurt us a lot in techs - everyone jumping up around 500AD on that start sounds like cavalries to me.
yes, maybe we started warring too early. But with a disrupted game like this, I did not expect great play.
It's basically down to 2 of us and I think we should just have fun now...got it
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