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SGOTM 12 - T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't

PS is just relating his perverse sexual practices.

Don't you use a monkey ?
Good job I didn't say what my only phrase in German is then.
There is some discussion in the sign up thread of what to do with the allocated players (there are 9 of them): distribute them among the existing teams or make them a new team.

Do we want to chime in on the issue? I think we are currently the same size we were for the last game (lost Earthling and Chris, gained Benigal and Alamankarazieff).
I don't have a strong opinion on the matter. It is certainly useful for teams to have at least some experience, but size also matters (at both ends).
One more player would do no harm IMO, but it is not a big enough issue to be getting worked up about.
If players get allocated to us, then we will make them welcome.
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