[BTS] An impossible challenge


Aug 10, 2023
Recently I played a very exciting game, using the 1000AD map provided by @constantinople. We were born in the New World. When the Crusades were carried out in the Old World, our civilization had just begun to develop, and our technology was extremely backward. The goal is to achieve conquest victory within a limited number of rounds. If you are interested enough in this play, I will be very glad to share the complete report below this thread. Please reply to let me know that you want to see the full report.


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Game setting
Speed: Marathon
Start Round: 500T(1000AD)
Goal: Conquest victory before 1000T
Civilization and Leader: Free to choose, except not to overlap with AI, please let me know your choice in the comments:worship:
Place of birth: Free to choose, but must be in the new world, which location do you think is the most suitable?
Spoiler Among these locations :

Difficulty: Deity
Starting Tech: mysticism, polytheism, priesthood, monarchy, currency, fishing, agriculture, wheel, sailing, pottery, writing, mathematics, mining, masonry, BW
Starting Units: 2*settlers+2*workers+3*warriors
Extra Settings: no barbs (because you could never deal with barbs in marathon speed)
no tribal village
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